What Really Happened in the 2020 Presidential Election – Beyond the Fraud?

This is a topic that I had been going back and forth on how to write.  Specifically, do I turn this into a Trib Rising post, or do I create a social media post and concentrate on the short version to get it out there.  In the end I settled on starting with the social media post, and then adding it to Trib Rising.  With the project format I will add additional scriptural insights, and the additional resources that usually accompany the full size projects.


It became apparent to me that it was more important to get this information out sooner rather than later.  Given the struggle that many are having over what happened in the election this is definitely a much needed article.  The Trib rising version will eventually contain more detail than this post.  For now, I will keep the subject short and to the point – by my standards, anyhow.

Who am I kidding – this will end up being a full project.

** It should be noted that this project has been in the works for several months.  During that time a number of other developments occurred which go with the 2020 election as a part of the same prophetic plan and action.  You will see these different developments referenced at different point in the project.

Like many of you, I have spent a great deal of time contemplating the 2020 election.  I have spent a great deal of time in prayer.  I have experienced the ups and downs.  I have went through the myriad of emotions.  We have all experienced the 26 levels of grief that have come with what we have witnessed.  This has encompassed everything from the deepest heartbreak to absolute denial of any thoughts regarding the election to keep from thinking about it.  Some days have been better.  Some days have been worse.

I have spent much time in prayer, as have many of you.  We have listened to the differing opinions.  We have listened to the different prophetic revelations that have been offered.  Some from trusted sources, other not so much.  I have watched some of the more trusted news sources, though sadly, they are few and far between.

Like you, I have sat stunned at the sheer level of fraud, and just how far and wide it stretches!  If there is one thing for certain, it’s that everything we ever held as conventional wisdom of secrets and conspiracies has been thrown right out the window.  Even where there was knowledge beforehand as to what was coming, the vast scale and size was unfathomable.  The scope of the fraud in this election has become the stuff of legend.  Like you, I never even imagined that this many people could keep this many secrets, stretched across so many enterprises, requiring so many different and varied resources.  Even where there were unforeseen circumstances during the fraud, such as the sheer number of Trump voters literally breaking the vote counting algorithm in the Dominion machines, the machinery in place to deal with contingencies was utterly incredible.

What’s more is that even with the fraud having been known in principle prior to the election, it occurred on such a scale that even advanced warning and intelligence were unable to fully and completely counter what was occurring!

As it turns out this was just the first part of the battle.

As the legal teams got to work and began collecting and compiling the evidence and preparing the legal cases, it soon became apparent that this fraud extended well beyond just the initial steal.  We sat in stunned disbelief as court after court literally refused to even hear the evidence.  We watched the coordinated efforts of big tech and social media to suppress all efforts to get the evidence to the people.  Then came the Texas case – if there was ever going to be a case that finally received an actual evidentiary hearing it was Texas.  Then came the word that the Supreme Court would not even take the case!  Somehow an original jurisdiction case lacked standing!  It was unfathomable!

Thankfully the state legislatures have been willing to hold conference hearings, otherwise the growing mountain of evidence would never have been exposed.  However, we have received a real time civics lesson in state government during these hearings as we learned that in most states, it takes the Governor to call a special or emergency session to get the full legislature back in the building.  This has effectively prevented any of the committee votes from hitting the floor for full votes to decertify fraudulent electors.

We watch and read the tweets that come out regarding the explosive evidence that has been uncovered not just regarding the election, but also regarding many of the actors.  That has been another source of great consternation.  We all knew that politics was a dirty business.  However there are good politicians out there.  Sadly, we never anticipated the incredible level of infiltration that the corruption had achieved.  It seems with every tweet and post announcing massive evidence we watch and wait further as the clock continues to run.

On a side note, the clock isn’t quite as rigid as it would seem.  There is precedence for the inauguration extending past the January 20th date.  We have had at least one Presidential election where the disputes were not settled until March, at which time the President was sworn in.  So yes, it is actually possible to extend past January 20th.  You cannot swear in a President where one does not exist.

All the while, we began to watch as the many bad actors came out of the woodwork.  I’m not talking about the usual suspects.  Rather, I’m talking about those who are supposed to be allied with the President.  These are folks that should know better than what they are doing.  These are folks that should know what is waiting on the other side.  They speak of impending socialism.  Many of these actors are more than willing to stand for the Georgia Senate runoff election, yet they are willing to step away and allow tyranny to succeed in the Presidential election.

It is no surprise that most of these so-called “conservatives” are older, and have already amassed their political fortunes.  They have the means to shield themselves from the fallout of the socialist onslaught that is at the door – or so they think.  Unfortunately, they themselves have somehow missed the chapters in the rapidly vanishing history books which show that the appeasers are among the very first to be exterminated once socialism takes power.  These are appeasers with power and some level of following.  That makes every last one of them a threat to the incoming socialist power structure.  The great irony in all of this is that is isn’t actually the known enemies of the fascist state which die first.  It is many of the so-called allies and low level supporters.  These are the threats to the newly formed power base.  Many of the Antifa and BLM actors would do well to understand this.

The first real target of Hitler’s wrath was his own Brown Shirts.  They were soon exterminated and replaced with the black shirts. The appeasers were right there as well.  In fact, any supposed supporter and ally that had any semblance of power, support, or an ability to speak out were the first to die.  They represented the most immediate threat to the newly installed power structure.

Somehow, almost inexplicably, these so-called conservative politicians seemed to have missed that socialism is nearly unstoppable if you open the door to it.  Yet that is exactly what they did.  It became clear that there was a mindset that if they sacrifice the presidency this one time it would soon be “business as usual”.  However, they missed – yet again from history – that business never returns to “usual”.  They somehow missed that the overarching goal of socialism to the morphing into full communism, and that anyone who espoused ANY ideology contrary to the statist line must be eliminated.  It’s as though history was giving us a replay of Neville Chamberlain and his deal with the devil.  “Peace in our time!” seems to be the great cry as these short sighted politicians sell out the legacy of our Founding Fathers.

As of this writing, we now look to January 6th.  We see the events that are unfolding.  We watch as additional cases are moved into the sphere of SCOTUS, yet we now are skeptical to say the least.  We have read with disgust the reports of John Roberts actively moving against the President, both from fear of the violent left and hatred.  We watch as Congressmen and Senators prepare for challenges, but we know that the House of Representatives is a problem.  We wonder about the Vice President.  There is legal justification for him to do the right thing and reject fraudulent electors.  After all, this became established and accepted doctrine when Thomas Jefferson himself did the very same thing, and essentially gave himself the presidency.  Yet, it appears more and more as though the Vice President himself is removing this possibility from the table.

We have watched as the reports have filtered out from within the White House itself, and the level of betrayal against the President has become more and more clear.  Those who were supposed to be trusted advisors have been shown to be treacherous, working against the interest of the President and the American people.  The President has truly become a man alone.

Perhaps the most stunning development in all of this has been the absolute coordination of the main stream media.  What made this component so stunning wasn’t that the usual players were decidedly against the President.  We had, quite sadly, become accustomed to their agenda.  Rather, it was the betrayal that none of us ever expected – even those who had grown critical of one media source in particular.  What happened on election night with Fox news truly turned out to be one of the great public betrayals of our time.  As I said, even those that were growing suspicious of the steady left turn that was becoming more evident at Fox could not have seen the single night shift that occurred.

In the space of 24 hours Fox News completely turned on its most loyal audience.  It was almost as though this had been planned, and a target date had been prepared in advance.  The election would be the perfect time to betray the millions of supporters they once had.  Under all of the noise of the election, they truly felt that could blend in their betrayal, and shift seamlessly onto their new agenda.  It was almost as though they knew what was coming.

To that end there was the candidate himself.  The campaign of Joe Biden defied reason.  To call his victory improbable is to be very generous in your description of what happened.  As the technical experts would soon test and confirm, the victory of Joe Biden wasn’t merely improbable.

It was mathematically, statistically and physically impossible.  Not impossible as conjecture, but impossible as literally defying the actual laws of mathematics and science.

Joe Biden was quite literally the walking definition of what “the very worst and most improbable candidate” means.  Not to be outdone, Kamala Harris was literally the worst performer in the Democrat primary process, being forced to drop out before even a single primary vote had been cast.  Together, they comprised of the very worst presidential candidate team in modern history, if not all of US history.  Under any other circumstance they could not have been elected to even the lowest local offices as a team.

Yet, 2020 was no ordinary year.  This does not begin to touch on the other improbable events that made 2020 the most prophetic year in nearly 2,000 years.  More on this in a moment.

We could spend another 20 pages simply outlining all of the anomalies that reveal the very impractical nature of this election.  I have no doubt that numerous books are in the works as we speak.  The 2020 election has become the stuff of legend, and the level of scholarship it presents will undoubtedly become the central theme for many a doctoral thesis.  However, all of this has left us with a subtle, nagging sensation that we just can’t shake.  Through all of that which has transpired, we have all arrived at the same undeniable sensation.

The election of 2020 was, quite literally, an impossibility.

Sadly I could go on with everything that literally defied reason and logic in this election.  However, the further I go into all of these anomalies, the further I get from the actual message I am supposed to give.  Suffice it to say that all of this has left us in a state of stunned, disconnected disbelief.  I think that description is actually quite generous.  So, we go back and forth in our minds attempting to make sense of these things.  How many hours have we spent in prayer?  We remain faithful to the Lord, and we remain ready to stand.  As of this writing the battle continues forward.  January 6th is approaching, and the hundreds of thousands – if not more than a million – supporters of the President are already enroot to the protest that is forming.  We know that evidence will be laid out during the counting of the electoral votes.  We know there will be challenges.  We even know that January 6th is not the end date for all of this.  We are not sure what to expect over the coming week.

Through all of this there has been a sense of things that we could not put our fingers on.  Of course we know that the Lord lifts kings up, and He tears kings down.  We have recounted the many scriptures that typically apply to these situations in an effort to make sense of what is unfolding before our very own eyes.  We are also acutely aware that the entire planet is watching with great trepidation.  The events that transpire here, over the next month, will change the fate of not just our nation, but the entire planet forever.  It represents a potential shift of the balance of global power from the west to the east.  Knowing that this is a shift that occurs based on biblical patterns provides little comfort at the moment.

Yet, we knew these things had to come.  Rather, we knew academically that they had to come.  We did not know to what degree as the Bible does not specifically spell this out.  We knew on an academic level that things had to move into place prophetically for the soon return of the Lord and the advent of the seven year tribulation.  The timing with which events of the tribulation begin requires that certain things be in place prior to the sounding of the last trump.

The Times of Prophetic Preparation.

There is an old saying that really bears truth in the times in which we find ourselves.  “To know where you are going, you must know where you have been”.  We can add to that that must also know where you are.  To that end we must take a moment to reflect on the prophetic nature of our current times and seasons.  So, where exactly do we find ourselves currently?

I refer to our current times and seasons as a time of prophetic preparation.  What I mean is this.  We are currently watching as the Lord move the pieces into place for the soon return of the Jesus Christ and the advent of the tribulation.  The timing with which these events begin is nothing less than staggering.  What emerges globally on the other side of the starting events is a drastically different world that functions in a completely unknown, never before seen manner.  In order for this to be possible, many of the things we read about in the opening chapters of the Book of Revelation – chapter four forward – must be in place and ready to go prior to the sounding of the last trump.

I have written a number of times on the season of prophetic preparation, both on social media and at various points on Trib Rising.  It is no stretch to say that since fall of 2015 we have been in a different, almost surreal world.  We saw these rise and election of Donald Trump – who was at that point the most improbable candidate we had ever seen before in the history of the US.  What followed after his election was nothing less than staggering from a prophetic standpoint, as well as a purely political standpoint.  I won’t recount the different political points and accomplishments.  If you are reading this project you likely are already well aware of just what Trump has accomplished in just four short years.  You are also aware of sheer volume of vitriol and contempt he has faced as well from the political establishment.

The real significance of the Trump Administration has been in the prophetic events that have transpired in just four short years regarding Israel.  The three events which have the greatest impact are the moving of the embassy to Jerusalem, dropping out of the JCPOA, and declaring Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and the Abraham Accords.  I cannot put into simple words the prophetic impact of these events, and especially the Abraham Accords.  Until the Accords there were several scriptures in Daniel chapter 11 which remained a mystery. These regard the king of the south, and his efforts to oppose the Antichrist.  Of course, by the end of the first 42 months of the tribulation the Antichrist sits poised to invade Israel and assume control over all the earth.  However, that first 42 months will be a time to conflict and trouble for the Antichrist.

There is another interesting aspect to the Abraham Accords I have not addressed in any of my work.  The Accords provide something to Israel that she will need, and seemed non-existent until now.

That need would be an ally after the US falls from the world stage. 

It is no mystery that the US is not found in Bible prophecy.  This is strange given the position we occupy currently in the run up to the tribulation.  Yet, here we are, completely absent from the pages of the Bible.  There have been attempts to stretch a scripture or two in order to make space for the US.  However, these attempts disregard a basic understanding of how biblical prophecy actually works, and how lands and empires are defined.  The simple truth is that we are not there.

With us gone Israel will be all alone.  That is, until the Abraham Accords.

The Accords provide a framework for Israel to establish new ties with other nations that share a common interest in countering the movements of Iran and Turkey.  The Accords also provide the framework for a new understanding of security, intelligence, and defense.  This is exemplified by the willingness of the Trump Administration to engage in arms deals with the accord nations which will ultimately balance the scales between the nation that will eventually form a southern empire, and the soon to form northern empire that will come against Israel in the battles outlined in Ezekiel 38 and 39.

I want to take a few minutes and bring in an excerpt from the project on the Abraham Accords, and exactly what they mean for Israel and the prophetic events that are soon to unfold.  Here is the link and excerpt from the project on the meaning of the Abraham Accords:


At this point we need to understand what has changed in world politics to allow the Abraham Accords to come to pass, and what these changes will bring that precipitates the coming conflicts especially Ezekiel 38 and 39.  How all of this came together is due something we can refer to as the Trump effect.  What that means is this.  Prior US administrations have taken a traditional two pronged approach to peace in the Middle East.  First, peace in the Middle East has always been contingent on the Palestinian question.  However, this approach leaves all other possibilities off the table.  As we are learning with the Abraham Accords, there are a number of nations which have maintained unofficial, back door relations with Israel, while publicly touting the recognized Arab line of no peace with Israel without a Palestinian homeland.  As it turns out, these nations have grown tired of waiting on the Palestinians to negotiate in good faith.  They have had multiple opportunities over the years to get this issue resolved.  Yet, no offer ever seems to be enough for them.  The nations signing onto the Abraham Accords are showing they simply are not willing to wait any longer, and they are tired of the specter of continuous war with Israel.

They have much to gain with regards to normalized relations with Israel.  Besides the fact that Israel is becoming an economic powerhouse in its own right, the UAE and Bahrain are flush with cash.  What these two nations do not have is ready access to the advanced technology that Israel offers, including medical advances that are nothing short of miraculous.  However, the primary benefit is something covered by the second prong of the two pronged approach – security.

Until Donald Trump, prior US administrations have viewed Middle East relations with regards to the question of Iran.  While there has been a willingness to embrace sanctions and operate through the UN, it has always been an understood premise that Iran was going to do as it wished.  The dirty little secret is that this is tolerated to keep Iran placated.  However, Iran continues to advance its own aims.  However, it has allowed the façade to remain just enough to allow prior administrations to keep up the appearances of being “tough on Iran”, without truly getting their hands dirty.  This has effectively kicked the can down the road.

Then came the Obama Administration.  To call their Iran policy a disaster is a true understatement.  The disastrous Iran nuclear deal did not prevent Iran from continuing their weapons development program, and it infused the Iranian economy with billions of dollars that allowed Iran to expand its terror campaign.  There are other implications which are beyond the scope of this project, but will have a direct effect on end times prophecy.

Enter Donald Trump.  President Trump quickly recognized three facts critical to the Trump Effect.  First, an empowered and emboldened Iran was not just a threat to the US, but to the Middle East as a whole.  Second, the Iran nuclear deal achieved this very thing, and that Iran was never going to abide by the terms of the agreement.  Third, as long as the Palestinians were front and center to any Israeli peace deal, then there would be no peace deals possible.  So, President Trump proceeded to dump the Iran nuclear deal, and he began negotiations with multiple nations without the pre-conditions of a Palestinian state as a requirement to peace and relations with Israel.

There was an added, unofficial caveat to these peace agreements – the US under Donald Trump could be counted on to have the backs of the signatory nations against Iran.  Furthermore, President Trump brought to the table possibilities which would allow these nations to defend themselves against Iran once he was no longer in the White House.  The key component to this policy is the willingness to extend to the UAE a deal for the F35 Joint Strike Fighter.  The announcement of the mere possibility sent shockwaves through Tehran.  They live with the prospect of an Israeli airstrike.  However, the possibility of a contingent of F35’s in the UAE represents an existential threat to Iran.  Here is the thing – the F35 deal doesn’t need to stop at the UAE.  It is reasonable to expect Bahrain to negotiate for rights to the fighter as well.  A cursory look at the map of the area reveals what Iran, Israel, the UAE, Bahrain, and the US all understand:

Iran Corridor


At present, an F35 deal with the UAE opens up a second air corridor into Iran.  If the deal is extended to Bahrain it opens a third.  If Oman is extended the same deal – contingent upon their signing the accords – it can open a fourth.  Likewise, the F35 deal rebalances the power in the Persian Gulf.  Stated differently, the prospect of the F35 deal is one that Iran cannot ignore.  It will force Iran to to seek to rebalance to power in the region.  This, in turn, will expedite the need to normalize relations with Turkey, and in turn, bring Russia into deeper relations with both nations.

Another aspect to the Abraham Accords that has Tehran on its heels is the mutual compact for security between the member nations.  Effectively, this lays the groundwork for a NATO style form of cooperation.  While it would not start as a defense compact in the beginning, it lays the framework for that to be included down the road.  However, what it does provide is the legal framework for the intelligence agencies of these nations to work together openly.  This puts in place the mechanisms for the CIA, Mossad, the SIA (UAE), the BIA (Bahrain), the GIS (Sudan), and the possible inclusion of the ISS (Oman) and the GID (Saudi Arabia) to begin working in close cooperation nearly from day one.  Not only are there facilities already in place to facilitate this cooperation between the CIA and Mossad alone, but the other nations can have their intelligence operations rolled into a joint service utilizing these existing facilities and capabilities.

Here is the real kicker with this – the addition of the UAE, Bahrain and Sudan, as well as the potential addition of Oman and Saudi Arabia – introduce a level of authenticity deception that was not possible with just US and Israeli intelligence assets.  Stated differently, the best way to have your intelligence operatives “look” like they belong in a Middle Eastern nation is to have actual assets from that very region.  The Abraham Accords just kicked the current US and Israeli intelligence operations into overdrive.

Another aspect to this cooperation on the intelligence front is the ability to conduct covert and anti-terror operations against Iran.  The native knowledge and ground game that the UAE, Bahrain, Sudan, Oman and Saudi Arabia opens up an entirely new dimension in the soft war against Tehran.

Then there is this – take everything we just discussed, and roll the Egyptian GIS and the Jordanian GID (the two nations that have long standing treaties with Israel) into the picture, and you have the making of a potential joint Middle East Intelligence Agency the likes of which has never existed.  This is the equivalent of a Middle East INTERPOL on steroids, as this INTERPOL would have full military capability at its disposal.  In short, the Iranian nuclear program would see its days numbered.

Tehran, as we know it, could also see its days numbered.

This single fact alone will shift the balance of power in the Middle East.  Iran alone cannot withstand the pressure that this new Middle East super state will bring to bear.  The fact that it will be viewed as controlled from Jerusalem makes the situation untenable.  Make no mistake – it will be controlled by Jerusalem, likely through both Cairo and Riyadh.  This won’t be a publicized fact, but it will be well know in dark corners.  It stands to reason when you think about it.  Out of sheer necessity, and the grace of God, Israel is the military super power in the Middle East.  For that matter, they are one of the most powerful military forces on the planet.  That aside, the combined military strength of Israel, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and now the UAE once the F35 deal is done and delivered, will make this new southern empire the predominant military in the Middle East – a military power that has the capability of projecting influence outside the region.  This will also open the door to an increase in US arms sales to these nations which puts a great deal of US firepower and US military training in the region, without the commitment of a single US soldier to direct action.

Doubtless it is becoming clearer why the Abraham Accords are a much bigger deal than the MSM wants to disclose.  The accords are a function of the Trump Doctrine that keeps the promise to remove the US from foreign wars, yet ensure that the regions are not left destabilized.  Not only that, but this burgeoning new Middle East super power represents an entirely new market for commerce and trade.  Do not underestimate this piece of the puzzle.  It is also a key piece of biblical prophecy.  How many have wondered exactly where and how the following scripture comes into play?

Ezekiel 38:13 – Sheba, and Dedan, and the merchants of Tarshish, with all the young lions thereof, shall say unto thee, Art thou come to take a spoil? hast thou gathered thy company to take a prey? to carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to take a great spoil?

Sheba and Dedan are in Saudi Arabia.  The merchants of Tarshish are international merchants, representing the potential global trade that is now on the table.  Scholars vary on their position of Tarshish, with the two predominate points being that it was a state in southern Spain on the Strait of Gibraltar (making it a potential shipping port for the nations of the Mediterranean region) – especially for oil leaving the region, and that Tarshish represents the British Empire.  This position, when taken with the adage “the young lions thereof”, seems to support this as a distinct possibility with regards to the US, and the players in the accords.  Indeed, both ship bound oil and international commerce are on the table with regards to the accords, and I submit that Tarshish is potentially a prophetic double reference to both.

There is one final piece of this puzzle that needs addressed – the US election.

The catalyst for the Abraham Accords is the political climate in the US.  It was a Trump Presidency which made this possible.  It wasn’t until the Administration of Donald Trump that the signatory nations felt that they had the necessary protections in place to defy Tehran.  The offer of the White House to do a deal with the UAE for the F35 was also a crucial piece.  Everybody still remembers the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990.  It is not lost on the nations that are signing on – especially the UAE and Bahrain – that Iran is just a hop, skip, and a jump across the Persian Gulf.  Iran currently possesses the military capability to punish both of these tiny nations if so desired.

By signing the Abraham Accords, these nations have taken a massive gamble on their future, as have the other nations now in negotiations to join.  At the moment, Iran can either directly hit each of them, or foment a Shiite uprising the likes of which none of them have ever seen before.

The success and advancement of the Abraham Accords into what it will become is dependent on the White House.  That said, the Lord can use any President of the United States to deliver what needs delivered to bring these things to pass.  He could move the nation to write in an unknown candidate, and that individual complete the process of backing the accords to completion.

That said, the Lord has a pattern of using leaders and heads of state as they are.  Cyrus was still Cyrus when he befriended Daniel and issued a decree to let the Jews return home.  Pilate was still a brutal Roman Governor when he inexplicably washed his hands of the blood of Christ and declared Him innocent.  David was already a man after God’s own heart when he was chosen as a boy to replace King Saul.  Donald Trump was, well, Donald Trump when he was inexplicably swept into office back in 2016.  Yet, it was only Donald Trump that had the natural inclination to do things differently.  As such, the Abraham Accords became possible without dealing with the Palestinian people on board.

The Lord can use anybody He so desires to fulfill His purposes.  Certainly that includes Joe Biden, or anybody else.  However, the operating pattern of using people as they are seems to suggest where the US election will go, or how quickly the past pieces will fall in place for the accords, including Saudi Arabia signing on and the F35 deal being completed.  I am not making any predictions on the outcome of the election.  I am simply stating what the most likely course of action appears to be based on the patterns of the Lord.  Joe Biden is not predisposed to the kind of thinking and action which made all of this possible in the first place, nor that makes its completion possible on the back end.  Remember, he was Vice President in the administration of Barack Obama – the same administration that effectively gifted Iran free reign to do whatsoever they desired,  and paid them to do it.  It was also the administration that said Middle East peace was simply not possible without a divided Israel, and a divided Jerusalem, for the Palestinian people.

At any rate, it’s fair to say that the Abraham Accords are a far larger issue than the MSM in the US wants to acknowledge.  They are biblical in scope, and they are the next direct prophetic step in the preparation for the rapture and tribulation.  They are truly something to behold. ~~~

There is another aspect to all of this that must be understood.  As a nation we have passed the point of no return.  We’ll speak on this more in just a moment.  For now, what that means is this.  It no longer matters who sits in the White House.  It is no longer about us as a nation.  Going forward, everything that happens is based on the next events to unfold on the prophetic calendar.

A potential Biden administration is a good example of this.  A Biden Administration is a continuation of the Obama Administration on steroids.  Domestic policy aside, a Biden Administration would be very favorable to Iran, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, and Libya.  Of course China as well, which is another key piece in everything we are witnessing.  However, that is another section in and of itself.

Joe Biden has already stated his intention to rejoin the flawed Iranian nuclear deal.  There has been talk of negotiating a new agreement.  However, neither Biden nor Iran have any interest in a new deal.  They are unnaturally tied and interested in maintaining the current flawed and unworkable deal which has allowed Iran to advance its nuclear ambitions.  It must be said that a key component of the three coming prophetic battles of Isaiah 17, Psalms 98, and Ezekiel 38 and 39 will be a nuclear exchange.  While the Bible does not detail exactly where the weapons originate from, nor who utilizes them, you can bet that a nuclear Iran certainly threatens to move this piece of prophecy forward.

Bearing this in mind, the next occupant of the White House will reveal to us where the period of prophetic preparation goes.  If the Lord desires further advancements between Israel and the soon formed southern kingdom, developments which require the US, Donald Trump will retain the White House.  We will see a completely miraculous victory for Trump.  However, if the current advances are enough for the southern kingdom to form of its own accord, and it is time for the northern kingdom to take shape, then it will be a Biden Administration.

There is another interesting twist to all of this.  There is the potential for a Biden Administration to come to power now, and aid Iran in its ambitions to form a protective hedge against a southern kingdom which now presents a real threat to them.  What we may get is a proverbial chess match where one side makes a move, followed then by the other side.  We may get Joe Biden and a strengthening Iran for four years, followed by a southern kingdom and Israel which are required to respond to what transpired over four years of a Biden Administration.  In such a case we would see the return of Donald Trump, or a Trump surrogate that would operate from the Trump playbook with regards to Mideast peace.

We may be witnessing an end time’s game of “one-upmanship” in the making!

With that said, we need to look at something I mentioned a moment ago:

There is another aspect to all of this that must be understood.  As a nation we have passed the point of no return.  We’ll speak on this more in just a moment.  For now, what that means is this.  It no longer matters who sits in the White House.  It is no longer about us as a nation.  Going forward, everything that happens is based on the next events to unfold on the prophetic calendar.

To understand what has happened in the 2020 election, and indeed 2020 itself, we must understand what is meant by passing the point of no return.  To that end, I want to bring in an excerpt from the project on the Shemitah, and its effect on the US and the world.  Here is the link to the project and the excerpt:


At this point, we need to address the elephant in the room when it comes to the Shemitah and the Sabbath cycles.

September, 2015.

What Happened?

There is no way around this.  The world did not end in September, 2015 – though many of us were really wondering.  There was no massive economic collapse.  There was no start of the tribulation.  There was no rapture.  So, what exactly happened?

There was no shortage of Bible teachers that felt as though the year between September 2014 and September 2015 would finally see the start of the judgments of God, with a particular interest in 29 Elul, 2015.  I was counted among those in this camp.  We certainly had good reason to wonder.

Ever since the Lord revealed the Shemitah in Jonathan Cahn’s “The Harbinger”, He opened up a steady stream of understanding and fresh insight into the Shemitah. Specifically, Cahn’s book highlighted one of the most dramatic prophetic revelations since Israel became a nation in 1948, and recaptured Jerusalem in 1967.  What occurred in the United States in 2001 and 2008 could not have been scripted any better by Hollywood.  The Shemitah was real, and so were the devastating effects.  With 2014-2015 only a few short years away, there could be no doubt as to what was coming. Here is a quote from my original “Coming Signs” project that accurately sums up the moments before the soon to come 2014 – 2015 Shemitah:

“First, it can be said with no leap of the imagination that we have not turned back to God.  To the contrary, the world now delights in specifically mocking and dishonoring Him.  This will not work.  The Shemitah was revealed on much, much less.  Now, we have reveled in the behaviors that brought the judgments in the first place.

Second, now that we have the historical reference to see what happened both before and during the completion of the last Shemitah cycle, it is likewise no stretch to say that the world should be shaking in its boots.  Of course, it is not.  This is a mistake that will prove to be fatal.  We may be getting ready to end the second Shemitah cycle, but it will represent the third such judgment.  What is the adage in baseball?

Three strikes and you are out.

The first strike came September 2001.  The second strike came September 2008.  Guess where that leaves us?”

Here is the thing.  It was not simple speculation that we were addressing.  It was actual revelations from the Lord that judgment was coming.  The Lord had started pouring out His spirit on all flesh as detailed in Joel chapter three.  He was giving (and still is) abundant dreams, visions and revelations.  He would literally speak phrases such as “I am at the door” and “I am coming soon” to overcomers all over the place.  He began to pour out rapture dreams, and dreams detailing pieces of the tribulation to overcomers.  All of the dreams, visions and revelations were similarly consistent with scripture.  It’s not just that overcomers were simply reading the signs of the times and guessing.  It’s that the Lord was literally revealing the truth, and backing it up with His own scripture.

Here is an excerpt from the project detailing the timing of the start of the tribulation:

“Take a minute and think of just how much has come to pass in the last three years.

Two summers ago, we had watched a shift in world politics that set the planet squarely on an end times footing.  There was still a chance to turn things around.  Yet, we did not take it.  As we approached the Feast of Trumpets in 2013, we stood on the brink of war in Syria.  For the first time since 9-11, the Lord began to emphasize end times prophecy in the hearts and minds of overcomers.  We started to understand things such as Psalms 83 and Isaiah 17.  It was also the first time the Body of Christ had ever collectively begun to acknowledge that time was approaching an end.  As the Feast of Trumpets approached, many of us wondered if the rapture would come and the tribulation would start.

No dice on both.

Over the next six months, the Lord really opened up the prophetic understanding.  The revelations began to flow, and the understanding of prophecy was kicked into high gear.  The Lord began to pour out His spirit in earnest.  As more and more overcomers came forward to speak of the dreams and visions that were coming to them, the Lord turned up the dial to 11.  Each passing day saw more dreams, visions and revelations – and more overcomers that were willing to share what they were learning.  With every dream vision and revelation came clearer interpretation.  And came then came the most remarkable part.

All of the dreams, visions and revelations were puzzle pieces.  They were the literal fulfillment of Isaiah’s line on line, precept on precept.  When all of the pieces were put together, a larger picture of the coming end times emerged, and that picture agreed 100 percent with the scriptures.

The scoffers seemed to grow as well.

As we inched towards the first blood moon, things started to shift.  The Lord began to speak to the overcomers.  The message was always the same:

“I am coming soon”.

“I am at the doors”.

“Time is up”.

“Get ready”.

The Lord began to emphasize the lateness of the hour.  So, we started to reveal what was being made known to us.  Then came the first blood moon, and the most significant unfolding of end time’s prophecy since Israel captured Jerusalem – the birth of the Beast.  ISIS burst on the scene, and suddenly it became apparent that Matthew 24:3-14 was in full swing.  We watched as earthquakes and volcanoes started to wind up.  We watched as the king of the North began to move into position.  We watched as Persia began to prepare for the things to come.

When this was taken with what the Lord was speaking to overcomers, we once again wondered if 2015 would be the year.  After all, how much more could the Lord bring to bear before we ran out of prophetic real estate?  How much more water would rise against the glass?  How much longer before the glass would break loose, and the world suddenly collapse?

This must have been what the Hebrews felt as they passed through the Red Sea, looking upon walls of water that never broke loose on them.  This is how they must have felt as they walked on dry land where the sea once rested.

But, the Feast of Trumpets came and went.  No rapture, no tribulation; however, the revelations of the Lord and the unfolding of prophecy never ceased.  To the contrary, they were kicked into overdrive.

Shortly after this came the understanding of Lot’s Wife and the Great Falling Away.  There also came something else, resignation and completion.  It was as if the overcomers had finally hit the final stage of grief – acceptance.  We had been through the roller coaster of emotions over the last two years, each wondering if the time had come.  Now something had settled in our souls.  The Lord had used the last two years to shake us out and steel our resolve.  He had taken us through the gauntlet to prepare us for these days.

These are the days of the Great Falling Away and Lot’s Wife.

We knew this was coming, but never imagined what we would find when we got here.  As the third blood moon passed, we witnessed an immediate spike of all the signs given in Joel chapter two and Matthew 24:1-14.  Not just “somewhat” fulfillments, mind you.  But literal, textbook occurrences of the signs – word for word as they are spoken in the Bible.  We have been living the general fulfillments since the first blood moon.  That is how prophecy works.

When you have two scriptures that seem to indicate the same sign, with one being a general statement and the other a specific statement – you get both scriptures fulfilled.  That is where we are now.  We have been living the general falling away.  Now, we are seeing the passing of a singular moment where the falling away is pronounced, and clear to the eye.  It is a moment that shouts “FULFILLED!” to any with eyes to see.

It is the same with Joel chapter two, Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 17 and 21 – each have prophecies that are both general and specific.  There will be a general fulfilling as the signs before the signs.  Think of these as God’s way of getting our attention.  These are the hands on the pressure gauge.  As the needle steadily advances towards the red zone on the dial, we are meant to see what is happening and understand.

Yet, as with all dangerous high pressure situations, there is that moment where the needle will suddenly spike, and the pressure reaches the point of critical mass.  In that moment you reach the point of no return.  In that moment you have only minutes – or less – to evacuate.  You have one chance to turn from the danger and go.  If you hesitate – if you look back . .

You are dead.

That is where we are now.  Since the third blood moon, the gauges have begun to spike.  Each reactor is now at critical mass.  The time has come to go.  There is nothing that can be done now.  No amount of pressure relief will save us.  There are those that will try.  “If we do this we can still turn it back!”  “If we do that it will not fail”.

What makes the overcomer is that we now understand.

There is nothing that can be done.  It is the judgment of God.  It cannot be mitigated.  It cannot be bargained with.  It cannot be prepared for.  It is God’s judgment, and it is total.  If you are left here when it comes, then you are in deep trouble.

If you are left here when it comes, it is because you did not listen to those that watched the gauges.

I have known that there would be an increase in the volcanic and earthquake activity.  I remember asking the Lord if there would be that one massive eruption that screamed “prophecy”.  I never in my wildest dreams imagined that we would actually get what has come.

I take that back.  The thought did enter my mind once or twice that maybe we would “see one of these signs everyday”.  I did not believe it, however.  I thought it to dismiss it.

No, we would not get one massive eruption that screamed “prophecy”.

We would get multiple eruptions that scream “prophecy”.  They would come every day with their companion sign – earthquakes.  I still sit stunned as I watch this unfold.  This is literal Bible prophecy, rolling out before our very eyes.  Not general fulfillments, mind you.

The actual, spike the gauge, red zone, literal, word for word fulfillments that can only come right before the rapture and tribulation.  These signs are global, they do not discriminate – and they are coming for a reason.

The time has come.

As we head into the summer and towards the feast days, we will once again wonder after the things to come.  Will 2015 be the year?  Will this be the Feast of Trumpets that sees these things come to pass?  Will this be the year that the Lord returns for His Bride and the tribulation falls upon the earth?

Truly, I don’t know.  I know what I suspect.  Yet, no man knows the day nor hour for a reason.  I do know this.  There is now a sense of completion to all things.  This has never occurred before.  I see the revelations the Lord has given me, and other overcomers as well.  They all seem to have followed the same general progression, and it is as though the final secrets are being revealed.  We have reached the point where every false doctrine has an answer to its lies.  We have reached the point where overcomers can answer every false doctrine with no less than three evidences to the contrary.

We have reached the point where it does not matter.  Those that refuse to hear will simply discard the truth wholesale.  They simply ignore what they do not want to admit.  That is also a final sign of the end.  They have been given over to their deceptions, and they are past the point of no return.

Even this project speaks to completion.  When I see the differences between the first Coming Signs project and the second, I can see it.  When I read what you are going to read next, you can see it.

When I look at the bulk of history unfolding around us – I can see it.

We have gone through our progression.  We have angered over our nation. We have warned over the world.  We have prepped for trouble.  We have declared the need to be ready by accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior and live the life of an overcomer.  We have stood defiant against Islam, the NWO, abortion, gay marriage and Monsanto.  We have condemned McDonald’s, and declared that if only a few more would wake up things would turn.

We have marched in rallies, and stood for the Second Amendment, the Constitution and the Republic.  We have shaken our fists at Washington and declared “you will not trample us!”  Yet, at the end of the day, as overcomers we have all arrived at the one place we were destined to arrive, the realization that this was never in our individual hands.  This is beyond any of us.  It is beyond all of us.  All of this was ultimately in the one capable set of hands where it has always been.


All we can do now is the only thing we could have ever done.


There is a reason that all of this is called prophecy.  There is a reason the Bible tells us that these are the things to come.

So, that is what we do.  We no longer turn to our own understanding as overcomers.  There are many believers that do this very thing, struggling to find something – anything – that will declare them righteous.  They struggle to find something, anything in the Bible that confirms that the lack of the Holy Spirit in their life is actually a good thing, an expected thing.

A holy thing.

They struggle to find something – anything – that declares that they cannot possibly be the one that is wrong.  Something that declares that a life which is falling apart is somehow “proof” that they are righteous, that they are being persecuted for the Lord.

They struggle to find something – anything – that confirms that those who overcome are not actually living the blessings and promises of the Holy Bible, promises and blessings that continue to elude them.

Struggling to find something – anything – that comforts them, whispers to them, consoles them.

“You will not perish.  It is they that have false doctrine!”

So, that is where we stand now.  We watch the world, read the headlines, and marvel at what they reveal.  We watch each gauge spike and we feel the tremors as the pressure reaches critical mass.  We turn and look up to our escape.  There is nothing to stop this now.”

As I write these words, I think about a sight I see out of my window every night now.  In the western sky, there is a star rising that is brighter than any I have ever laid eyes on.  It is considerably brighter, not just “somewhat” brighter.  Many times, I am struck by the three wise men that once saw a star rise in the west.  I wonder if we are seeing the sign of the son coming Messiah.  I wonder if this is the sign of the soon coming false Messiah.  I can tell you this.

There is a star rising from the west, and it is a sign to us all.

With all of that said, let’s put everything together that we have learned from both projects, and see what they reveal for the days ahead.  I promise you this – if you did not think we were at the end before, don’t worry – you will soon enough.

As we go through the pieces, I will try my best to reference the parts of both projects that come into play.  However, if I forget to do this, you can find the material if you need to reference it in the download center at Trib Rising.  There are several more pieces that I will lay out as we go through this list.  I will cover them as we get to the point where they come into play.

Where Are We are Now.

As of this writing, we now find ourselves in the midst of all the general fulfillments that were to come at the end:

The blowing of trumpets – Joel 2:1**

The pouring out of the Holy Spirit on all flesh – Joel 2:28*

Dreams – Joel 2:28*

Visions – Joel 2:28*

Prophecies – Joel 2:28*

Wonders in the heavens – Joel 2:30**

The sun turned to darkness – Joel 2:31**

The moon turned to blood – Joel 2:31**

Signs on the earth – Joel 2:30**

Earthquakes in divers places – Matthew 24:7*

Famines and droughts – Matthew 24:7*

Blood, fire and smoke – Joel 2:30**

Wars and rumors of wars – Matthew 24:6*

Believers falling onto fear – Matthew 24:7, 24*

Those who serve Christ hated – Matthew 24:9*

Death to those that serve Christ – Matthew 24:9*

Believers falling away – Matthew 24:10, 24**

False prophets – Matthew 24:11, 24*

Lawlessness and hatred – Matthew 24:12*

Enduring until the end – Matthew 24:13*

The Gospel preached to the ends of the earth – Matthew 24:24**

Days of Lot and Noah – Matthew 25:37-42*

* These already have both general and direct fulfillments.

**These have one final direct fulfillment coming and already have general fulfillments on the books.

These are not the only scriptures, but I think the point is well illustrated with what we have here.  That said, many of these general signs are also time specific signs.  They are to be taken with counterpart scriptures that indicate a specific fulfillment at a specific time.  We have dealt with this at length through this project.  The signs in Joel are the primary example.  Taken alone, they are primarily general, yet hint at a specific fulfillment.  When taken with their companion scriptures, they are specific.  Both the general and specific fulfillments must come to pass.

The best example of this is Joel 2:31 and Revelation 6:12.  As we have detailed through this project, we will see a specific fulfillment at the sixth seal.  Yet, Joel 2:31 taken by its self is also scriptural truth, and tells us that there is a general fulfillment that comes as well. This is then confirmed by Acts chapter two.”

So, what happened?  Did the Lord lie?  Did we all get it wrong?

The answer is a resounding “NO” on all counts.

This is a good time to cover something that we all struggle with, and fall into.  You see, the Lord had revealed that judgment was coming.  He had revealed that the Shemitah was a countdown.  He had revealed that if we did not turn things around by the Shemitah that we would pass the point of no return.  He even revealed the blood moon tetrad was a companion sign that likewise served as a countdown.  He had revealed that the end times would come with the end of the Shemitah and the blood moon cycle.  He simply did not say that the rapture would come, and tribulation would start by 29 Elul, 2015.

We jumped to conclusions.  After all, with what the Lord was telling us, and revealing in dreams, visions and revelations, how was anything else possible?  Not to mention that we had two definitive signs in 2001 and 2008.  The Lord changes not.  Therefore, 2015 had to be the end, especially after all that we had seen in 2001 and 2008.  How could 2015 be any different?  For that matter, how could 2015 not be much, much worse? The Lord doesn’t do third warnings.

It’s not hard to do – conclusions, that is.  We all have the same tendency and fall into the same trap.  The Lord comes to us and tells us XYZ.  As we consider XYZ we begin to imagine the implications and possibilities.  “Why, if XYZ comes, surely we will see W come with this.  Hey, what about V?  Not sure if V would be a good thing, although, U would really make sense too.”

Here is the thing.  As we think through the scenarios that come with XYZ, UVW are natural fits.  The more we think about it, the more the lines start to blur.  Soon, the Lord’s revelation morphs into “UVWXYZ”.  There’s just one problem – this is not what we were told.  We were told simply that XYZ would come.

This runs into the next problem.  When these things come to pass, yet there is no UVW, we get frustrated and confused.  We ask “why” the Lord failed to do all that He said. The Lord did not fail.  He did exactly what He said He would do.  However, we failed to listen to His exact words, and realize that if the Lord says “X”, that is exactly what He means.  His words are precise, and they mean exactly what they say.  We added in UVW by not simply taking the Lord’s word as it was given.

Here is the thing.  The Shemitah came and went.  29 Elul, 2015 came and went.  Many of us were left wondering what had happened.  The Lord had clearly spoken to us, and given us understanding.  Yet, no judgment.  Not only that, but once we settled down, the Lord picked up where He left off and continued to give revelation and insight on the Shemitah and Sabbath cycles!  That is, if we were still willing to listen.  Many were not.  Some of us were, however.

It was as though the Lord was not fazed by our assumptions.  He gave us the revelations, then sat back long enough for us to take our punch to the stomach.  He simply waited to see who would hold fast, and who would drop.  It was as though the Lord had His own timeline all along, and we simply misunderstood what He was saying. He simply continued to give understanding since nothing had actually changed for Him.  Some of us realized fairly quickly that we had assumed more than we were told.  Sadly, many did not.

Some folks jumped ship after this.  They were lied to, and that was all there was to it.  They were left confused and hurting through no fault of the Lord.  They had heard what He was telling us, and jumped right on the assumption train.  When their expectations were not met they bailed.  Unfortunately, some of these folks wanted disaster to come, and wanted it for all of the wrong reasons.  It was akin to folks that fight the pre-trib rapture with a secret desire for that “I told you so” moment when the tribulation comes. They are looking for their moment of glory, when the entire the world will suddenly marvel at their wisdom and understanding!

Still, others refused to give up on the Shemitah.  They knew what they “heard”, and what the Lord was “revealing” to them.  There was no possible way this was not right. They were simply “missing” something.  While that much is true, we were all missing pieces (we will get into this more in a moment).  These folks went the wrong direction on this.  They weren’t actually missing pieces.  Rather, they simply did not put all of them together in the proper context.  It did not take long after that.  We started seeing all manner of excuses.  Among my favorites were the attempts to change the calendar. Suddenly, there was a “shift” in the calendar based on the equinoxes.  29 Elul and the Feast of Trumpets were a month or more behind!

No dice.  A month after the last possible date there still was no great judgment.  I then saw speculations on changes to the calendar while the Jews were captive in Babylon.  While the Jews did bring back changes from their time in captivity, what gets lost is that Jesus also observed these changes.  There are several mentions in the Bible where Jesus is keeping the Feasts at the same time every other Jew is keeping them.  It seems that the Babylonian shift was honored by the Lord.

According to these theories, the Shemitah actually ran from spring to spring.  This was based on the differences between the civil New Year and the religious New Year.  So, the Shemitah was actually spring 2015 to spring 2016!  As we pass into summer 2016, I think it is safe to say that these turned out to be wrong as well.

Sadly, even Jonathan Cahn has been caught up in this mess.  He has written another book on the Shemitah, and went off in search of “proof” that he was right.  He has expanded his search for economic disaster, and no country was out of reach.  He even chimed in on China in a recent article.  He spoke of the massive decline in the Chinese stock market and decline of their currency.  Indeed, what has happened in China was amazing to behold, and certainly has global impact.  There is one slight issue with Cahn’s position on this.

China is not the U.S.  It is not Israel.

In the original revelation in “The Harbinger”, the Lord revealed how the U.S. was tied to the Him through covenant.  This is what made the Shemitah possible here in the first place.  It would affect the rest of the world to be sure – and it did in 2001 with the falling of the twin towers and again in 2008 with the U.S. economic collapse.  However, the key is that it started here.  China is not subject to the Shemitah.  They are only subject to the after effects of it hitting here in the U.S.  They cannot be the primary catalyst for Shemitah judgment absent the U.S.  Now, if the Lord had used the sharp and sudden decline in the Chinese economy to suddenly tank the U.S. economy, followed by the ensuing global judgment, we would have a case for China in the Shemitah. That is not what happened, however.

This is a good lesson for all of us.  Sometimes we assume more than we have been told.  Sometimes, we hear things right, yet miss a key piece.  When this happens – just stop.  Take a step back and take a breath.  It happens to all of us, in every aspect of our walk with the Lord.  It is normal.  Here is a news flash.  Your Pastor is also learning as he goes.  You are learning as you go.  The Lord did not call you into service, and then tell you to wait until you were qualified.  We are all sinners, and will NEVER be qualified. We were all told to simply get up, listen, and get moving.  We are learning as we go, teaching as we go.

It is the ultimate in on-the-job training!

When we miss a step we are not to worry.  We are not to hold on to the mistakes we have cultivated.  We are not to push and dig, desperate to reclaim the high ground.  We certainly are not to grab a shovel and head out on our own to dig.  I respect Jonathan Cahn’s work, but he needs to understand something fundamental to service in the Lord.

Sometimes, a revelation comes just once – then it is done.

That does not mean the Shemitah is done.  Rather, that the extent of the revelation given to Jonathan Cahn may be done.  In other words, his piece of the Shemitah was “The Harbinger”.  After that, the Lord has moved responsibility for the additional pieces to others.  That is how it works.  No one man can hold or receive the entire revelation from God.  So, He gives us each a piece.  What we are supposed to do is build a puzzle.  Jonathan Cahn was given the first and biggest piece.  Now, it is time for others to bring their individual pieces in, and add them to the puzzle.  The picture is growing, and becoming more and more clear.  We can all see it now.

Certainly, the Lord can decide to give Jonathan Cahn another piece on this.  However, it is clear from what Jonathan has produced since “The Harbinger” that this has not happened as of yet.  When we read “The Harbinger” we all knew it was real, and right.  We knew this because the Lord spoke to our souls.  There was no denying the truth of what we were reading.  Yet, that is not present in Cahn’s work since then.  To the contrary, it comes through that Cahn is “pushing” a bit too hard.  Sometimes, it is hard to learn when it is time to move on.  The Lord had Jonathan lay the foundation.  Now, it’s time for him to step away and watch the rest of us work.

There were any number of groups that had a vested interest in the Shemitah.  The Hebrew Roots Movement (HRM) went all in on this, and still holds onto the assumed or failed predictions.  Like Jonathan Cahn, they continue to nuance their way around the obvious.  To them, the Shemitah was the holy grail of the HRM.  It was the final “proof” that they were the only folks that understood the truth.  The Shemitah was distinctly “Hebrew”, and distinctly “Old Testament”.  It was proof that the greatest revelations are found in everything they alone teach and hold true.  The Shemitah judgment was going to be their “I told you so” moment.  The Shemitah and the blood moons was the greatest recruiting tool they could have ever hoped for!  I see prominent HRM proponents, such a Joseph Farah and WND, continue to double down on the original revelation of the Shemitah.  They had so much personally invested in this that they can no longer look at it objectively.

That is what happens when the whole of your doctrine is false.  They got greedy and took their shot downfield.  They went for the big score and it backfired.  Now, because they built a large segment of their current membership on an incomplete revelation (incomplete, as the Lord is still revealing all of this), they are stuck in a bad situation.  If they stop and admit what is obvious to the rest of us, it will cost them support.  Only doctrines of truth can afford to make such admissions.  They can afford to admit mistakes because it is the Lord that guides those that hold those doctrines.

Many pre-trib critics likewise took their shots downfield with this.  By the time September, 2015 had passed, they would have all they ever needed to denounce pre-trib, or they would have the tribulation and get their “I told you so” moment.  Never mind that neither position was anything to desire or be vested in.  It was simply enough that they would soon be able to “stick it” to the pre-tribbers, and that is all that mattered to them.

So, What Did Happen, Actually?

This is a good time to talk about what the Shemitah really is.  First off, it is the seventh year of the yearly Sabbath cycle.  We have spoken about this prior.  It is a time that had to be honored, or the Lord would impose the Shemitah Himself.  2001 and 2008 are exactly what we have described so far.  The six years that followed 2008 are likewise exactly as we have discussed.  It is in the differences of that seventh year that we must look for the truth of the matter.

When the Lord began to impress upon me what I am going to share with you, it was several months before the end of the Shemitah on 29 Elul, 2015.  It started as a nagging statement that I could not shake that relates to the period following the Babylonian captivity.

“Israel came back”.

What this was speaking to was the return of the Jews after the 70 year Babylonian captivity.  Of course not every Jew returned home.  Yet, the Jews as a whole did return.  Jerusalem was restored, the Temple rebuilt, and the Jews actually returned to a period of self-rule once more, before Rome ultimately came knocking.

As brutal and devastating as the fall of Jerusalem and Israel had been, everything was reset after the 70 years of captivity.  As a point of order, we refer to Israel in general terms when speaking of the Babylonian captivity.  However, Israel was also the name of the northern kingdom which fell to the Assyrians roughly a century prior to the Babylonian conquest.  The southern kingdom – Judah – was the kingdom that fell to Babylon.  In Judah was the capital of Jerusalem.  By the time of the first decree of Cyrus for the Jews to return, the whole of both the northern and southern kingdoms sat under the command of the Persians.  This had the unique effect of opening up the whole of “Israel” to the Jewish people once more.  By the time Rome arrived, the Jews had a fully independent kingdom that consisted of most of the prior northern and southern kingdoms.

The key piece of this particular puzzle is a word that we highlighted just a moment ago – “reset”.  Here is why.  The judgment and destruction that came with the Shemitah is not the actual intended purpose.  The Shemitah is a reset first and foremost.  This is one of the key pieces that all of us missed.  Rather, it’s not that we missed this – it’s that the Lord was still revealing what the Shemitah actually meant for the end times.  We simply jumped the gun between the revelations of coming judgment, and the practical implications of 2001 and 2008.

Here is the thing.  As 29 Elul, 2015 came and went, it became obvious that the Lord was operating under a different understanding than the rest of us.  We were all left scratching our heads, while the Lord kept right on with His plans.  We expected final judgment, and the Lord never said such judgment would come at that moment.  It was after 29 Elul, 2015 that some of us began to understand something profound.  The danger wasn’t that the judgment would come.

It’s that it would not come.

Shortly after 29 Elul in a Shemitah year, the Lord began to emphasize that as a reset, the Shemitah was meant to balance the scales economically.  It was a reset that would give Israel a fresh start – if they trusted God.  A cursory examination of the Shemitah reveals that this was truly a trust situation, as no economy of debt could sustain the kind of loss that resulted in the resetting of the financial system and the release of all debt.  Yet, if Israel did trust in the Lord, provisions would be made in the sixth year for Israel’s needs – so much so that in the first year of the next Sabbath cycle, Israel would still be living off the increase the Lord provided in year six.  This would in turn lead to greater surpluses in the following cycle, as all year one harvests can likewise be stockpiled and kept.  If Israel had continued to honor the Lord’s Sabbath, they would have reached a level of wealth that would have made David and Solomon envious.

Here is the key thing.  Resets are only good if there is something to work with afterwards.

By the time Babylon came knocking on the gates of Jerusalem, there was little left to salvage.  The land had been worked continuously and the fields were depleted.  The economy and debts had grown out of control from a lack of trust.  It would take one year for every missed Shemitah to restore the land and the nation – 70 years in total.

Yet, there could still be restoration.  While there was little to work with, there was still something there.  There were the people, and there was God’s continuing plan to bring salvation through the Messiah.  Indeed, the years that followed the return saw Israel make a swing from its idolatrous ways, and a restoration of the Law of Moses as the truth of the nation.  For that matter, they would end up swinging too far to the right, and eventually end up in a far greater state of decay than before the Babylonian captivity.  In the midst of the captivity, the Lord opened up His revelation to prophets like Daniel. After the captivity, prophets such as Ezra and Nehemiah would commit the oral traditions to writing, expand the Great Assembly from 70 to 120 members, and produce the full Hebrew Bible.

Fast forward another 2,500 years or so, and a completely different picture emerges.  We see that The Lord and Savior Jesus Christ had come, and the Body of Christ has been present for 2,000 years.  The Gospel has been sent into all the world, and Western civilization became the dominant civilization on the planet because of it.  In the west we have seen the benefits of the Lord’s salvation, and could have remained the pinnacle of human civilization for another thousand years.

Yet, we have fallen from grace.  In the 20th century, the world witnessed a turning from the Gospel of Christ that directly paralleled ancient Israel’s turning from the covenant with the Most High God.  However, this time there was no remaining plan of salvation to be revealed.  That was completed 2,000 years prior.  Instead, what we had was the world as a whole now outright rejecting the word and will of the Lord.  Now, we had the completion of a cycle that began at the Tower of Babel.  The world was once again coming together as one, under one language, for the worship of pagan gods.

What’s more, there was a dual dynamic at play.  The Bible tells us that as it was in the beginning, so shall it be at the end.  That is exactly where we find ourselves now. However, it is two beginnings that are up on deck.  First is the beginning of the church. As the church was in the first century, so now is it becoming again.  From hidden house congregations back to hidden house congregations.  From martyrs back to martyrs. From pagan governments back to pagan governments.  Second is the beginning of the world, in the days of Noah.  We have cycled back around to the earliest chapters in Genesis, and are moving full speed back to the Garden of Eden.  If you have not done so, it is well worth your time to read our project on “How Much Time is Left”.  It details the phenomena of the reverse Genesis timeline.


The key difference between us now, and Israel 2,500 years ago is that our rejection of Christ leaves no more real estate.  When the Lord destroyed the world with the flood, there was still somewhere to go.  When Israel was sent into captivity there was still somewhere to go.

Where do you go after the whole world rejects Christ?  What is left?

That is the point.  Once we turned from Jesus Christ there could be no more reprieve. The last time there was such evil and a wholesale rejection of God the flood came.  This time, there is nothing that remains for after the coming judgment, except for Christ to rule Himself.  Stated differently, there remains nothing worth resetting – or saving.

That is one of the key reasons why the Shemitah never manifested on 29 Elul, 2015.  There was simply no point.  As the days of Noah reveal, the end of man has come up before God.  With 2001 and 2008 we should have learned some hard lessons. We did not.  As a result, by the time 29 Elul, 2015 hit there was nothing left worth saving.  There was no need for a reset, as resets are meant to extend the Lord’s plan for His people.  The United States was no exception.  If we had listened and repented, 2015 would have seen another reset.  It would have been a particularly tough one, but it would have really set us up for a future filled with renewed possibilities in the Lord.

That is what we did not do.  Now, all of the warnings that the Lord has delivered take on a whole new perspective.  They weren’t warnings of a massive Shemitah judgment coming.  Rather, they were warnings of what would come if we failed to heed the Shemitah warning.  There is another point that needs to be understood.  A detailed study on the Days of Lot and Noah reveal a terrible aspect in what we are discussing.

That point is this – we were NEVER going to heed the warnings in the first place!

In a system of perfect justice, we must be given the chance to repent.  So, that is exactly what happened.  We were given a chance.  We failed.  Period.  However, it turns out that the very last thing the Lord does before He drops the hammer is best described as the “let us see” moment.  That is the point where the society in question passes the point of no return, and the Lord goes down to “see” the truth of the matter.  The Shemitah, blood moons, and days following the completion of both are that “let us see” moment.

The “let us see” moment is not about God learning something He did not already know. It’s about committing to record the final verdict.  It’s about ledger entries in the books in Heaven.  That is where we are now.  Everything that has happened prior to the Shemitah was a mark in the books against us.  The books are now closed on us as a nation, and on the world as a whole.

However, all of this brings up an interesting aspect that we will discuss in a few moments – why 2001 and 2008?  Why not 2008 and 2015?  For that matter, why not 2015 and 2022?  Why has all of this come now, and is there any additional significance to the picture presented by 2001 and 2008?

This is a good place to stop and share excerpts of an article written by Israel Ben Barzle and Yehoshua Ben Barzle.  Here is the link to the full article:


“Unfortunately, the information you have received prior to the Shemitah of 2015 was incomplete.  Writers like Johnathan Cahn and others have done an outstanding job at bringing the subject of the Shemitah and some of its nuances to light, but they have focused primarily on symptomatic issues, various causes, and how this all fits into past history.

Though much of the information presented by these writers is right on the money, what these writers have not done is viewed the Shemitah in the context of how it really works in the biblical sense as a mechanism of legal justice.  This is a critical point of the Shemitah, otherwise what happens is we get stuck focusing in on the various shades of law versus the ultimate legal verdict.

The word “Shemitah” is a legal term that comes from the Torah of Moses, the first five books of the Scriptures. Shemitah in the Hebrew means a “legally permanent release”.  The root idea of the word Shemitah in the Hebrew means to “violently throw something down with force—to utterly destroy something”.  To a biblical court of Law, the Shemitah was a time-sensitive, permanent legal release that was to absolutely abolish whatever legal issue was at stake.”

“But it is obvious we are not getting it. Even as the seventh year crashes become more and more serious with each passing Shemitah, America is continuing headlong into debt hell with no end in sight. So, for those watching and trying to understand the Shemitah cycles, it would seem like this Elul 29, 2015 would be a no brainer.  I mean, come on, in order to keep the building crescendo of a seventh year crash pattern keeping lock-step with our own immense debt ballooning into the stratosphere, we should have seen a bloodletting on the financial streets on Elul 29 of catastrophic proportions with all kinds of super precise number drops, like the Dow losing 7,777 points, or something…right?”

“So let’s put this into proper legal perspective.  The past Shemitahs in which we have seen the precise seven year pattern at work have been ultimately “corrective”.  The point losses on Wall Street and the result to the economy has CORRECTED the incorrect financial imbalances of improper gains made by improper debt.  The losses incurred by the date of Elul 29 every seventh year made things judicially correct. In essence, the price of not clearing the debt at the Shemitah was ultimately cleared by the Creator. 

In other words, G-d has used the past Shemitah economic hits as warnings; but He has also “corrected” the transgression by forcing financial loss on the transgressor and balancing the scales.  This is the ultimate goal of the Shemitah concept in the first place.  The whole point of the Shemitah is to make things financially right for everyone.

So the crashes we have seen in 2008, 2001, and those prior, have had much to do with a certain legal satisfaction.  America’s debt cup was full at the end of these Shemitah cycles.  Naturally, we would view these crashes as punishment…and in some ways that is not too far off.  But what we are missing is the fact that “technically” the Shemitah WAS satisfied by the resulting losses.  Literally, the greed gains of the debt cup were emptied, zeroed, in large measure by the losses that occurred at the end of these Shemitahs.  Thus, America was given another seven year cycle with another chance to redeem itself.

Sadly, America has not learned from its many chances.  And as Elul 29 has come and gone, we now find ourselves in a whole new ball game.

The pattern has changed. Elul 29, 2015 was a no show.”

There is no way around this – as a nation we have passed the point of no return.  What makes the US different is our covenant creation.  We were born into existence for a purpose.  We were given a path that would parallel ancient Israel.  From the shape and size of the original 13 colonies bearing a geographic resemblance to ancient Israel, to the US becoming the first true safe haven for the Jews since 70AD, the Lord formed our nation with a purpose.  We are the nation that bears responsibility for the single greatest expansion of the Gospel – a title we took from the Empire of Great Britain.  We also represent a unique aspect of world and prophetic history that gets missed by nearly everybody.

The United States is the great experiment – the last chance for mankind to try, and fail, and self-governance.  The Lord ordained and delivered the single greatest form of human government that can ever exist.  It is also the closest form of human government to what the soon coming government of Jesus Christ will look like, absent the mixture of the Hebrew component.  The mixture of the two under Christ is a task reserved for Christ alone.  In that mixture we will see what happens when you combine the law and justice of Almighty God with the grace and covenant of Christ.  However, the world needed its chance to try its hand at both, ultimately to fail.  One form of government without the other will doom both.

The other side of the equation is that the US is the last brick to fall.  Our covenant beginning and adherence to the plans and purposes of God have extended a hedge of protection over our nation.  However, that hedge is not permanent, and cannot withstand a continuous and repeated assault of sin.  Once the population began the wholesale rejection of God it was but a matter of time before we would spend our last ounce of grace.

By the time the Shemitah reset of 2015 failed to materialize, it had become clear that we were done.  There was nothing left to reset.  While there was still a conservative majority in our nation, that majority was not all a part of the Body of Christ.  Furthermore, what did remain of the Body of Christ had morphed into a cross section of the seven churches recorded in Revelation chapters two and three.  It is further instructive to look at the number seven, and what the New Testament had revealed about such numbers.  In the seven churches we can see seven parts of the total Body of Christ.  In those parts we can find a percentage of the overall total of those in the body.  As it is shown in the parables of Christ, the numbers reveal the percentage of believers that will fall into the various conditions that are being spoken to.  In the end, there were but two of the seven churches that received an overall passing grade for their conduct.  That equates to little more than a quarter of the total number of believers in the body that are truly where the Lord intends them to be.  Sadly, this is a percentage that we see emerge in both the Old and New Testaments when all of the associated blocks of scripture on the subject are taken together as a whole.

The Stolen Election

At this point we need to bring back a statement I made earlier:

The election of 2020 was, quite literally, an impossibility.

When you sit down with a cup of coffee and begin to recount everything that has occurred with regards to the election, you are left with a sense of something that is very difficult to quantify.  Of course, the rest of 2020 certainly did its part to drive home this sensation.  In mean really, even Hollywood could not have scripted the year 2020.  Yet here we are.  2020 is real.  2020 did happen.  Ultimately we knew all of this had to happen at some point.  We just didn’t know when, or how it would all shake out.  After all, we have no frame of reference for what it looks like when the actual tribulation preparation period kicks into gear.


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All the same, we are still left with a nagging question, and undeniable impression about what we have witnessed.  There is something we simply cannot shake in our soul when it comes to the election.  We have tried to find the words.  We have tried to paint the picture.  We have tried to fit it into a box, to categorize it, label it, and divide it up into equal parts.  Yet, there has been a quality to the 2020 election that remains elusive to us, that remains difficult to quantify.  What it comes down to is this.

How was the election of 2020 even possible?

Take a minute and think about it.  How many moving parts can a machine have before it throws a sprocket?  Of course, it appears that this is exactly what happened by virtue of the sheer volume of voters that supported Trump.  Yet, even after throwing a sprocket the machine keeps turning.  Will it complete its mission?  As of this writing it remains to be seen.  We shall know soon enough.

Still, the size of the conspiracy required to pull this off is unprecedented.  Think of how many people were involved.  How many countries contributed to the fraud?  How many different areas of election operations were impacted by bad actors?  How long has this plan been in the works?

This is quite literally the plot to kill Kennedy – on steroids!

We know that President Trump knew what was in the works.  General Michael Flynn made sure of that, which is why the left pursued him to the degree that they did.  How many of us were left scratching our heads at the sheer hatred displayed by the left for Flynn?  It was simply unhinged how much they wanted him to suffer.

Now we know why.

Nonetheless, the immediate response by the Trump team reveals that while they knew what was coming, they did not know exactly how it would all unfold.  Unfortunately, there was little choice but to let everything play out, and have pieces in place to begin responding to whatever level of fraud started to surface.

This is how the President was able to start blowing the whistle on the morning of the 3rd.  You cannot proclaim fraud that quickly, without confirming first that it was actual fraud.  The President already knew what was going to occur with the Dominion machines.  Undoubtedly they also knew there would be some old fashioned ballot stuffing.  Likewise, the mail-in ballots were a known risk.  That’s how the team was able to start securing all of the witnesses as quickly as they did.  They knew where they would be able to start.

They simply didn’t know all of the variables that were in play.  They were missing the precise recipe.  For that matter, so was everybody else.  One of the most revealing things about Philadelphia is that it showed that there were going to be surprises.  The same is true for Atlanta.  In Philly, the Trump turn out “broke” the Dominion algorithm.  Officials were unprepared for this.  Hence, the truckloads of both blank and prefilled fraudulent ballots that showed up in the middle of the night.  Literally, Democrat operative were sitting in the truck, in the alley, at the back door, filling in the one tiny circle for Joe Biden as ejected Republican poll watchers looked on!

In Georgia the same thing occurred.  Officials in Atlanta at least made an attempt to be prepared.  However, even they were caught off guard by the Trump turn out.  They had the fraudulent ballots already in the building and hidden in case of an emergency.  Then the Trump turnout broke the Dominion algorithm there as well.  The folks in Atlanta began to panic and got sloppy.  They forgot about the camera system in the arena where they were counting ballots.  The camera system was so complete in the surveillance it captured that it’s possible to calculate the number of illegal ballots that were tabulated, who tabulated them, who was organizing the fraud, and the different methods of fraud that were ultimately employed to steal the election.

Getting caught on camera palming a flash drive that you connected, then removed, from the tabulator is not a good thing.

As I said before, everybody was missing the precise recipe.

That’s the truly remarkable thing about all of this.  As we all well know it is nearly impossible to keep a secret.  Of course it wasn’t kept since the President knew it was coming.  However, in the grand scheme of things, given the sheer size and magnitude of the fraud, I think it’s safe to call this one for the “secret conspiracy” title.

Think of how long this was in the works.  It was known before General Flynn went to work for the White House.  He was the one that warned the President.

Think about the thousands of people that had some level of knowledge of what was going to happen.  Dominion Voting Systems is a good example of this. 

How many Dominion employees are there? 

How many of them knew that these machines were deployed in the US? 

How many intelligence agency personnel knew at least part of what was coming?

How many members of the DNC knew what was coming?  How much back channel chatter was being picked up?

How many machines were involved and needed “upgrading” to make this work?

How many fraudulent paper ballots were required?

How many printers were needed?

How many mail-in ballots were handled by the postal service? 

For that matter, how many postal service personnel were involved in the back dating those ballots?

How many truck drivers were needed to transport the ballots?

How many local elections officials were willing recruited to supervise the fraudulent counting?

How many training sessions were planned and held so that there would be trained “trainers” to prepare the actual counters that would double and triple count ballots?

How many adjudicators were needed to switch votes from Biden to Trump en masse?

How many lawyers filed how many court cases?

How many judges willfully violated so many laws, allowing for the same outcome in different states with different laws?

How many media outlets and personnel knowingly projected the required narrative to prepare for what was coming?

How many media outlets somehow came up with the exact same projections during the election, and persisted with reporting them?

How many folks over at Fox News were involved in the Arizona scandal?

How many ballot harvesters were deployed prior to the election?

How many folks were recruited to stuff the drop of ballot boxes?

How many folks at Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Google were a part of the planning process?

How many folks at Facebook were involved in the political actions and the money scheme used to buy the votes, secure the influence, and even plan where the ballot drop boxes would be located?

How many local, state and federal Democrat politicians and officials were involved in projecting the narratives that would be used to condition and prepare the public to accept what would happen during the election, and used as a weapon for any Trump challenges that would be leveled at them once the voting stopped?

How many so-called Republican politicians were recruited to participate is the fraud?

How is it that so many of these same Republican politicians seemed to be one step ahead in knowing what was coming down the pike, and mysteriously had answers for what we were all witnessing?

How is it that so many Republicans were so willing to immediately betray the President and take a united stand with the conspirators?

By now you get the point.  Sadly, there is much more I could have added to this list.  When taken together, all of this points to that “thing” that you struggle to put your finger on.  You can feel it.  You can sense it.  You know the election was stolen.  Yet, that doesn’t quite capture the scope of what you are witnessing with your own eyes.  There’s a “bigness” to it that has defied understanding, defied description.

In a word, what happened in the election was supernatural.

For many of you there is likely a sensation that something just clicked.  The overwhelming scope of what happened in the election defied all understanding.  We have all struggled to get a handle on how all of this was even possible.  Conspiracies and secrets are nearly impossible to keep even on a microscale compared to what we just witnessed.  Yet, for the first time in history both secret and suppressed reached a level that has never been possible before.  Stated differently, what happened in the election simply was not possible by human hands.  The massive scale of all the complex moving parts combined with the potentially lethal consequences of the fraud are simply beyond the capability of mortal men.

I was having the same struggles.  I was going through the same emotions.  I struggled to wrap my mind around what I was watching.  It’s not that Trump may have lost.  I have been through plenty of elections where my candidate lost.  I was not happy about it, but I was able to get past it.  You simply work harder the time around.

Needless to say I was spending a lot of time in prayer over this.  Like many of you I ran this through my mind over and over again.  I tried at every turn to make sense of it.  I shed tears and endured the same heartache that you can likely relate to.  I couldn’t fathom how all of this happened.  There was a hurt in the deepest parts of my soul.  Truly, sorrow followed me every day after this.

It wasn’t that Trump had lost.  Of course that hurt.  I had come to truly respect what the President had accomplished, and where his policies showed that his heart stood.  This was especially true of his policies regarding Israel.  To see the unfolding of biblical prophecy was breathtaking.  We had witnessed many of the signs before the signs.  But now, we were witnessing genuine geopolitical movements that brought the Bible to life.

It’s that the nation I loved was being destroyed before my very eyes.

There was a suddenness to the election that was impossible to fathom.  How did we go from the elections of the past, including the election of Donald Trump, to this?  It simply was not possible.  It was the type of trauma that rocks you to the core.  There were no answers. There was only sorrow.  We always knew on an academic level that this day would come.  But now we were living it.  There were days it was nearly unbearable.

It’s in these moments that the Lord will reach out to us – if we let him.

Over the years I have learned that no matter what, if we wait on the Lord and are willing to listen, He will provide answers to the questions we ask.  Certainly this was a big question.  At this point I had not yet hit the realization that what we had witnessed was literally impossible.  I was still struggling to find the words to quantify everything.  I was squarely in the “coming to terms” space.  I continued to pray and contemplate the different pieces to all of this.  Truthfully, the fact that this battle for the election continues as of this writing has been both a blessing and a curse.  I don’t mean curse in a bad sense from the standpoint of fighting for what is right.  Rather, I’m talking about the standpoint of what was occurring inside of me emotionally.  There would be some good days, and then there were the bad days.  The back and forth was difficult for me, for reasons I typically won’t share.  The blessing aspect was also an internal condition.  The continuing fight would aid in providing relief from the sorrow and depression that were constant companions at times.

On a quick aside, for those of you that are experiencing these same things, yet have somebody in your life declaring your need to pray and have faith, be patient with them.  You already know that you need to pray and have faith.  What you are going though has nothing to do with faith or a lack of prayer.  Hearing “pray and have faith” from those that do not understand what you are going through does not help.  For those that suffer from certain conditions it is even worse.

What these folks, and a lot of others don’t understand, is that you can pray, have faith, and still suffer through the things you are experiencing.  I’m going to share something that alludes a lot of people, and especially Christians.

Unless you are in an eternity emergency or the Lord intends to use your healing as a sign to others, His standard practice is NOT to grant instantaneous healing.  Some of you will be surprised by that.  Of course there are times when He does, and still does to this day.  However, standard practice is to let us walk the healing journey one step at a time.  It is this journey that turns us into a blessing for others someday, and a weapon for His work.  You cannot understand struggles you have not experienced.  You cannot be proof of a healing journey without going through that healing journey.  What’s more, you cannot learn critical lessons if the Lord simply “miracles” you from point A to point Z.  This will be a critical point to remember as we go forward.  It will come into play in a few moments.

As it happens so often, you never know when and where the Lord will show up and provide understanding.  Likewise, it seems that many times the answers He provides are but the first in a series of answers.  That would end up being the case with me again this time.

I’m trying to recall exactly where I was when the Lord hit me with the first piece of the puzzle.  While I can’t remember where, I very distinctly remember how He gave this to me, at least from the impression and sensation standpoint.  I had been in thought and prayer over all of this at different times, though – as it so often happens – this was not one of those times.  It’s the “out of the blue” revelations which can have the biggest impact.  I can’t recall what I was thinking about in the moments prior (if anything in particular).  I do remember that my mind just kind of popped back onto the subject of the election.  From there, it did not take long to hear from the Lord on this.

The subject matter rolling through my mind at this moment centered on how all of this happened.  I could see the different parts and pieces.  I could see the complicated nature of how so many disparate parts somehow seemed to fit together.  My mind went to the different people involved, how the different parts worked together, the vast conspiracy, etc.  All of this was intermingled with the thoughts of what could be done, the hearings in the different courts, January 6th, and how the Lord could move a piece here, or a heart there, and how the Lord could move to right so blatant a wrong against a nation and a President that had done so many of the things that he had been called to do.  You will know what I’m talking about as these are the same mental conversations that we all go through.  However, those that stem from the Lord seem to have just a bit more force behind them.  So, there I was, trying to run through all the scenarios that could reverse the course of where we were.  Then the different questions started to pop into my head.

“What about this?”

“How about that?”

“What if such and such does so and so?”

The question phase, as I have learned, is where the answers typically come.  It may be in the form of a question, or a question that is asked as more of an answer.  Either way, the operation is still the same.  I hit the question phase, the thoughts start rolling through my head with greater intensity, then there will be a momentary pause as the answer hits me like a ton of bricks.  I’m there, running through the different scenarios on how the Lord will save the election, and what went wrong in the first place…

“The Lord could have given us a clean election.”

Excuse me, what???

“The Lord could have given us a clean election.”

This caught me off guard, but it would take moment to sink in.

With this, I began to take what I heard before the Lord and run the scenarios through my mind again, taking this new revelation into account.  I began to ask the Lord if I was understanding correctly, and began to ask about the different scenarios and how the election was truly impacted by this (obvious answer aside).  Usually, within a few moments a surety settles on me, and I gain the understanding that what I was given was correct.  This time was no different.  Then, once I ask the questions, listen to the answers, I arrive at the version of understanding that I am meant to have.  Folks, there is no way around this.

The Lord could have given us a clean election.

He did not.

Of course this opens up a litany of questions.  However, the first piece for me was to get the framing with regards to what I already knew about where the world was, and the things that were coming.  We have touched on them already in this presentation, but now we have additional required context with which to examine everything.

What we must remember is that this nation has passed the point of no return.  To that end, everything that happens now is solely about prophetic preparation.  The election was no different, as well as the Georgia run-off election, and the rest of the electoral process that will play out.  The results will be determined by which bucket of prophetic preparation is next up on deck.  Now, there can be some flexibility in that not everything must occur in a set order.  If the body of Christ humbles themselves, prays, and has the right heart and actual faith, then we could get a second Trump term if there is more time required to get the things in place to prepare Israel and the soon to rise southern kingdom.  However, if not, then a Biden Administration will take power, and the soon to form northern kingdom – the initial kingdom that the Antichrist will gain control of, and will eventually morph into the global empire that we see in the second 42 months of the tribulation – will begin getting the things it will need to rise and form.  At the heart of this kingdom will be Iran, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon and Libya.

There is also potential flexibility for a Biden Administration to take office, strengthen Iran, then another Trump or Trump endorsed Administration to return to power and resume the strengthening of the southern kingdom and Israel, likely based on what happened between Iran and the Biden Administration.  I will tell you that US politics aside, everything I am seeing over the last few weeks from the Middle East seems to be pointing that direction.  Of course I cannot say for certain.  Unlike 2016 where I was allowed to know that Trump would win as it strengthened the message I had been given to speak, this year it is the opposite.  I am not permitted to know as that is what strengthens the message that I have now.

Namely, that it no longer matters who is in the White House. 

The prophetic will of the Lord will now move forward in direct preparation for the soon return of the Lord and the advent of the tribulation, and there is nothing that can stop this now.  The first Trump term was the most prophetic of any head of state since 70AD.  The next term for whichever candidate wins will be even more prophetic.  Not knowing who would win, yet seeing the prophecy unfold helped to cement the message I was being given on a personal level.  That is how it works with me.

At any rate, the point is that we, as a body, can still impact the unfolding of events to some degree.  There are still promises in the Bible which govern what we can call upon the Lord to do.  That said, there is another aspect to this that we will cover in a few moments.  In that aspect the opposite effect holds true.  That would become central to the forthcoming pieces of the revelation.

With that said, the Lord began to emphasize something else to me.  If this election were solely about the best administration to carry out His prophetic purposes He could have simply given us a clean election, and brought to power who He wanted in the White House.  So, that begs the question – what exactly does it mean to say “if this election were solely about…?”  That was the curious part in all of this.

There may have been some fraud, but by and large we would have had an election that we knew was fair.  We would have known that the candidate who won did in fact win.  Even if it was Joe Biden we would have accepted it.  The same prophetic policy decisions could have still gone forward.

Joe Biden could still have rejoined the Iran nuclear deal.

Donald Trump could have continued working towards the Abraham Accords.

There are an infinite number of prophetic actions that could have happened without the drama of the election.  Yet drama is exactly what we got.

So, as I began to run this through my mind and the understanding cemented itself, I received the last part of the prophetic revelation process – the confirmation.  This is the point where the Holy Spirit quickens me and the fullness of understanding settles into my soul.

From there, I began to examine what this might actually mean.  I understood that the Lord did not give us a clean election.  However, the question then becomes what actually happened, and who was truly responsible.  Within a few minutes there were two naturally occurring questions that I was beginning to ponder.  Both of those questions revolved around the fact that nothing happens without the Lord giving the greenlight to the things that occur.  He will either approve things that occur of the accord of others.  He also will bring things to bear as well.

The first thing that began to click with me is that nothing transpires in this world without the approval of the Lord.  Of course, Satan is the god of this world, and has “free” reign to do as he sees fit.  I use the term loosely, as we see at different points in the Bible where even he still needs the express approval of the Lord to breech certain limits and enter certain doors.

I began to think about all of the people involved in the election, and how and why they did what they did.  I start running the pieces through my mind, considering them all.  It was about this time that I was hit with something I already know, yet was very relevant to our current situation – the intent of the heart.

Election fraud is nothing new.  It has been a fixture of history as long as elections have existed.  Rome turned election fraud into an art form and it gained a level of societal acceptance.  Yet, what we witnessed here was fraud on a level and scale that was unprecedented.  Even if fraud had occurred in ancient Rome to affect the election of Consuls, they would not have the global reach of our election.  The only exceptions would be elections which would come to directly influence the rise of Christianity in the Empire, or its expanded role in the official Empire.  No, what happened in the 2020 US General Election would impact the world not just on a practical level.  It would have eternally reaching consequences as it changed the prophetic course of the planet.

Yet, the size of the fraud and the sheer volume of people involved indicated that there had to be a common denominator.  Indeed there was – the human heart.  Of course that comes as little surprise.  The Bible tells us that the human heart is wicked above all things – who can know it?  Still, this level of evil?  This was on a scale that had not been seen since Nazi Germany (also occupying a pre-eminent place in biblical prophecy – you can read more on this in my project on the coming desolation of the Temple).

I began to think about this when the Lord hit me with something.  There was a reason this was possible.  Again, we have seen small scale fraud many times.  Yet, this was something more.  This was a wholesale willingness to engage in an action or activity that would either fundamentally transform the world, or end in destruction for all involved.  This wasn’t just a few bad actors with a few bad intentions – this was something beyond all recognition.  It was about that point that the Lord hit me with the next piece:

Romans 1:28-32 – And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

31 Without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:

32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

What the Lord was emphasizing was that the human heart was the first key factor in all of this.  There had to be a desire in the hearts of all involved to do the things we had witnessed.

Clearly that was the case.  As we have learned from the last five years, and with what has come out regarding all of the planning and efforts that went into pulling this off (and as we would see in the days following the start of this project, we had the steal occur again in Georgia, and we had the preplanned riot at the Capital in which leftist groups posed as Trump supporters and stormed the halls of Congress right when it was time to begin presenting the evidence of election fraud that occurred), efforts to steal the election had been ongoing for years.  We have already touched briefly on a few aspects of what had happened.

Needless to say that was a lot of corruption in a lot of human hearts!

However, as we read biblical prophecy, we see that corruption of the human heart on a global scale does occur.  So, it is not surprising that we are at this point now.  With that, I settled on a particular point.  If so many human hearts were already corrupted to the point that this was possible, then all that was needed was for the Lord to greenlight what was happening.  This was not a hard thing to fathom.  Knowing that this would directly impact prophecy, it seemed that this was a clear cut case of the Lord allowing men and Satan to execute their plans, and then He uses those plans to His purposes.  After all, what Satan intends for evil the Lord can use for good.

However, there was another academic possibility at play here as well.  There are times where the heart desires to do a thing, and the mind sets about to make it happen.  However, the Lord moves things into place to allow that thing to happen.  The entire book of Revelation is an exercise in this dynamic it seems.  Without recounting all of the different examples from the Bible, it is a common thing the witness the Lord open and close doors as required to allow things to transpire.  He does that in each of our lives.  It is such a feature in Christian life that it has been reduced to greeting cards, empty platitudes and motivational posters.  Yet, the premise remains.  The Lord does indeed open and close doors to make a way for things to happen.  That left us with two core possibilities with regards to the election and everything that was currently happening.

First, the hearts of everyone involved had imagined and desired such a thing to occur, and the planning began.  The Lord simply authorized it to happen, and the rest is history.

Or, the hearts of all involved were there, and the planning began, but the Lord had to help move a few pieces into place to let everything come to pass.

I spent a few moments contemplating both options.  At first I could clearly see the case for both.  Then I would waffle back and forth.  However, one thing became abundantly clear – either way we ended up at the same place.  These things had indeed occurred, and the world was changing forever because of it.  The plain truth of the matter is that no corner of the planet would escape the effects of what had happened.  It would impact everything.  It represented an immutable shift in the geopolitical operations of the entire planet.  As the only current super power and the dominant force behind everything that transpires globally, a massive plot to steal a US Presidential election that was successful is earth shattering.  The US stands as the last brick to fall with regards to freedom, individuality and self-determination.  As it has been so eloquently stated by others, if the US falls where can one go?  The answer is straightforward and simple – nowhere.

After running these through my mind and asking the Lord about both, I had settled on the greater point of the end result.  Besides, I had to put all of this down for the time being and move on with my day.  I would return to this line of thinking over the next couple of hours as I had a moment and moved through my day.  For the time being though I felt I had the lion’s share of what I was meant to understand.

The Lord could have given us a clean election, but chose not to.

Either He simply greenlit what was in the hearts of men to do, and what they were already making happen;

Or, He greenlit everything, but had to move some things to make it possible.

Either way, it served a purpose – to bring direct movements in the time of prophetic preparation.

At any rate, for me it was “so far, so good” to this point.  However, each time I would have a few minutes to revisit all of this at different point through the day, there would be that small, slight nagging sensation that I was missing something.  Although it sounds funny to hear – and say – there was still something “simplistic” and “motivational poster-ish” to what I had so far.  That did not mean that these things weren’t correct.  Indeed, I already knew they were given because the Lord was taking me through everything.  Yet, it seemed there was more to all of this.

As I kept going over all of this at the different point during the day, I kept feeling a pull to look closer at the second option.  Of course, the Lord often greenlights the plans of men, and lets us have at it.  Still, the longer this played out, the harder it was becoming to escape a growing sensation that this was about more than the Lord simply giving the go ahead to what man already has it within him to do.

When you stop and think about it this makes sense.  After all, we are talking about end time’s prophecy.  The entire book of Revelation details where the Lord Himself brings things to bear to accomplish His purposes.  So, it’s no great stretch of the imagination to say that the Lord would have to help some things along here as well.

Then the Lord started pulling me back to the nature of the election itself.  We covered some of the details earlier.  Likewise, the events that have transpired since I began writing this project and where I am today as I continue to write (I started writing this project about a week and a half before the Georgia run-off election, and today is January 19th) have made it clear that what has transpired was much larger, and more complete than just the election.  Without rehashing the events at the Capital and what they accomplished, the media narrative of Donald Trump attempting a coup is both clearly and patently false, with those plot lines unravelling more each day.

The Lord kept drawing my mind back to the enormity of everything, including everything that transpired after the election.  Specifically, He kept bringing me back to something best described as “the moving parts”.  What that means is this – there are a lot of moving parts to the total picture of what has happened.  What’s more, it’s not just the bad actors you would expect.  Rather, there were many milquetoast players that had to sign on with everything, and there were even players that should have known better, yet acquiesced to what was occurring.  The most blatant example of this was the Supreme Court of the United States.  Only two out of five typically very conservative Justices agreed to hear the Texas case.  The other three – which included Amy Coney Barret, who was truly lauded by genuine conservatives for her unshakable character – inexplicably shredded the Constitution in one of the most dramatic betrayals in world legal history.

On a side note – how damning was the case for corruption and fraud that even hearing the evidence could not be risked?  It’s one thing to hear evidence and then discard it.  Sadly this kind of thing happens.  However, there is only one reason to not even permit the evidence to come out in the first place.

Really puts into perspective the timing of the whole “Trump incited his followers to invade the Capital” thing, doesn’t it?  The last, and as it would turn out, only chance to get the evidence before the American people was suddenly gone.  Maybe Donald Trump should have waited until after the evidence was heard before ordering the assault on the Capital.

As I was saying, let’s face it – blowing with the political winds is certainly nothing new.  Even the very best among us can waiver.  Yet, of all the times to shift.  There is rarely such a watershed moment as the nation – and world now faced – where doing the right thing was so demonstrably critical.  This was not some vague, abstract political exercise.  How is it when the stakes have never been higher for the entire planet that so many who would normally have the political spine to stand tall incomprehensibly made the decision to sit?

There are as many theories as there are stars in the sky.  It’s not unreasonable to assume that some of these folks have been compromised.  The Bible clearly lays that option on the table.  But everybody, every last person involved in all of this?  Let me be clear when I say “everybody”.  When you consider the scale and size of everything that happened, it is not an unreasonable to assign the number of bad actors to somewhere north of 10,000.  From every member of Congress that agreed and took part in the planning, to all Dominion Voting Systems employees that are directly involved in the development and deployment of the machines to the US, the overseas employees of the data firms that managed the server farms, to the polling site workers, to the canvassers, the ballot harvesters, the media personnel that would get evidence laid before them and then outright lie, the legal teams that started pushing bogus legal cases over a year in advance of the election to change the laws while bypassing the legislatures…

The list goes on and on.

Realistically, given all of the moving parts involved in all of this I think it is no stretch of the imagination to say that there were tens of thousands of people involved in what happened.  We never even touched on the foreign governments and various intelligence agencies that were also involved.  Nor did we touch on all of the Justice Department assets that made the conscious decision to let this happen.

There is another way to look at this.  We can do so from the standpoint of a military operation.  You can have all of your top level flag officers devise the very best military strategy in the world.  They can come up with the very best plans, have the very best intentions, and write up the very best orders.  However, there are several things that come into play.

First, someone must devise the original idea.

Second, there must be that point person that ultimately says “yes”.

This is where the Biden Campaign, DNC, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, George Soros, etc. made their decisions and somebody pulled the trigger.  It is also where the three or four individuals from big tech got into the act.  This would also include the head of Dominion Voting Systems and the other voting fraud entities as well.

This is also where Chief Justice John Roberts would come into the mix as well.

That is the first stage of events.  Now comes the second stage.  Your top level flag officers have the overall strategy and plan.  However, they don’t fight the battles themselves, nor do they plan the individual battles in a full war.  That falls to the lower levels of command.

Every four star General or Admiral has one and two star flag officers that command the various battle groups involved.  That would be the individual army groups and fleets.  Those Admirals and Generals receive the overall battle plan and authorization, and they sit down with their planning staff.  The planning staff starts to break down the individual elements of the campaign.  That is where it is decided which individual theaters of operation will be utilized.  That is where the different departments are determined.  That is where the different battle squadrons and army divisions are needed.  The overall plan is broken down into the separate pieces and passed down to the smaller units tasked with completing those individual pieces.

This is where your state governors, federal agency heads, your liberal SCOTUS Justices, the various state supreme courts, and the highest members of the Federal Appellate Courts come in.  It’s also where your different MSM division heads come in. It’s where the voting systems managers and directors are brought into the mix.  It’s also where the US Postal Service comes into play for the first time.  This will also be where the idea to deploy Antifa and BLM to the January 6th Trump rally will have originated.  It would have to go up the chain of command to the very highest levels for approval – which it did.

From there, the broken up plans are received by the different planning and unit groups.  Here is where your Colonels and Captains take over.  The get with their planning staff, and the plan is broken down further.  This regiment will operate over here.  This aviation squadron will work over there.  Two separate battlegroups consisting of two guided missile cruisers and five destroyers will commence operations in the body of water.  At this time your special operations groups are brought into the mix.

This is where your secretaries of state, state election commissions and your state law enforcement agency heads come in.  This is also the level where the first cross agency cooperation comes into play.  For example, this is where the midlevel managers from Dominion would begin discussing the operation integrations of their systems with the various state boards of election.

This is where you have a guy in Georgia, who leaves his six figure a year state job, takes a “contract” with the state to “implement” the new Dominion voting equipment, and then plans to return to that very same state job that he previously held.  I wonder just how much that contract was worth.

This is also where the decision is made on how to investigate and prosecute the “insurrectionists” at the Capital is made.  This is critical as the folks you need to instigate and execute the attack must feel that they will walk away free and clear – even if it has already been decided that they will be sacrificed.  What did Oswald say?

“I am just a patsy!”

From here the plans are broken down further into the individual unit orders.  Here is where your Lt. Colonels and Commanders, along with some Lt. Commanders and Majors get involved.  They are the piece of the puzzle where the plans become more individualized.  They are the cog that transitions the plans from bold and overarching to personal and executable.  By this time the plan has moved far from those with whom it originated.  It has moved far from those who have authorized it.

Now you have trickled down to your county level leadership and operations.  This is where the decisions are made to close the counting facilities, or where the Sherriff of a county decides they will not enforce an order from the US Supreme Court.  This is where the operational leadership secures the training and directives for the ground level personnel.  This is where the first line courts and judges will erect the judicial wall against the Trump campaign.

Here is the absolute most critical piece of the entire plan.  At this level and below, everybody involved must either believe that they will never get caught, or that it is worth the sacrifice, or be so ideologically zealous that they are literally delusional, deranged, and mentally unstable.  There must 100 percent buy in at this level or everything will fail.  This is where the steal will actually happen.  It is also where all of your hard core proof of conspiracy exists.  This is where the lives of the conspirators are literally hanging in the balance.  At this level you are talking about people that must be moved in their hearts to risk everything on this plan.

A plan that has NEVER been tried, has no track record of success, and a very slim chance of success.  Likewise, if it fails, then everybody knows that Donald Trump could be coming for them!  In other words if this fails and they are caught they could lose everything,

From this point you hit your captains and lieutenants.  These are your front line battle commanders.  These are your company and brigade level commanders.  These are the troop level officers.  They are the group that will have the most hands on control of the operation from an officer standpoint.  They also have the most control over the enlisted personnel responsible for the boots on the ground work.  Now you are at your polling supervisors and you postal station managers.

From here, you are now at the platoon and squad level leadership.  This is where your entry level lieutenants and ensigns take charge, and your senior enlisted leadership comes in.  This is also your most crucial level of buy in is needed.  If the folks under their command do not believe in the plan it will fail.  If they don’t believe that they can succeed it will fail.  If these folks believe they are headed to eminent destruction without a VERY GOOD REASON to sacrifice themselves then this is where the battle is lost.  This is a point that becomes critical to what happened with the election.

These are your front line postal supervisors.  These are the leads at the individual polling locations.  These are the supervisors that ship and receive that ballot cases and oversee the chain of custody for each.  This is also where the decision to deploy BLM and Antifa to the rally would be shared with the units that will actually infiltrate the rally.

This is where “suitcases” of ballots were intentionally hidden under tables in Georgia – for hours.


Finally you reach the bottom of the spectrum, and the most critical.  This is where the boots on the ground go to work.  This is where the battle plan is ultimately executed.  This is the person that made the trailer full of ballots disappear in the middle of the night.  This was the van that showed up in Philadelphia with pristine ballots filled out for Joe Biden only.  This is where the windows were covered up.  This is where the actual poll watchers were ejected from the counting locations.  This is where Dominion personnel slipped thumb drives to poll workers.  This is where the ballot counters took the stacks of already counted ballots and ran them through the tabulator for a second and third time.  This is where the compromised ballots were secretly loaded on trucks to be taken to the shredding company in the middle of the night.

This is where everything comes together or falls apart.  These are the folks that know they are the sacrificial lambs if the plan fails.  These are the folks that know they cannot afford fancy lawyers to keep them out of prison.  These are the folks that live in the same neighborhoods as Trump supporters that may take the attempted theft of Trump’s re-election very personally.  These are the folks with everything to lose, and nothing really to gain on a personal level.  Their rewards for these actions are all internal.  They are rewards that exist only in their hearts and minds.  They have some image of what they think will come if they are successful.  They have the promise of having been that one “critical” piece of the puzzle that made it all work.  This is their one small chance at being gods.

They will also be the folks that are the hardest to convince.

No matter what you think you might gain from a particular action, the cost of that action can be very real to these folks.  Many of the troops at this level are very well acquainted with the criminal justice system already.  If not from their own experience, then from the experience of friends, family, and other loved ones.  These are the folks that live everyday as the rest of us “common folk” – they live under the common folk justice system.  Voting multiple times carries the risk of a very real arrest.  Felony convictions come with real consequences for these folks, especially if they work for a living.  The loss of a decent paying job during the days of COVID can mean the loss of everything.  If they are married and their spouse was unaware of their activities, then the loss of their home and finances may come with the price tag of the loss of their family.

Stated differently, the risk must be well worth the reward.  That type of risk mitigation starts and ends in one place alone – the human heart.  This is the key to everything that happened, and at every level.

In an interesting note, just two days ago on February 4th, Time magazine just published an article which effectively brags about the steal, and starts to reveal pieces of what we are detailing here.  They don’t divulge everything, but their arrogance in what was achieved is barely containable.  At some point in time, there will be an outright admission of all of this.  The perpetrators simply will not be able to help themselves on this.  Here is the link to the article:



There was something that kept picking at me.  I had been given solid reasoning behind everything up to this point.  However, the absolute enormity of it all was undeniable.  It just kept sticking with me, and would not let me go.  As I have seen countless times before, it is these moments when I know the Lord has something more for me.

It was at this point that I realized definitively something I touched on earlier in the project.  It was simply this.  No matter how hard any group tries, no matter how much everybody involved wants it, no matter how much money is poured into it, no matter how much planning occurs, no matter how dedicated the perpetrators are – no matter what conditions are met and surpassed – there was one immutable fact that simply was inescapable with regards to election fraud on this level.

No matter how you slice it, it is simply impossible for election fraud on this scale to occur.

What’s the old adage – two people can only keep a secret if one of them is dead.  Yet, here we are.  However, this wasn’t even a matter of keeping a secret.  How about this one – the first rule of assassination is to kill the assassin.  Just ask Lee Harvey Oswald how that one works.  How about the telephone game?  You know, where everybody gets in a line and the first person whispers something in the ear of the next person.  This process plays out until you reach the end.  What you end up with is not what you started out with.  There are multiple ways to capture the essence of what we are talking about.  However, simple is better.

This wasn’t a massive goal to be carried out one piece at a time, over a period of years.  This was the single most involved, dangerous and potential earth shattering example of election fraud ever devised, and it was on a very limited time frame.  Literally, every last piece of the conspiracy had to hit at a singular point in time, and all pieces had to be firing on all cylinders.

Election fraud on this scale is simply impossible.  Mankind does not possess the capability to make something of this nature work.  Parts of it can works.  Pieces can be successful.  There can be victory on a smaller scale.  We have seen the smaller scale victories many times.  The CIA has turned the smaller scale victories into an art form, along with every communist and fascist dictator that ever dared to feign “fair elections”.

What’s more is that this was so vigorously pursued and prosecuted that Flynn knew what was coming and warned the President.  As the former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency – the agency that President Kennedy created to counter the CIA, and remain loyal to the President – Flynn knew where all of the “bodies were buried”, so to speak.  As long as he remained the National Security Advisor to President Trump the steal would never work.  Likewise, Flynn was chosen because he also knew all of the critical information when it came to draining the swamp.

That left us with a massive global conspiracy which would effectively lead the fall of the last “free” nation on earth, open the door to the last pieces of the New World Order and global slavery, topple the world’s lone remaining super power, stop the only counter balance to the rise of China, silence the only true friend Israel ever had, and leave Iran unchecked in their weapons ambitions – and secrecy is effectively out the door to boot?

I’ll say it again – election fraud on this scale, with this much at stake, is literally impossible by human hands.

Once this set in, it seemed clear that of the possibilities mentioned earlier we now had a clear winner.  The hearts of all involved were clearly intent on such evil, so the Lord gave them over to that evil.  Furthermore, He would have needed to move some pieces into place to make this happen.

I will tell you that for the first time since the election that the heartbreak I felt started to wane.  It would resurface to varying degrees after the events of the 6th, but in all, realizing that this was not possible by human hands was starting to help.  This came from the understanding that there had to be supernatural influence and interference for this to have occurred.

What helped to assuage some of the heartache is the understanding that for this to require supernatural intervention – be it the Lord helping some things along, or allowing Satan to run free on it – that meant that the Lord was clearly executing a plan.  There is something comforting in knowing that you have clear evidence that the Lord is doing something specific.  I’m not talking about the purely academic knowledge of the Lord’s involvement – the “hey, the Lord is in control” platitude that has been reduced from truth to greeting card level drivel. I am talking about a real understanding of “oh, wow – I think the Lord is actually playing a part in this”.  When you reach this point then even the worst things will lose some of their sting. When the Most High God is moving mountains then there is an inherent trust in what is happening that makes it much easier to stomach.

Understand, the heartbreak was not over Donald Trump losing the election or leaving the Presidency.  This is the case for the vast majority of us – no matter how many times the left and the media try to paint a picture of the cult of Trump.  For me, support for the President did not truly magnify until he moved the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.  At that point the truly prophetic nature of his presidency became apparent.  At that point I really started to take notice.  Prior to that, I had been buried in issues with my own life that kept me sidelined from all ministry and political writing and analysis since he had been elected.

No, the heartbreak came from the nature of what had happened.  We were watching the death of our nation.  You hear the cautionary tales of other nations slipping away in the silence, of entire segments of the population blissfully unaware of what they are doing and allowing.  However, this time there was a difference.  A majority of us were awake, and actively trying to stand against what appeared to be coming.  However, the one thing that has emerged from all of this is just how far gone that nation truly was.  In order for cheating to be successful, you must first be close enough to the lead to conceivably win.  Cheating cannot close an insurmountable gulf.  The cheater must be within relative striking distance in order for the cheating to be successful in the first place.

All of this begs a serious question – if nearly 80,000,000 voters cast ballots for Donald Trump (taking into account the known ballots that were switched from Trump to Biden) out of roughly 145,000,000 legal and registered voters, how then is it possible that the Lord would even be in a position to green light this level of fraud and cheating?  Bearing in mind that the Lord typically utilizes and augments the existing conditions to achieve His purposes.

If the nation wasn’t already in a position spiritually where nearly half the nation actually wanted to give Him the boot we wouldn’t be talking about this right now. 

Sadly, we have done this to ourselves as a nation.  We are the ones that made all of this possible in the first place.  If only 25 percent of Americans wanted socialism then the Lord would not have lifted a finger on this, and likely we would have never needed Trump in the first place.

It’s one thing to make up one or two million votes.  However, we are talking in excess of at least 15,000,000 votes!  So now, you take everything we covered earlier about all that happened, everybody that had to be involved, what it would take to get every last one of them to sign off on their part of the plan, potentially risk everything to make this happen, pull the trigger on an impossible task, to the tune of at least 15,000,000 fraudulent votes, and the resultant conclusions are almost too terrible to contemplate.

At this point I was feeling as though I had a fairly solid idea of what had occurred.  The heartache was starting to lift.  I was seeing that the Lord had not only given permission for this to go down, but had also lent a helping hand where needed.  I also understood that Satan would have worked overtime on this as well.  This wasn’t a case of “all human hands”, which does make a BIG difference in your heart and mind.  It helps to mitigate some of the “I can’t believe that people did this to me” sensation, and replace it with “they couldn’t have done this to me without the Lord’s help” sensation – which does make a difference.

It makes all of this somehow less “personal”.  It wasn’t some terrible personal attack on you specifically.  Instead, it becomes more of the nameless, faceless, “grand conspiracy” that doesn’t actually worry or concern itself with you.  It’s not trying to hurt you personally – you just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.  It’s the difference between an accident or senseless crime, and a true crime of passion where you find out that your loved one (or yourself) suffered at the hands of someone with a deep personal hate for you or your family member.  None of this is easy.  However, when it’s personal it hurts on an entirely different level.

Yet, there was that old familiar feeling – that feeling that there was something more.  I was still missing a piece of the puzzle.

I went about my day, taking time here and there to contemplate what I had been shown so far.  The lessening heartache was helping to look at all of this in a more disconnected, almost “third party” manner where analysis always works the best.  I would run the various pieces through my mind and take stock of what I had so far.  Then the random “pops” started to happen again.  That is where the Lord will give me the random thought or revelation, purely out of the blue, designed to reveal the next piece of whatever it is that He has me working on.

Understand that even though I knew the Lord’s hand helped move some of the pieces into place, the enormity of it all was starting to dig at me again.  There was still something there that I could not put my finger on.  There had been so many moving parts.  There had been thousands of people.  With each and every one of them there would have been all of the human emotion that comes with all of this.

Specifically, my mind was drawn to all of the lesser players, and all of the folks that were the “boots on the ground”.  In the vast range of human emotions, fear will always take the front and center position.  With that fear comes all of the doubt and uncertainty.  These are the things which will play on the mind.  As if this wasn’t enough, then you start to factor in the time element.  This was not an overnight process.  It did not happen “in a hurry”.

The folks involved had to be approached.  They had to be pitched, and the deal had to be closed.  For some folks this likely happened very quickly.  You factor in money, the opportunity to create chaos, and the evil nature of some involved, and some of these folks likely knew immediately that they “were in”.  In these cases there was doubtless a lot of pride, arrogance, and haughtiness that factored into the equation.

However, for most there was going to be at least some reservations about what they were being asked to do.  The hesitation and uncertainty likely hit immediately.  They were being asked to perform the actual steal, and to do so in front of many sets of eyes.  Even once they had made the decision to participate, they would still have to battle that age old enemy to all very bad decisions – time.

The actors involved would have dealt with time.  Time to stew on what could go wrong.  Time to contemplate the consequences if they got caught.  They would have to combat the time their minds had to “run wild”.  They would be in a fight against every conceivable conspiracy and scenario that their minds could conjure up.   This would have been further complicated by the fact that even though all of this is to his advantage, Satan cannot help being Satan.  All of the fear, the doubt, the uncertainty – all of those “things” that would work on each of their minds could be manipulated to open doors for Satan to access.  The extended time frames would open doors for Satan to work in many different lives that may not have been there before.  Understand that it does not matter how many doors we already have open to Satan.  Every door can potentially shut.  So, the more he can open the longer he can stay.  The more doors that are opened the deeper Satan can entrench himself into our lives.

What it came down to was this – the longer folks had to think about what they were going to do, the less likely they would be to do it.  Furthermore, if enough people backed out – especially at the last minute on Election Day, the less likely it was that this would work.  Likewise, all of that extra time to ruminate on all of the details would open doors to premature panic if something did start to go sideways on Election Day.  That is precisely what happened in Pittsburgh after Donald Trump’s numbers effectively “broke” the vote fraud algorithm in the Dominion machines.  Panic set in on those that were the backup plan.  These are folks that would have known that they “might be needed” for a good old fashioned ballot stuffing operation, yet truly hoped that they would not be called on to actually carry through with their assignments.

Yet, even with all of this, their hearts would also be in play.  The Lord brought me back to this again.  There would be wanton evil stirring in their hearts.  It would play on their imaginations.  They would live lives of duality and confliction during the days leading up to the election.  On one hand they would experience all that we have discussed so far.  Yet, there would be something else, something more.

Wanton lust and a vicious pleasure at the mere possibilities of what they could soon achieve!

Understand that this was not just about removing Donald Trump.  It was about the POWER to remove Donald Trump.  It was about the power to hurt every last person they utterly despised.  It was about inflicting pain and suffering.  It was about vengeance.  It was about playing god with the lives of every last soul that they saw as detestable.  This was their chance to strike those they hated most.  This was their chance to not simply defeat an enemy.

It was their chance to exterminate every last thing of God in this nation which restrained them from living the lives wanton gluttony, perversion and evil that they craved.  If they alone were successful, then everyone and everything deemed detestable to them would soon face extermination!

Here was the thing.  This condition in their hearts did not simply surface once they were offered the chance to participate in the fraud.  It already existed long before the election.  It isn’t just celebrities that fantasize about murdering Donald Trump.  It isn’t just the famous that spend hours imagining to most cruel and inhumane ways to deliver suffering to those who support Trump, and conservatives in general.  It is not just the wealthy leftist elite that bask in a near sexual perversion at the thoughts of how they can spend their money to gather up Christians like cattle, and force them into the very same boxcars that the Jews once rode to extermination.

It’s every last one of those that participated in the actions on Election Day, January 6th, and every day before and since this all occurred.  In in each case, their hearts desired something so evil, so wicked, and so unholy, that the Lord exercised a biblical principle that each of us are very familiar with already.

He gave them over to their lusts and perversions.

Romans 1:28-32 – And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

 Without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:

 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

Despite any misgivings they might have, the building blocks of what would come had already been present in their hearts.  Here is the thing – many of these folks actually found themselves in a very unique position.  Their hearts were beyond the point of no return on this.  Yet, they would still hesitate to take that final step.  This is what the Lord began to emphasize to me.  There is a line in the human heart.  Rather, there are several lines.  There is that point where you become so covered in evil and viciousness that that may be no way back for you.  The grace of God through Jesus Christ is there for all.  It can save all.

You must have it in your heart to accept that gift.

The Holy Spirit works on the lost to move them to salvation.  He brings conviction and heaviness.  He brings the burdens and weight of what we are engaged in.  Yet, the Bible tells us that our hearts can harden to the point that we can no longer hear the Holy Spirit, and we no longer feel these things meant to move us to Christ.  The Bible tells us that once you reach that point you are very nearly lost.  You not only close your heart off the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ, you then open it up to be filled with all manner of wickedness and vile things.  From this point the imagination soon follows.  This is where the wickedness in us really begins to flourish.

Yet, there is one final line to cross.

Once you have walked down this road to a certain point, you come face to face with a crossroad.  You have a decision to make.  Will you stop at the crossroad and go no further?  Or will you take that next step, and let your imaginations begin to manifest in reality?  This is the line where fantasy becomes reality.

This is where serial killers take that first fatal step in real life.  This is where they slaughter their first innocent animal.

This is where serial rapists stalk their first victim.

This is where the serial arsonist sets fire to his first small, unassuming structure.

This is where the abortion doctor steps in and witnesses their first live abortion.

This is where Adolf Hitler truly became Adolf Hitler.

It’s that line between fantasy and the first truly concrete action on the path that they are soon to follow.  It is that first step that all of us take in many aspects of our lives.  Clearly most of us do not become serial killers.  However, we do change jobs, jumping into a new and frightening career change with everything on the line.  We do buy that first house.  We do get the loan for that first sports car that will be our weekend toy, knowing that we might not be able to afford it.

This is where so many of the participants of the fraud found themselves when they were offered a deal with the devil.  Make no mistake about it – it was a deal with the devil.  It was an offer of untold emotional, psychological and spiritual riches that was being laid before them.  It was every fantasy they truly held, and they were all rolled into one final, fateful decision.  They were very nearly there.

Yet, that line can be difficult to cross.  Everything we discussed earlier that comes with being human came into play. To be so close to such a fateful and irreversible decision, yet to have so much humanity stand in the way.  If this was going to happen, then something would have to give.  There would need to be something that was able to bridge the divide between such wanton and vile depravity that already existed in so many hearts, and that first irreconcilable step from whence there could be no return.  Make no mistake – once this last line was breached there would be nothing restrained from all who took that last, fateful step over that line, that point of no return.

But what would that be?  How would so many people, thousands upon thousands of people be moved over that last and final line to set into motion an action that  can only be described as apocalyptic?

The answer just about smacked me in the face.

As you would imagine there was a great deal of “stuff” running back and forth through my mind on all of this.  There was much to contemplate, much to take to prayer.  I was so close to the final answer on this, or at least it seemed to me that I was.  By this time I was no longer coming and going on the subject.  I was there full time in my thoughts.  To this point I had what was becoming a massive revelation.  I was getting the answers that I needed, and that others would need as well.  Ironically, all of this was beginning to feel considerably less personal as the Lord emphasized that all of this was part of a much bigger plan, and I’m not talking about the plan for the steal.  I am talking about a prophetic plan.  Ironically, there was even a slight comforting sensation about all of this.  We were getting closer to the sounding of the last trump, and somehow, all of this played right into that plan.  It felt as though we were witnessing some important, something critical.

Sometimes you just never know how right you are.

At any rate I continued to go over all of this, asking questions of the Lord and hashing all of this out.  I still had that sense that there was a big piece that had to drop on this, so I knew I wasn’t done.  Back and forth in prayer, conversation and contemplation with the Lord I went.  I continued to find myself back at the prospect of the Lord helping move some of this along.  I couldn’t get away from this sensation.  Even when I jumped to another aspect it stayed with me.  Each time I would delve into another aspect I would invariably find myself back at this same point.  Then, with no warning, the Lord gave me a scripture that I was not expecting.

Ezekiel 38:4 – And I will turn you about and put hooks into your jaws, and I will bring you out, and all your army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed in full armor, a great host, all of them with buckler and shield, wielding swords.

 If there was ever a “hit the wall” moment I was there.  I was taken aback.


Ezekiel 38:4 – And I will turn you about and put hooks into your jaws, and I will bring you out, and all your army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed in full armor, a great host, all of them with buckler and shield, wielding swords.

At once I knew exactly what the Lord was telling me, and I suddenly understood the different implication in this.  The Lord filled me with the understanding and then quickened my spirit to cement what He had just shown me.  Suddenly, all of this opened up in a way I was not expecting, and it took all of these events to an entirely different level.

I will say that even though this understanding came before the events of January 6th and January 20th, everything I have seen since has also fallen in line with what the Lord gave me to understand, and was very much part of the same overarching plan.

Needless to say this stopped me in my tracks.  Suddenly there was a different narrative that had never even occurred to me.  What the Lord was showing me here was that this was not simply a case of Him giving the go ahead to Satan to affect this election, nor was it a case of the Lord saying “yes”, and then lending a hand to make it happen.

This was a case of the Lord bringing these events to bear outright.  There would be no choice in this for anybody.

I have to tell you that for the first time in all of this mess things finally made sense.  There were any number of implications to the election and its aftermath that finally fit.  I was stunned to say the least.  As with any revelation from the Lord, you typically have to just sit with it for a while before you can begin the dissection and analysis process.  So that is exactly what I did.

As I sat with all of this I began to understand something profound.  There was a reason why the heartache had started to dissipate and all of this was starting to feel less “personal”.  As it turns it wasn’t personal.  Then I was struck with a singular thought that did more to help right my mind and heart on all of this.

Without the Lord this actually could NOT have happened.  Not just some of it – all of it.  This took the direct intervention of the Lord to bring to fruition.

It’s at this point that many of the things we have already discussed regarding human nature began to settle in with me. The Lord began to walk me through all of this, and it made all the difference in the world to me.  It was at this point that I finally felt “normal” for the first time since all of this had transpired.  This was the first time I was able to pull myself back from the edge.  It finally made sense.  I could see the heart and soul of the matter.  Right now some of you are having a similar reaction to what I experienced.  It is clicking with you just as it did me.  For others, you are right there, just on the edge.  Allow me to break this down.

What it ultimately came down to was this.  Think back to our discussions on human nature from earlier.  Let’s bring back something we mentioned just a moment ago:

Yet, there is one final line to cross.

Once you have walked down this road to a certain point, you come face to face with a crossroad.  You have a decision to make.  Will you stop at the crossroad and go no further?  Or will you take that next step, and let your imaginations begin to manifest in reality?  This is the line where fantasy becomes reality.

This is where serial killers take that first fatal step in real life.  This is where they slaughter their first innocent animal.

This is where serial rapists stalk their first victim.

This is where the serial arsonist sets fire to his first small, unassuming structure.

This is where the abortion doctor steps in and witnesses their first live abortion.

This is where Adolf Hitler truly became Adolf Hitler.

It’s that line between fantasy and the first truly concrete action on the path that they are soon to follow.  It is that first step that all of us take in many aspects of our lives.  Clearly most of us do not become serial killers.  However, we do change jobs, jumping into a new and frightening career change with everything on the line.  We do buy that first house.  We do get the loan for that first sports car that will be our weekend toy, knowing that we might not be able to afford it.

This is where so many of the participants of the fraud found themselves when they were offered a deal with the devil.  Make no mistake about it – it was a deal with the devil.  It was an offer of untold emotional, psychological and spiritual riches that was being laid before them.  It was every fantasy they truly held, and they were all rolled into one final, fateful decision.  They were very nearly there.

Yet, that line can be difficult to cross.  Everything we discussed earlier that comes with being human came into play. To be so close to such a fateful and irreversible decision, yet to have so much humanity stand in the way.  If this was going to happen, then something would have to give.  There would need to be something that was able to bridge the divide between such wanton and vile depravity that already existed in so many hearts, and that first irreconcilable step from whence there could be no return.  Make no mistake – once this last line was breached there would be nothing restrained from all who took that last, fateful step over that line, that point of no return.

What the Lord wanted me, and all of us, to understand was this – the vast majority of those involved were not willing to cross that final line.  Ultimately, when faced with the hard decision, they simply were not going to do this!  Where this helps on a personal level is the understanding that absent the direct involvement of the Lord this WOULD NEVER HAVE HAPPENED!  It’s under this premise that we find relief.  We find relief in the fact that the Lord had a plan and reasons.  In His plans and reasoning there is perfection.  If the Most High God felt that this was the necessary course of action to take, then that is something I can most certainly live with.  For that matter, when we find ourselves directly in the middle of the will of God there is great comfort.  That comfort comes from His many promises to the Body of Christ – promises which are in full effect this very day.  I am reminded of a certain passage of scripture:

Matthew 6:25-34 – English Standard Version

Do Not Be Anxious

25 “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?

26 Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?

27 And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?

28 And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin,

29 yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.

30 But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?

31 Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’

32 For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all.

33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

34 “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

Don’t get me wrong – their hesitation had NOTHING to do with serving the Lord, listening to their conscience, doing the right thing, etc.  Make no mistake, everybody that participated in everything from the steal, to January 6th, on through to the 20th wanted to be there.  They wanted what happened, and they wanted it more than anything else.  For them, the end result produced a near sexual experience for them.  I am not exaggerating when I say that.  The nearly orgasmic shudder that ran through their heart and soul when they knew for the first time that they had won…

It was an experience on such a deeply personal level that most of them can never come back from where they are now emotionally, psychologically, or spiritually.  This will be critical to understand in a few moments when we discuss the “why” of all of this.

What the Lord was leading me to understand is that everything in their very soul wanted this.  They had well crossed that first line in their hearts.  However, for most of the folks involved there was that second line.  They had never crossed this line before.  They had wanted to.  It consumed so many of them.  They never discussed it in mixed company.  Some even hesitated to discuss it in front of similar company.  They may have kept these desires, these imaginations to themselves.  However, make no mistake, the ability to take that next step – to be a part of so through an extermination of their enemies is what drove the vast majority of these folks in the deepest recesses of their hearts.  They were being driven by a demonic hatred for not just Donald Trump, but anyone and anything that even dared to point this nation back towards God.  They had come so far in achieving the depravity they so desired.  Soon it would be forced upon every last soul in this nation.  They would be able to live such detestability freely, and in the open.

Yet, they are still human.  As such there are something that we simply cannot escape without the help that comes through salvation through Christ.  Fear, doubt, anxiety, uncertainty, lack of faith in anything – these are all features of our flesh that even as born again Christians we face.  It can be tough for us, but we at least have the assurance of victory and the Holy Spirit to help us.  For those without Christ these are things which can be downright crippling.

What did we say earlier?  Satan is still Satan.  Even with a greater goal in sight, he still cannot fight his nature.  Above all things he desires to see humanity suffer.  He desires to see all of us in pain.  He desires to see all of us struggle and fall short.  Even though there was just one final step to take, Satan cannot turn from his own nature.  He struggles to see the big picture sometimes.  He struggles to look past his own instant gratification, and undertake personal sacrifice for a greater victory later.  Besides, when all he can see is the single individual in front of him, he cannot see where that one person will make the difference and deliver that greater victory.  So he opts for the instant gratification of watching each of us struggle and suffer.  The big picture has never been Satan’s string suit.

If it had he would never have rebelled against God in the first place.  He would never have crucified Christ either.

1 Corinthians 2:6-8 –   Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect: yet not the wisdom of this world, nor of the princes of this world, that come to naught:

But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory:

Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.

Satan simply could not see what was right in front of him, so he was actually hindering his own victory!  Those now face with this choice had to come to terms with very human fear, doubt and uncertainty that besieged them.  They wanted this more than anything, and the actual prize that stood at the end was nearly too good to be true.  To them, it was nearly as unfathomable as a Donald Trump loss was to the rest of us.  Simply put they just couldn’t see past the improbability to the possibility.  There was simply no way this could work.  Even if it appeared to be successful at first, there was simply no way it would hold.

How could it?  Nothing of this scale had ever been tried before.  There was no history upon which they could rest themselves.  No, to pull this off would require each of them taking an unthinkable step – not unthinkable to their minds, but unthinkable in terms of success.  Simply stated, most of them never thought this was even possible.

What the world was left with was an entire bucket load of desire paired with 95 percent willingness, mixed in with just enough fear of failure – and a Donald Trump Justice Department – to hold them back.  They wanted this.  They needed this.  They lusted after this.  Their hearts were beating for this.  All that stood between them and the possibilities was but a single step.

And I will turn you about and put hooks into your jaws, and I will bring you out, and all your army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed in full armor, a great host, all of them with buckler and shield, wielding swords.

 What the Lord had given me to understand is that for His purposes, He literally hooked the jaws of EVERYBODY involved on this.  He had brought all of this to pass.  Everything we had just witnessed (and would witness over the next few weeks) was specifically by His hand and His design.

Where this made the difference on the personal level for me was the innate understanding that overwhelming and vast majority of those involved were going to say “no”.  As close as they were to committing to this plan as they were in their hearts and minds, they did not have the strength to overcome themselves.

Let’s face it – as Christians and Conservatives we are used to this.  There are a lot of folks out there that secretly fantasize about finishing us and our ideology off.  They especially desire the end to all thing “Christian” – and Jewish.  We live with this.  We see it all the time.  We have become immune to it mostly.  They have made strides against us in the past.  Yet, right when it seems they are headed for victory we would thwart them.  Then came 2016 and the realization that things may truly be turning back in a different direction!

These are folks that were already too far gone to turn back from this, yet they lacked the strength to push forward that one final step.  So, absent supernatural intervention it simply wasn’t going to happen.  I can tell you that understanding this makes all the difference inside the heart.  When you know that the overwhelming majority did not actually believe in this plan enough to risk it really puts things in perspective.

It makes a difference when you realize on a personal level that none of these folks were actually capable (from an ability standpoint) of the events that we witnessed, nor willing to try.  It makes a difference when you realize on a personal level that the ONLY reason this was even possible is that the Most High God Himself ordained it, set it into motion, laid the groundwork, and pulled the offenders over that last and final line.

It makes a difference on a personal level when you realize that you are truly looking at a miracle level plan and action from God Himself.  This was not the work of men alone.  This was the work of Almighty God, and He had his perfect reasons for this plan.

Make no mistake – they were already guilty in their hearts.  It was simply time to turn them over to their lusts, desires and perversions.  They had long since moved past the point of being reached.  I know that this has a very harsh tone to it.  Also, it is a struggle for Christians to grasp that anybody can ever reach the point of no return – let alone so many.  However, deep down we all know well that people can become so corrupt with such hardened hearts that this is indeed possible.  It’s not that the grace of Christ is not sufficient.  It’s that we can literally cut off the voice of God from our very own hearing and hearts!

Is this really such a hard thing to see?  We have witnessed a level of hatred from the left that has never truly been seen before.  There are hundreds of public examples of the famous left displaying their full hate and contempt for us.  Yet, social media really brings out the “best” in the left.  No matter which platform you are on, you need merely post anything shedding a positive light of conservativism, Christianity, Donald Trump, etc., and the level to which the world has descended becomes painfully clear.  The events that have played out through the course of 2020 really drove this point home.  The left simply does not dislike or even hate us – this burn with a red hot utterly vile derision for us.  If they could execute a Thanos snap and all of us disappear then none of us would be here today.

The saddest part about all of this is that if we can only find a way to reach through that hardness the grace of God is still there for them!  That is why we never stop trying.  That is why we never stop praying.  That is why Paul reminds us not to be a stumbling block to others in the things we say or do.

We must always assume that no matter how hard hearted or evil someone seems to be, we never know just how close that hardened shell may be to cracking!

At the same time we must also realize the cold hard truth about the days and times we live in.  Sadly, there will be many lost.  Unfortunately that number is increasing by the day.  It reminds me of a line from the movie “The Guardian” with Kevin Costner and Ashton Kutcher – “save the ones you can. The rest you have to let go.”

With that said, I found the Lord’s answer on this remarkable.  The idea of hooking the jaws to draw folks into an evil plan was something I did not expect to find.  Ezekiel 38:4 clearly shows that this is possible, and such a move is directly tied to coming end times prophecy.  Ironically, the change of administration is likewise directly tied to Israel, Iran, the greater Middle East, and these same soon to come end times battles.

Ironically, Ezekiel 38:4 is not the only time we see the Lord do this.  In Ezekiel chapter 29 we same something similar.  The Lord delivers a prophecy against Egypt wherein He will essentially do the same thing – hook the jaws of the soon to be judged nation and draw them into conflict.

Ezekiel 29:3-6 – Speak, and say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against thee, Pharaoh king of Egypt, the great dragon that lieth in the midst of his rivers, which hath said, My river is mine own, and I have made it for myself.

 4 But I will put hooks in thy jaws, and I will cause the fish of thy rivers to stick unto thy scales, and I will bring thee up out of the midst of thy rivers, and all the fish of thy rivers shall stick unto thy scales.

 5 And I will leave thee thrown into the wilderness, thee and all the fish of thy rivers: thou shalt fall upon the open fields; thou shalt not be brought together, nor gathered: I have given thee for meat to the beasts of the field and to the fowls of the heaven.

 6 And all the inhabitants of Egypt shall know that I am the LORD, because they have been a staff of reed to the house of Israel.

Indeed, we see the same premise dealing with Sennacherib, king of Assyria.  In Isaiah 37, we see that the Lord turns back the Assyrian invasion, and the Lord grabs a hold of the Assyrian army rather forcefully and repels them.

Isaiah 37:29 Because thy rage against me, and thy tumult, is come up into mine ears, therefore will I put my hook in thy nose, and my bridle in thy lips, and I will turn thee back by the way by which thou camest.

There is something that needs pointed out.  In these three examples we see a pattern emerge.  In all three, those that rise up for evil are at some point defeated and turned back.  In all three examples, the extent of the defeat is horrific.  However, we also see that this does not mean that there will not be some success first for the enemies of the people of God.  Ezekiel 38 and 39 bear this out, which is particularly relevant given that this is the scripture the Lord gave me to reveal what had actually happened.

At this point I will speak of a burden that the Lord has given me.  I have carried this for the last few months and will share it here.  I call it a burden as opposed to a prophecy, as there is much I do not yet know.  However, I am led to share it now.  Take this before the Lord and allow Him to show you what it may mean.

The burden is simply this – I cannot escape that what we know as the left today has one final transformation to go through prior to the advent of the tribulation.  In this burden I see a victory which changes them wholesale, and introduces a level of arrogance and depravity that their movement has never known.

However, at some time after that, there is one final soul crushing defeat coming for them.  It will be a defeat that sees them descend en mass into the lowest depths of despair and wrath.  It will be a defeat that is so penetrating, so visceral, that their collective hearts and minds descend into depths that humanity has not seen since the days before the great flood.  There are no words to truly capture what this does to them as a whole, save these:

It will be the final defeat and descent into madness that allows the left to morph into something different, something unnamed – an entire group of folks that will be reading and gladly willing to embrace the Antichrist, his mark, and the wanton death and destruction he allows his followers to visit upon both Jew and tribulation believer alike.

With all of that said, and so many now past the point of no return, it was now time for the Lord to advance the prophetic calendar.  Therein is resides the next piece of our puzzle – the “why” of it all.

Why All of this Happened.

I started to really consider to reasoning behind all of this.  The Lord already made it clear that He could have given us a clean election.  This would have served the prophetic requirements that needed to be fulfilled.  Regardless of how Joe Biden entered the White house, his first day would have still come.  On a side note what a first day it was!  15,000 people nearly instantly out of work with the halting of the Keystone XL pipeline and the order to stop the wall.  However, the most critical of all his actions was the immediate recommit of US troops to Syria.  This is an example of direct prophetic preparation.  I will have more on this in later projects.  For now it’s enough to say that we are immediately heading down ma preordained road towards the end times, and the speed with which things are already happening reveal just how far along we are.

No, none of the drama had to come in order for prophecy to move forward.  A clean election would have achieved all of that, and done so with more of a mandate behind a Biden Whitehouse.  That meant that there had to be other reasons in play.  Of course they would be prophetic reasons as well.  However, I had the sense that they were of a somewhat different prophetic necessity.

As I considered these different things, the Lord took my mind in a different, unexpected direction.  Out of the blue He brought something to me that caught me just a bit off guard.

The Christmas Star.

On December 21st of 2020, there was a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn that was so close in proximity that they appeared as a single brilliant star.  The timing of the star was the amazing part of the story.  Not only had this start appeared just before Christmas in 2020, but it also made an appearance back in 7 B.C.! I am including two links to articles which provide a general overview as to what happened.



What I don’t want to do is get lost in the weeds over the timing of the birth of Christ, which covers two separate areas – the date on the yearly calendar, and the particular year.  The particular year is less of a debate than the actual day.  It is generally recognized that the birth of Christ wasn’t necessarily on the 0 year on our calendar.  Rather, it is placed sometime between 7 B.C. and 4 A.D.  I have long maintained that the reason we have not been allowed to know the exact year is due to the propensity of men to try and calculate dates.  There is a very well-known prophecy in Daniel which sets the dates of certain events, and if the actual birth year of Jesus is known it becomes possible to know the year that Christ will return based on the 6,000 year timeframe in the seven day prophetic cycle.

The larger argument goes with the actual date on the yearly calendar.  This has been nearly every argument under the sun as to why December 25th could not be the actual date of the birth of Christ.  We hear everything reasoning possible why Jesus was born on a feast day.  I go into detail in another project I will also link here that discusses celebrating Easter and Christmas.  From there you can go down these roads if you so choose.  Here is the link to the project on Christmas and Easter:


For our current purposes, the Lord bringing the Christmas Star to mind revolved around its current timing, and what it spoke to our modern times – not with regards to the deep theological debates we already mentioned, but with regards to the generally held understandings of things, which is that December 25th is the date recognized every year as the birthdate of Christ, and the time in which he came.  It is the general premise and understanding behind something where it has its greatest impact.  For both the world as a whole, believers in general, and overcomers specifically, the timing of the Christmas Star was very specific, and had very prophetic implications.

Truthfully, I hadn’t thought too much about the Christmas start until it actually happened.  We knew it was coming, and the articles had been appearing for a month or so prior.  I would see them, think “hey, it’s a sign” and move on.  It wasn’t until the day it actually happened – which came after the election – that it finally hit me what it actually was.  I was thinking about something else when I saw the various posts on the Christmas Star on the day it was going to happen.  They caught my attention and I felt drawn to them in a way that had not happened yet.  I spent a bit of time looking into the star, how it was formed, and when it had happened before.  I read a bit about other similar occurrences as well.

What kept sticking with me was the date, and the fact that it was Christmas.  I was drawn to this.  I wondered after these things.  I knew it was meant to be a sign in the heavens.  Anybody with any background in prophetic studies understands this.  But I was missing the context.  Then, clear as day, the Lord hit me with a scripture that provided the missing link:

The Coming of the Son of Man – Matthew 24:

 29 “Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.

 30 Then will appear in heaven the sign of the Son of Man, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

 31 And he will send out his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

Specifically, I heard the words Then will appear in heaven the sign of the Son of Man and I was filled with the greater understanding behind them.  Nearly at once I knew what the Christmas Star was about, and what it was meant to convey.

The Christmas Star was a sign in the heavens to confirm the prophetic and supernatural nature of what we were witnessing.  It was a sign that none of the things we were witnessing were an accident.

I have spoken many times about the “signs before the signs” on this website.  As we spoke earlier in this project, there are both general and specific fulfillments to most prophecies concerning the end times.  The 2020 Christmas Star was not the specific fulfillment of Matthew 24:30.  Rather, it was a general fulfillment meant to tell us something.  As I considered what I was being shown, I was given the operative piece to this particular sign in the heavens:

“Then will appear in heaven the sign of the Son of Man” was simple and unmistakable – the events we were now witnessing are directly tied to the soon coming of the Son of Man.  The Christmas Star at this particular moment was meant to confirm that what we were witnessing was a sign that the final pieces were being put into place for the soon return of Christ, or the coming of the Son of Man!

These are the types of things which help a person to gain perspective on the things around them.  It really does make a difference when you begin to realize that this wasn’t actually a case of a stolen election, but rather, and election given over to the most evil and corrupt among us for the express purpose of moving the prophetic needle.  It makes an even bigger difference when you realize that even the tribulation isn’t the central theme of what God is trying to communicate (at least not to overcomers – more on this in a moment).

For the overcomer, the key thing the Lord wants us to focus on is not the tribulation.  It is the soon return of the Lord.  That is why the Lord chose the Christmas Star!  It showed up before the Messiah showed up the first time, and it showed up again before the Messiah comes the next time!

Matthew 2 – English Standard Version

The Visit of the Wise Men

 2 Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem, 2 saying, “Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.” 3 When Herod the king heard this, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him; 4 and assembling all the chief priests and scribes of the people, he inquired of them where the Christ was to be born. 5 They told him, “In Bethlehem of Judea, for so it is written by the prophet:

 6 “‘And you, O Bethlehem, in the land of Judah,

    are by no means least among the rulers of Judah;

for from you shall come a ruler

    who will shepherd my people Israel.’”

 7 Then Herod summoned the wise men secretly and ascertained from them what time the star had appeared. 8 And he sent them to Bethlehem, saying, “Go and search diligently for the child, and when you have found him, bring me word, that I too may come and worship him.” 9 After listening to the king, they went on their way. And behold, the star that they had seen when it rose went before them until it came to rest over the place where the child was. 10 When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy. 11 And going into the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh. 12 And being warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they departed to their own country by another way.

 On that one dramatic night, the Christmas Star shown brilliantly!  It was unmistakable.  To any and all who were watching, and understood the significance of signs in the heavens, there could be no mistaking what this was.  For that matter, anybody with a cursory understanding of the different types of signs and their recurrent nature could have figured out academically what this particular sign was revealing.  Therein lies the problem, however.  There is much in the Word of God that has been truly watered down.

Sadly, not even the entire Body of Christ understood the significance of the star and what it was announcing.  There has been such a spate of false doctrine arise here in these last days that even the teaching of the soon return of the Lord is under attack.  However, it makes sense to a degree.  Satan stands against the teaching of the rapture because it brings hope, faith, and understanding of where we are prophetically.  Likewise, a failure to understand what the return of the Lord truly is prophetically makes it impossible to put the events found in the book of Revelation in their proper context.  In return, this has led to so many misunderstandings that it has served to foment fear, doubt and anxiety in the vast majority of the Body of Christ.

If you ever stop to wonder if your current theological understanding of the end times and Revelation are the correct understanding, all you need to do is ask yourself a simple question:

Does my current understanding of end time’s events leave me feeling anxious, concerned, troubled or fearful?

If the answer is yes to any of these things then you have a fairly solid indication that you are getting something wrong!  Remember, the Bible tells us very clearly that NONE of these things are from the Lord.  We can take it a step further – if you find yourself trying to “force” confidence and fearlessness regarding what we are witnessing now, and “hoping” that you might be wrong, then you need to re-examine exactly where you are at in your faith.

If you find that you are having to work up the “courage” to face the things that are soon to come then you may have a very big problem on your hands!

With that said, I began to sense something else about the events surrounding the election.  We could have been given a clean election.  However, the Lord went a different route.  More specifically, the Lord moved the entire world in a different direction that wasn’t truly necessary to achieve the prophetic requirements that are now up on deck.  Of course, that does not mean that later down the road that the election fraud will not bear direct fruit elsewhere.  It may be that this was a time of exposing corruption for all the world to see.  It could very easily lead to a period where changes are made and a more godly administration takes the helm one last time to further prophetic developments.

That is a very real possibility.  There are many out there who feel that all is now lost in America.  Perhaps that will turn out to be the case.  However, it is the Lord alone who lifts kings up, and it is the Lord alone who tears them down.  Whether or not we see another fair election (in the very few that we may have left) will be solely dependent on prophecy.  Specifically, will there need to be another time of prophetic preparation with regards to Israel and the now forming southern kingdom.

If another pro-Trump style administration is needed to counter the events that occur under the current Biden Administration with regards to Israel, Iran, Syria, and the rest of the Middle East, then that is exactly what will happen.  There is no amount of election fraud which can change this.

Where all of this left me was with an understanding that all of this had occurred for prophetic purposes, and that the Christmas Star was meant as a sign to the overcomer that the Lord was returning soon – and that all of this was specifically tied to that event.  That was all well and good, but I was still left with questions.  Understand, “prophetic purposes” is a good generic or academic understanding, but it doesn’t answer specific questions.  Furthermore, I now also understood that the same prophetic events that would come from a Biden Administration would still have happened if we had been given a clean election.

So what gives?

At this point we have a great deal of information, yet we still don’t truly know how the stolen election (and subsequent events) advance the cause of prophecy.  Simply put, what did a stolen election give us that a clean election would not?  Was it the exposure of corruption?  It certainly could be.  Such an exposure of corruption could potentially change the balance of the equation in the future.  Perhaps these are the events that will be used to bring more godly administrations back into power to complete the pre-rapture / pre-tribulation preparations that must be made prior to the start of the final eight year period on earth.  As a side note, for those who have not read the other projects on Trib Rising, you may not be familiar with why we say eight years as opposed to seven.  You can read more in our project on the timing of the tribulation.  The tribulation is two periods of 42 months apiece, but there are times of separation between these two periods, and between the rapture and the actual start of the seven year treaty with Israel.  Here is the link to that project:


Perhaps it is something else that we can’t quite see yet.  Maybe there will be some mid-term fireworks that dramatically alter the course of events both here and abroad.  Perhaps it’s something that we cannot see yet.  Regardless, there still remained one very substantial unanswered question.


It was at this point that my mind was drawn back to the Christmas Star.  I began to ponder it again when a couple observations began to stick out at me.  You will recall something that we spoke about just a moment ago:

Then will appear in heaven the sign of the Son of Man” was simple and unmistakable – the events we were now witnessing are directly tied to the soon coming of the Son of Man.  The Christmas Star at this particular moment was meant to confirm that what we were witnessing was a sign that the final pieces were being put into place for the soon return of Christ, or the coming of the Son of Man!

 These are the types of things which help a person to gain perspective on the things around them.  It really does make a difference when you begin to realize that this wasn’t actually a case of a stolen election, but rather, and election given over to the most evil and corrupt among us for the express purpose of moving the prophetic needle.  It makes an even bigger difference when you realize that even the tribulation isn’t the central theme of what God is trying to communicate (at least not to overcomers – more on this in a moment).

For the overcomer, the key thing the Lord wants us to focus on is not the tribulation.  It is the soon return of the Lord.  That is why the Lord chose the Christmas Star!  It showed up before the Messiah showed up the first time, and it showed up again before the Messiah comes the next time!

The first thing that jumped out at me was that the star was a sign to the believer.  The second thing that jumped out at me was that the star was a sign specifically to the overcomer.  This left me with two very specific questions:

If this is a sign to the overcomer, then what about those that have salvation but do not overcome?

How does this sign impact the rest of the unbelieving world?

y mind kept getting drawn back to the star, and specifically with an emphasis on signs.  What are signs exactly?  They are indicators of things soon to come.  While that is indeed correct, they are so much more.  Signs from the Lord are His voice to use.  They speak to us.  They warn us.  They reach out to us.  It did not take long for me to realize something else.  There now appeared to three different levels, or groups of folks that Lord was showing me, and all three of these groups were in the context of signs.  Specifically, the signs were in the context of the soon return of the Lord.  However, what if you don’t believe in the return of the Lord?  What exactly does all of this mean to you?

I have written a number of times on the voice of God and how it sounds.  We see a principle play out with both Paul on the road to Damascus, and the Israelites at the base of Mount Sinai in Exodus 19.  I have an entire section of one of my projects which breaks out the voice of God and would link it here, except that I cannot remember which project it is in.  If I recall later or find it I will link it in.

The short story is that there are three levels of people, and three sounds of the voice of God.  For those that overcome the voice of God is clear, and you know it is the voice of God.  You recognize His voice and what HE is saying.

The second level is the believer that does not overcome.  They have salvation, but they are not where they should be.  To them the voice of God is described as the voice of angels.  They know it is of God, but they cannot hear it as though from God.  The sounding of His words is lost to their ears.

The third group is everybody else.  They cannot hear the voice of God for what it is.  Instead, His voice becomes a mighty and terrible thing, as the sound of thunderings.  They do not know what is being said, or even that it is God saying it.  What they do know is that is loud, unmistakable, gets their attention, and can be terrifying.  When the voice of God comes to the unbeliever it is unmistakable.  They know beyond all doubt that something is wrong, but they are simply not sure what.

I was beginning to understand that this is what the election was all about.

The Christmas Star spoke loud and clear to the overcomer.  We knew what the star was telling us.  The meaning was unmistakable.  But what about everybody else?  It didn’t take long for the next piece to come – the unbeliever.

With the voice of God, to the unbeliever it is a freighting thing to behold.  Think of the very worst thunderstorms you can remember as a small child.  The driving rain, the howling wind, the ominously dark skies, the lightning that hits right outside your window – then comes the crack as though the entire world had just exploded.  At that time in your life you have now perception of what thunderstorms truly are.  All you know is that what you are experiencing is shaking you to your very core.  If we are being honest, there are times when this type of weather shakes us as adults.  No matter how many times you have experienced thunder storms, there is always that “one” that is heads and shoulders wicked above all the rest.  Those are the storms that leave you wondering if your house and property will even survive the onslaught of nature.

This is the impact that the voice of God has on the unbeliever.  It is dramatic.  It is traumatizing.  It leaves an undeniable impression that haunts you until the day you die.  Let’s transition this over to the levels or degrees of signs that the Lord will deliver to us.  As we said earlier, signs are likewise the voice of God.  However, the difference is that signs come with given definitions and translations in the Bible.  They are more akin to announcements than spontaneous messages.  Signs are meant to convey a specific, predefined message.  The direct voice of God is an undefined message meant for that particular moment.

The different types of signs in the Bible cover everything from signs in the heavens, to prophetic warnings (think Jonah and Nineveh, or Abraham and Sodom), to selective judgments meant to get our attention (think the first invasion of Israel by Babylon). With the selective judgments we have a very specific type of sign – the harbinger. Harbingers are events that are so dramatic in scope that absolutely nobody can deny that the world has now changed.  The most famous, and recent, harbinger that comes to mind is September 11th, 2001.  If you have not read the book by the same name from Jonathan Cahn it is well worth your time to do so.  It will help you to form a good general understanding of how signs and harbingers work in the Bible.

In the case of the stolen election we were looking at a harbinger to the unbelieving world.  It was also a sign to the believer that does not overcome, but we will dig deeper into that aspect momentarily. The election and subsequent events rocked the entire planet to its core.  It was very much reminiscent of 9-11-2001.  Nobody could believe what they were seeing.  The whole world knew what has happened.  Although it got no coverage in the media here at home, and big tech tried to censor reports from abroad, it was well known what had happened here.  There are any number of nations which have fallen victim to this exact same fraud.  That was the thing – it was the exact same playbook that has been used in other nations by the CIA.  The only difference is that this was the first time it occurred on such an earth shattering level.  There were many reports and social media interactions where the steal was openly discussed.  However, to see them in the US you had to want to find them.

For the rest of the world it was now clear that something terrible had happened that none of them would escape the consequences.  If the United States can have its election stolen, the courts turned against the people, both political parties working in concert against the sitting President, the media enable and push the propaganda, social media all work together actively to control the flow of information, and a peaceful rally co-opted to be turned into a riot and invasion of the Capital Building at the precise moment when the evidence is about to be heard for the first time – if all of this could happen here, then there truly was no place left to go.  There would be no “America” to escape to.

That meant that the unthinkable was now reality.  After thousands of years, the entire planet now sat upon the brink of dictatorial suicide.  This has been the endgame for many very evil people throughout the centuries.  Yet, it has not been possible since the days on Nimrod on the plains of Shinar.  Now, at the end of things, the world has finally closed the Nimrod cycle, and his great tower of Babylon is once more ready to rise.

Here is the link to a fascinating article which serves as an incredibly eye opening wake-up call for what has just transpired, and where we now sit as a nation:


What this came down to is that the Lord needed to get the attention of the entire planet.  This is the great shaking from which there can be no denying that everything has changed.  This was a massive and irrefutable harbinger that the Lord is now moving heaven and earth to their prophetic conclusion, and nothing on earth is exempt nor will escape. This was a sign that was meant to shake the planet to its core.  It was a sign that was meant to announce that darkness is now upon us all.

This was the Lord announcing to the unbelieving world in no uncertain nor deniable terms that everything we know is about to end.  It was an announcement that darkness is descending and the entire planet will soon fall into and evil and depravity the likes of which it has never seen.

It was an announcement to the unbelieving world that the end of the age is upon us, and the smart man stops and asks why.

At this point we know understand that the Lord has warned the overcomer and the unbeliever.  However, that left one final group – the lukewarm believer.  What about these folks?  What about those that do not have the blessed hope because they don’t accept the blessed hope?  We have covered it numerous times on this website.  You cannot have that which you do not believe.  You cannot be forced to partake in that which you do not accept.  You cannot enjoy the blessings for faith if there is no faith present.

For those of you who are new to this website, I have multiple projects which speak in tremendous detail on this subject.  For many folks it is hard to hear that believers can actually miss the rapture.  They have never been taught that the rapture is not a reward for salvation.  Salvation is its own reward.  The rapture is the reward for faithfulness.  It is well worth your time to read through the numerous rapture projects on this site – all of which cover evidence well beyond that standard talking points that will get blindly parroted both for and against the rapture.  To that end I currently have an extensive project in the works on the Day of Atonement and the Feast of Trumpets that reveal the true nature of the rapture in a way that I am fairly confident that you have likely never seen it presented before.

We can begin this part of the conversation with the easy part.  The election events (includes everything from the election to the inauguration, and perhaps even the impeachment trial if it comes to pass) were indeed a sign to the lukewarm believer.  They served as a sign for this group as most of these folks are unaware of the true nature of signs in the heavens and their implications, nor is this group focused enough on the things of God to pay much attention to the signs of the soon return of the Son of Man, nor the impending start of the tribulation.  This is a group that typically has a very casual attitude towards prophecy, and spends most of their time “in the world.”

For our casual believer, the election events have them shaken to the core.  This is due to the fact that their focus is the world, and as such, have a world view as opposed to a biblical world view.  They see everything in terms of the world, and how it functions now.  They watched as their retirements took a hit.  They watched with great trepidation as the US seemingly fell from the perch of freedom.  They witnessed events which gave them pause, and filled them with fear that we are headed to one of two fates – either an outright civil war, or the full descent into traditional political socialism followed by communism.  I say “traditional political socialism” from the aspect that many of these folks are unable to see these events even from the aspect of the tribulation.  To their minds, the US is faced with many years of hard existence based on the current political situation.  The key piece of the puzzle is the belief that it will be many years, and prophecy is the furthest thing from their minds.

It is important to note that there is a second, yet smaller group that fits into this category.  It is the believer that does not have the blessed hope.  These are the believers that are substantially more active in the faith and have a prophetic mindset.  However, their outlook is based upon the coming of the tribulation first and foremost.  I don’t want to belabor this point too much at this time.  I have written on this group in nearly every project on this site that deals with the rapture.  We can sum it up the way we did a moment ago.  You cannot have what you do not believe, nor accept.  That is the single overriding premise in all that the Lord does.  You must first believe.  Then you must accept.  Finally, you must have faith in what you believe and accept.  These are the three components or keys to everything that the Lord does.  Even Jesus Himself was constrained from working miracles due to a lack of faith from those around Him.  Likewise, even the Gentile was able to receive the miracles and healing of Jesus simply because they had faith that even the Jews who watched Jesus everyday lacked!

Without belief and acceptance there can be no faith.  Without faith, you cannot stand upon a promise.  For this smaller (yet growing, which is also a prophetic indicator of where we now are) group, it is impossible to look past the tribulation and Satan.  Without the blessed hope, your focus will remain fixed on the parts of prophecy that you do accept.  In this case it is the tribulation.  With the coming of the tribulation, this group can see the coming of only one individual – the Antichrist.  If that is where your focus is, then you cannot keep a full focus on Jesus.  If you are dominated by impending evil, you will ultimately be dominated by the singular most prevalent and damaging byproduct of evil – fear.  It may be well contained, but it will still be there.  It may be buried in the deepest recesses of your heart, but it has still entered your heart.

To both of these groups there is are particularly relevant warnings that need shared before we go any further:

Luke 17:31-33 – On that day, let no one on the housetop come down to retrieve his possessions. Likewise, let no one in the field return for anything he has left behind. 32 Remember Lot’s wife! 33 Whoever tries to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life will preserve it.…

For that matter:

Matthew 10:39

Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.

 Matthew 16:25

For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.

Mark 8:35

For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and for the gospel will save it.

 Luke 9:24

For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will save it.

For these folks we can bring these events into perspective by bringing back something we said a moment ago:

What this came down to is that the Lord needed to get the attention of the entire planet.  This is the great shaking from which there can be no denying that everything has changed.  This was a massive and irrefutable harbinger that the Lord is now moving heaven and earth to their prophetic conclusion, and nothing on earth is exempt nor will escape. This was a sign that was meant to shake the planet to its core.  It was a sign that was meant to announce that darkness is now upon us all.

This was the Lord announcing to the unbelieving world in no uncertain nor deniable terms that everything we know is about to end.  It was an announcement that darkness is descending and the entire planet will soon fall into and evil and depravity the likes of which it has never seen.

For this collection of believers, the Lord is trying to get them to hear His promises and focus on the prophetic reality of where we are at.  The election events were meant as a wakeup call.  They were meant to open their eyes, and set them on the path to the truth.  The Lord intends for none to perish, nor does he intend for any of His children to enter the judgments that are soon to come.  We look back at Genesis 19 and to Lot as the primer for what the election events reveal:

12 Then the men said to Lot, “Have you anyone else here? Sons-in-law, sons, daughters, or anyone you have in the city, bring them out of the place. 13 For we are about to destroy this place, because the outcry against its people has become great before the LORD, and the LORD has sent us to destroy it.” 14 So Lot went out and said to his sons-in-law, who were to marry his daughters, “Up! Get out of this place, for the LORD is about to destroy the city.” But he seemed to his sons-in-law to be jesting.

 15 As morning dawned, the angels urged Lot, saying, “Up! Take your wife and your two daughters who are here, lest you be swept away in the punishment of the city.” 16 But he lingered. So the men seized him and his wife and his two daughters by the hand, the LORD being merciful to him, and they brought him out and set him outside the city. 17 And as they brought them out, one said, “Escape for your life. Do not look back or stop anywhere in the valley. Escape to the hills, lest you be swept away.” 18 And Lot said to them, “Oh, no, my lords. 19 Behold, your servant has found favor in your sight, and you have shown me great kindness in saving my life. But I cannot escape to the hills, lest the disaster overtake me and I die. 20 Behold, this city is near enough to flee to, and it is a little one. Let me escape there—is it not a little one?—and my life will be saved!” 21 He said to him, “Behold, I grant you this favor also, that I will not overthrow the city of which you have spoken.

 22 Escape there quickly, for I can do nothing till you arrive there.” Therefore the name of the city was called Zoar.

There is a reason why the Lord calls the days just before His return “the days of Lot and Noah”.  In both cases the Lord gave warnings to the righteous of the judgment to come.  In both cases those who were warned went before others who rejected.  In calling these days the “days of Lot and Noah”, we are meant to take the pieces from both stories and put them together, revealing the larger picture.  I have covered this in great detail in multiple projects, so I will leave the main points and core evidence in those projects.  For now, it is enough to emphasize that among the warned were not just the unbeliever, but the lukewarm believer.

The lukewarm believer, from both groups we discussed earlier, did not escape the judgement that fell.  They perished in the judgement along with the wicked.

While it is beyond the scope of this project (and I have already covered it in the same rapture projects already referenced), it must be noted that lukewarm believers who enter the judgments do not lose their salvation.  They simply must enter the judgement.  However, once there, the Lord makes it clear that He will be with them.

Luke 21:

10 Then he said to them, “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. 11 There will be great earthquakes, and in various places famines and pestilences. And there will be terrors and great signs from heaven. 12 But before all this they will lay their hands on you and persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues and prisons, and you will be brought before kings and governors for my name’s sake.

13 This will be your opportunity to bear witness. 14 Settle it therefore in your minds not to meditate beforehand how to answer, 15 for I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which none of your adversaries will be able to withstand or contradict.

 16 You will be delivered up even by parents and brothers and relatives and friends, and some of you they will put to death. 17 You will be hated by all for my name’s sake.

 18 But not a hair of your head will perish. 19 By your endurance you will gain your lives.

All the same, the Lord desires above all things that His sheep should escape the judgment to come.  He has already suffered for us that we should not see these days with our very own eyes.  Yet, even then, the Lord has provided for our keeping.  That said, He calls out to all that are falling short of His promises with a simple message – time is short, return to me and my promises while you yet can!

There is one final piece to all of this with regards to the world as a whole, and our wayward believer specifically.  Let bring back what we covered a moment ago:

What this came down to is that the Lord needed to get the attention of the entire planet.  This is the great shaking from which there can be no denying that everything has changed.  This was a massive and irrefutable harbinger that the Lord is now moving heaven and earth to their prophetic conclusion, and nothing on earth is exempt nor will escape. This was a sign that was meant to shake the planet to its core.  It was a sign that was meant to announce that darkness is now upon us all.

This was the Lord announcing to the unbelieving world in no uncertain nor deniable terms that everything we know is about to end.  It was an announcement that darkness is descending and the entire planet will soon fall into and evil and depravity the likes of which it has never seen.

There is a premise here that no one has talked about as of yet, which really drives home where we are at.  The point is simply this – where does the world go now?

I know, a bombshell, right?  This is very similar to the premise that if America falls where does one go?  The understanding is that there is nowhere left.  Once we fall it is game over.  America was the last free nation on earth.  Other nations “look” free, but they are not.  In nearly all of these nations with the appearance of freedom there is no true means for the people to throw off the yoke of tyranny without outside assistance.  These are nations and peoples who are unarmed.

In the recent past, since the inception of the Second World War, America has been the beacon to the rest of the world.  As long as America existed as a truly free and sovereign nation, then there was hope in the other nations of the world who desired freedom.

What now?

What does a nation do that laid under the chains of tyranny, hopeful that the United States of America would be their savior?  Where does an enslaved people turn now?  Who will be the beacon of freedom to those who are oppressed?

Who do you turn to when your savior is struck down, and there remains no more savior?

As we said before, all of the political and prophetic purposes of the Lord could have been fulfilled through a clean election.  Yet, the world would not have readily recognized the times that we are in.  Even where the world is unbelieving in Christ there is now no escaping that the world stands at a precipice.  The world would not have truly known that her savior is now dead.

What do you do when you realize that there is nobody coming to break loose your chains and sweep you to safety?  What do you do when the chains you wear cannot be broken by you?  What do you do when you realize that your truly lack the strength to free yourself?

Who do you turn to?

Who do you look for?

Do simply submit to slavery and death, hoping to find a new place in this hell on earth?

Or do you look to another?

If so, then who?

Will your new savior truly have the strength to save you?

Is this strength everlasting and unbreakable?

What does your new savior bring to the table?  What does your new savior promise?

Can you place your blind trust in your new found savior?

Will you have faith in your new savior?

Is your new savior worthy of your faith?

Will you have faith to stand on the promises of your new savior?

This is where the world finds itself now.  It has witnessed the death of the last great nation in no uncertain terms.  The US is done, and there is nothing that anybody can do or say to deny it.  Many nations looked to the US with hope.  Many people dreamed of the US as the last bastion of freedom and refuge.

What do these nations – these people – do now?

In this question we find the heart of the final matter of what has happened.  This was a sign to all the world that the paradigm has shifted.  The Lord knew that a clean election would obscure the truth of where the world now sits prophetically.  He also knew that a clean election would not break the blind faith that many have in the US.  The march to tyranny has been in play for many years.  Yet it has been a slow march that has not been visibly obvious too much of the outside world.  In many cultures, the US remained an idealized nation of freedom, land of riches to be had by all, if they could but get there.  The Lord had to remove the blindness from many eyes, and the false faith in a nation from the hearts of many.

So long as the US stood in its prior form there would always be many focused on temporal salvation in this life, delivered swiftly at the hand of that great and terrible defender of freedom, the United States of America!

Now the world sits at a void.  The world sits a place it has not seen in over 4,200 years.  With the blinders removed with regards to the US, we see a secondary effect come into play.  There are many people across numerous nations that find themselves asking the same question – now what?  Who do you look to when the great savior is gone?  We won’t spend a great deal of time on this.  It nearly speaks for itself.  The void the world faces had to come.  It was only without a clear answer as to who can defend the helpless and stand for the weak and oppressed that the world as a whole would begin looking for another.

The chaos of the election events was the first brick to fall in creating a void that will open the world to accepting the Antichrist.  Much as the void in our own hearts must be filled by something, so too does this premise exist in the world as a whole.  The world will not turn away from the US wholesale overnight, but make no mistake.  The bloom is off the rose, and it won’t take much from the US to cement its position as a fallen nation.  A couple years of the Biden Administration will effectively force the world to face facts – there is no clear savior at the top of the heap.  A world with no savior is a world that is ripe for the picking.

For the unbelieving world there will never again be a time of absolute certainty.  The closest the unbelieving world will ever again come to this will be that one critical moment right after the breaking of the seventh seal.  While it is beyond the scope of this project to delve into the significance of the seventh seal, you can read more on this in the project regarding the timing of the start of the tribulation:


For the unbelieving world the die is now cast.  The march of human events has now crossed the Rubicon.  While not yet at the gates of Rome itself, the march of hell on earth has now crossed into greater Italy, and crossed the point of no return.  We are entering a time where the hearts of men will waiver.  What we will witness going forward is a time where humanity truly seems poised to believe anything, accept anything, and try anything.  We will see more and more events that shake the hearts of men and sow even more uncertainty.  Even as of this morning that next event in this series was in full swing.  As of this writing we are just a day or so removed from the GameStop financial “event” where a collection of everyday folks found a way to use the market against the large hedge funds, and against Wall Street, and made billions, while the establishment financial houses lost billions.  It is hard to tell where the fallout from this will end.  Already there are “cries” for governments to step in and regulate freedom even further out of existence.  As of this morning this same uprising is using the same technology to communicate that silver is the next target.  That could have a truly devastating impact as silver is the common man’s precious metal.  Again, what was once normal has been upended.  The world is being shaken by things that simply were not imaginable even two years ago.

The world is already clamoring for anything to stop the turmoil and turbulence.  If it brings even the remote possibility of returning things to “normal”, then it will be accepted by humanity.

Make no mistake we will see some things do exactly that.  There will be some return to what “feels” normal.  There must be in order for scripture to be fulfilled.

Matthew 24:36-39 – “But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only. For as were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark, and they were unaware until the flood came and swept them all away, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.

 Luke 17:26-30 – Just as it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the days of the Son of Man. They were eating and drinking and marrying and being given in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. Likewise, just as it was in the days of Lot—they were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building, but on the day when Lot went out from Sodom, fire and sulfur rained from heaven and destroyed them all— so will it be on the day when the Son of Man is revealed.

There is a critical component here that we must understand, and one that has bearing on the last group of individuals the Lord means to reach before the sounding of the last trumpet – the lukewarm believer that does not overcome.

In the days prior to the tribulation the core purpose of the move of the Lord is to prepare the world and its people for what now must come.  We are witnessing this now.  However, the full and total collapse into global slavery and death does not come prior to the sounding of the last trump.  We will see signs of the decline, and these things will appear as though they are at the door – yet, the glass in the aquarium wherein we stand will not break.  We will see the water and pressure on all sides.  Yet, the glass will hold – for now.  It can withstand the pressure that builds up against it in these days of preparation.  However, soon the glass will be struck by a blow that it cannot withstand.  All of the external pressure is too much.  As we stand inside and gaze at the sea life swimming all around us, that one final event will be but on the horizon.  Once it strikes there will be now stopping the glass from shattering.  At that point only those who could see the signs and the cracks forming – and left the aquarium – are saved from the onslaught to come.

Take the scriptures shared above, and pair them with the scriptures I will now add to the mix:

Matthew 6:25-34 – “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?

Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?

And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?

 Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

 “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

I’ll let you in on a little “secret” – the Bible never cancels out these scriptures prior to the tribulation.  The difference is that those to whom these scriptures apply are no longer here once the seals start to break.  After the last trump and the advent of the tribulation, new promises are given to those who did not “qualify” for the promises of Matthew chapter 6.  We have covered some of these already in this project.

To our final group – the lukewarm believers that have not overcome:

Revelation 3:1-6 – “And to the angel of the church in Sardis write: ‘The words of him who has the seven spirits of God and the seven stars.

“‘I know your works. You have the reputation of being alive, but you are dead. Wake up, and strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have not found your works complete in the sight of my God. Remember, then, what you received and heard. Keep it, and repent. If you will not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what hour I will come against you.

 Yet you have still a few names in Sardis, people who have not soiled their garments, and they will walk with me in white, for they are worthy.

 The one who conquers will be clothed thus in white garments, and I will never blot his name out of the book of life. I will confess his name before my Father and before his angels. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.’

It is those with soiled garments that the Lord speaks to lastly with these events unfolding before us now.  To this point most of the folks in this group have not paid attention to the things of the Lord.  They have not seen His hand or purposes in what we have been witnessing.  Rather, they have been focused on the worldly implications of all that is transpiring.

That does not mean that we are not to pay attention to politics and politicians.  It does not mean that we are to stand idly by as our elected officials cement the very worst abominations given in the Bible as the law of the land.  To the contrary we are accountable to God for the innocent blood they is shed wherein our silence was complicit in that shedding.  We must stand to account ourselves as worthy stewards of the gifts we have been given.

The Parable of the Talents

 Matthew 25:14-30 – “For it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted to them his property. To one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one, to each according to his ability. Then he went away. He who had received the five talents went at once and traded with them, and he made five talents more. So also he who had the two talents made two talents more. But he who had received the one talent went and dug in the ground and hid his master’s money.

 Now after a long time the master of those servants came and settled accounts with them. And he who had received the five talents came forward, bringing five talents more, saying, ‘Master, you delivered to me five talents; here, I have made five talents more.’ His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant.  You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’ And he also who had the two talents came forward, saying, ‘Master, you delivered to me two talents; here, I have made two talents more.’ His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’ He also who had received the one talent came forward, saying, ‘Master, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you scattered no seed, so I was afraid, and I went and hid your talent in the ground. Here, you have what is yours.’

But his master answered him, ‘You wicked and slothful servant! You knew that I reap where I have not sown and gather where I scattered no seed? Then you ought to have invested my money with the bankers, and at my coming I should have received what was my own with interest. So take the talent from him and give it to him who has the ten talents.

 For to everyone who has will more be given, and he will have an abundance. But from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away. And cast the worthless servant into the outer darkness. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’

This is a truly multifunctional parable.  It speaks to numerous aspects of our walk with the Lord and what He expects.  For instances, this parable is applicable to our financial blessings.  It speaks to the giving and tithing.  I speak a great deal on that aspect in the project on tithing.  Likewise, the English rendering of talent really fits with another aspect – our individual talents.  In the days of the Bible the talent is a weight of measurement.  It is typically applied to money.  So too are our personal talents applied to aspects of money in this life.  The more we apply our talent, the greater our talent of gold can increase.  More applicable are the talents of gold and treasure that we lay up for ourselves in heaven.

Likewise, in these modern end time days, we are not to squander nor hide our talents and efforts.  We have been entrusted with a gift from God in this nation.  Allow me to put this in a different perspective.  Have you ever truly wondered why God ordained this nation in the first place?

Our nation was to serve as a second Israel for the Jewish people, and it was to rise to the forefront in the spreading of the Gospel.  That is why we exist as a nation.  That is why we were entrusted with this divinely inspired Republic, and why our founders warned us that we could lose it.  That is why so many references exist from their writing extolling us to never forget that God alone is the source of our existence and strength.  These are the reasons we were, and are, to fight for this Republic.  It is so that we will have that fight accounted in the ledgers of Heaven next to our names when the scrolls are opened and our works are tired by fire.

That said, our lukewarm brethren have not truly been able to discern the seasons before us, outside of the standard canned answers of “the end times are close”.  It is little more than an academic, disconnected answer.  In one breath they say “end times”, yet their hearts and actions speak to preserving life in a nation and world that could go on in its present state for another 2,000 years.  To them the nation can rise once more to the levels and ideas that exist in their minds.  In their minds one political drama will give way to the next, which in turn gives way to the next, and so forth.  Today is about securing tomorrow, which is about securing the day after that.  It’s about protecting their retirements, house, guns and gold.  It about children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and many generations to come.  To them, the return of the Lord is barely an afterthought, or an outright moment of scoffing.

The Day of the Lord Will Come

 2 Peter 3:1-7 – This is now the second letter that I am writing to you, beloved. In both of them I am stirring up your sincere mind by way of reminder, that you should remember the predictions of the holy prophets and the commandment of the Lord and Savior through your apostles, knowing this first of all, that scoffers will come in the last days with scoffing, following their own sinful desires.

They will say, “Where is the promise of his coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all things are continuing as they were from the beginning of creation.”

 For they deliberately overlook this fact, that the heavens existed long ago, and the earth was formed out of water and through water by the word of God, and that by means of these the world that then existed was deluged with water and perished. But by the same word the heavens and earth that now exist are stored up for fire, being kept until the Day of Judgment and destruction of the ungodly.

But what happens to our lukewarm believer when everything they are “banking” on begins to visibly and dramatically fail?

We have talked about the unbeliever already.  Everything we are witnessing now is a warning sign to them and to the world as a whole that the dynamic is shifting.  It is a warning to seek something else, something greater.  It is the same for our lukewarm believer.  Yet, it is an even more critical juncture for them.  I’m going to link in two projects called “The Final Warning” and “The Devil’s Body Count” to provide some of the background source material for why this is a very dangerous time to those that are lukewarm.



The final piece of this truly massive puzzle is for the lukewarm believer.  It is for them that all of this matter the most. For our wayward believer, what they are staring at is the completion of the time of separation and the time of faith.

We will try and keep this simple and straight forward.  Since about 2012-2013, the Lord began truly pouring out His end times signs and wonders.  We have witnessed as there has been many of the general fulfillments that we spoke of earlier, along with a few of the specific fulfillments that had to come.  In the time the Lord moved us through a true showing of His might, power and truth.  He has proven that everything He declared in His word for the end of the age truly could come to pass.  Hence the reason for many of the general fulfillments, aside for fulfilling the biblical admonition that the things which will be are the things that have been.  Likewise, during this time these signs were set as a warning that as a nation and a planet we were approaching the point of no return.  Once we passed that point, everything that has transpired since has served to move prophecy into place and to warn all who might listen to get right – and remain right – with the Lord.

The overcomer saw these signs, heard the voice of the Lord, preached the Kingdom of God is at hand, and worked to remain obedient.

The unbeliever simply could neither see nor hear any of this.  Everything that has happened was nothing more than the world being “the world”.

The lukewarm believer has witnessed all these things, and in their hearts they knew ultimately what all of these things meant.  Yet, they could not pull themselves away from this world.  They could not avert their eyes from what they would soon lose in this world.  Their hearts wept not just for the loss of this nation, but the loss of everything that was supposed to come with this nation.  It is one thing to feel sorrow as we watch this nation diminish.  The overcomer knows what must come pass, and sets their eyes on those things.  The lukewarm believer cannot leave the past.  They cannot leave what they have and are soon to lose.

As each passing day has moved into memory, so too have a litany of chances to recognize what was truly before them.

A choice.

What would they do?  Would they continue to dwell in the past?  Would they remain Lot’s wife – destined for salvation but hell bent on destruction?  Would they reach back for what was fading, or would they turn their gaze forward to look upon what was coming?  Would they reach to those things that were past, or would they look ahead to the things in front and finish running the race?

Would they truly become sheep?

Or would they become goats?

sheep and goats

Let us turn to Matthew chapter 13 for some additional insight:

The Parable of the Weeds

 He put another parable before them, saying, “The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field, but while his men were sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat and went away.

 So when the plants came up and bore grain, then the weeds appeared also. And the servants of the master of the house came and said to him, ‘Master, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have weeds?’ He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ So the servants said to him, ‘Then do you want us to go and gather them?’ But he said, ‘No, lest in gathering the weeds you root up the wheat along with them. Let both grow together until the harvest, and at harvest time I will tell the reapers, “Gather the weeds first and bind them in bundles to be burned, but gather the wheat into my barn.”’”

 The Parable of the Weeds Explained

 Then he left the crowds and went into the house. And his disciples came to him, saying, “Explain to us the parable of the weeds of the field.” He answered, “The one who sows the good seed is the Son of Man. The field is the world, and the good seed is the sons of the kingdom. The weeds are the sons of the evil one, and the enemy who sowed them is the devil. The harvest is the end of the age, and the reapers are angels. Just as the weeds are gathered and burned with fire, so will it be at the end of the age. The Son of Man will send his angels, and they will gather out of his kingdom all causes of sin and all law-breakers, and throw them into the fiery furnace. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears, let him hear.

The Lord has given the overcomer an understanding of the time of separation.  We have preached this at every turn, and for years now.  Just as there are general and specific fulfillments to every other prophecy, so to must there be for the parables of separation.

The Final Judgment

Matthew 25:31-44 – “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne. Before him will be gathered all the nations, and he will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. And he will place the sheep on his right, but the goats on the left. Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’

 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink, I was a stranger and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not clothe me, sick and in prison and you did not visit me.’ Then they also will answer, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to you?’ Then he will answer them, saying, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.’ And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.”

Without a general fulfillment of these prophecies there cannot be a specific fulfillment.  There must be a time of separation, and a time of consequence for that separation.  Only if a prophecy exists in the former can it exist in the later.

We have been in that time of separation.

It has been fascinating to watch.  Even today I can see it manifest on social media.  I remember the days just after the Presidential election of 2012.  There were patriots and believers everywhere!  We all started from the standpoint of the election.  However, it became apparently very quickly that the Lord had other things in mind for some of us.  From there He turned up the understanding of the Bible and prophecy to 11.

This was followed by a ton of dreams and visions.  Folks that had never had a prophetic dream (some of these folks rarely dreamed at all on anything) started having downright bombshell dreams.  The same went with visions.  Here is the thing – once folks started recording and tracking the dreams and visions it turned out that they conformed to scripture, and they ended up being puzzle pieces.  You could literally take dreams and visions from complete strangers and put them together and a larger revelation appear.  The completed picture would be 100 percent scripturally accurate.

Some of us had the revelation “station” turned on in our hearts and minds.  We would be minding our own business, or concentrating on something else.  Then, seemingly out of nowhere, the Lord would fill us with a revelation and understanding.  We could hear the words and see the images in pour heads as clear as day.  It was the same with us as it was the dreams and visions folks.  What’s more, their pieces would fit perfectly with our pieces.  So, needless to say, we started speaking what we had been given to speak.

Over the next year or so we watched as the first phase of the separation began.  After the Lord raised up a ton of folks to speak, others began to listen.  Many came to the lord as a result.  Many of those folks became the second wave of prophecy.  It was as if the pages of the book of Joel were coming alive before our very eyes!

The first phase lasted roughly until about mid-2014. During this same time we entered the prophetic signs phase.  This would include signs in the heavens, as well as signs in the earth.  Speaking of signs, how could I forget the mysterious “sky trumpets”!  These were perhaps one of the most amazing of all the signs.  Right about the time Barack Obama was elected President, people started posted mysterious sounds that were spontaneously termed as sky trumpets, which was fascinating in and of itself.  For no reason whatsoever, these ethereal sounds would emanate from the most distant and unrelated places on earth.  You would listen to the videos and it was clear that there was nothing natural about them.  There were countless attempts to debunk them, but to no avail.  There were some plausible explanations – and then there were the “other” explanations that folks came up with.

However, for those of us that the Lord had commissioned to preach the coming of the Lord, He quickly gave us an understanding of what these were.  They were literally a manifestation of the trumpets blown in the books of Joel and Peter if I remember correctly.  They were the general fulfillment of the trumpets that the Bible tells us will sound at the return of the Lord.  Once again, we were getting a general sign that not only proved that what the Bible said would come, could come. Not only that, but the Lord allowed us the see the connection with the sky trumpets and the rest of the dreams, visions, and revelations.  There were the general fulfilments of the book of Joel, and were meant to be taken together.

Not to be outdone, we then also got the general fulfillment of the signs in the sun, moon and stars that were also straight from the pages of the book of Joel!  We were given the blood moon tetrad.  We were given the general fulfillment of the Revelation 12 sign.  We were given the solar eclipse that was visible in Israel.  We were given an eclipse – a sign of war and national distress – that also split the US in half.

At the same time we watched as earthquakes and tsunamis intensified at an undeniable rate.  It was as if the earth and weather were turned up to 11 as well.

As all of this was occurring, and we were all speaking and preaching, there were directly prophetic geopolitical events happening that would set the stage for the final prophetic events to be made ready.  One of the most critical was the Arab Spring.  This directly led to events in Libya, Egypt and Syria which opened the door to what is happening now.  Not to be outdone, there was the horrific JCPOA negotiated under the Obama Administration, and the plane load of cash to Iran.  That is an entire project in and of itself.

However, the most fascinating of all the geopolitical signs was yet another general fulfillment, this one straight out of the pages of Daniel and Revelation.  We watched as ISIS rose from the ranks of the “JV team” as Obama called them, and literally conquered the nearly the exact territory of the ancient Babylonian Empire, and in nearly the exact same sequence!  In one very short period of time we saw that once again, the king that was, and is not, and will be again could in fact rise again!  To top that off, it was done with the exact same demonic system of government and religion that “their fathers knew not” that will herald the actual Beast Kingdom.  I aptly called this kingdom the baby beast, as it will figure prominently in the events to come.  Under President Trump ISIS saw their territory nearly disappear.  However, what we now had was yet another fulfillment of the biblical mandate of the things that will be are the things that have been.  We had a Babylonian Empire once.  We never had one under the rule of Islam.  We have had Islamic Empires in the Middle East.  We have never had them control the Babylonian Empire in the exact same manner that Babylon existed in the days of Daniel.

We saw the rise of the first vestiges of the apostate Pope and Catholic Church, our soon to emerge “lamb with two horns”.  We saw Papal policy embrace every abomination recorded in the Bible, and makes its first overt moves to cement its place as the soon to come religious capital of the two legs revived Roman Empire.

From about early 2012 to about mid-2014 we were all one big, happy family.  Patriots, believers, and patriot non-believers alike all gelled around a common cause – the things happening in our nation.  However, the rifts were starting to form.  The non-believer side of the family was starting to slowly pull away from those that were preaching the Gospel as much as retaking the Republic.  Yet, the rift was not insurmountable.  On balance we were still one big family.

At the same time, rifts were starting to form amongst the believers as well.  Issues of theology and dogma were starting to surface.  In pockets we began to see believers turn on each other.  The biggest of these issues was the rapture.  This made sense because of what the rapture is, and what it fulfills in scripture.  However, not to be undone, OSAS (Once Saved, Always Saved) was a close second, followed by tithing and church size.  Airplanes really seemed to take a big hit in the church right about this time as well.  What developed were rifts based on an abhorrent version of denominationalism.  There were other differences as well, but these represented to lions shares of the disagreements.  It was no accident, however.  In these theological positions reside the very heart of what faith truly is, and where faith truly resides.

Coming into early 2015 we were still, on balance, a family – but a bit more dysfunctional.  The rifts had started to form, and the later stage of separation was beginning.  At this point overcomers were starting to notice that their posts were being shared a bit less than before.  Our numbers of “Likes” had diminished, as well as our friends lists.  While the reduction in all of these were not overly dramatic, we already understood what was slowly starting to happen.

The time of separation had begun, and the first major split was about to occur!

Before the first major separation occurred there was one event that had to transpire first.  That would be the Feast of Trumpets in 2015, or better known as the impending third Shemitah judgement in the Shemitah series that had begun on FOT 2001, better known n as September 11th, 2001 – the day the walls of the US had been breached.  On this third judgement day we would learn if we had heeded God’s word, and repented nationally for all of the abominations that we had collectively immersed ourselves in.  If we had, then there would be a great and terrible financial reset that would allow us rise a more humbled and God fearing nation.  The march of prophecy would be put on hold, just as it had been in the days of Jonah and Nineveh.  However, if we had not repented, the judgment would not come.  There would be no reset.  There would be nothing left worth resetting.

Not to ruin the surprise, but the Shemitah reset never came.

At that point we had passed to point of no return.  Going forward, everything that happened globally, and specifically in the US and Israel would be about advancing end times prophecy.  Now, the first great separation could commence and complete.

Enter the election of 2016!

There were many prophecies of how the Lord raised up Donald Trump to restore America.  Indeed, that did happen to a degree.  But even then the divide was complete.  The first separation was complete.  It was now right and left.  The adage is indeed true that what God puts together let no man tear asunder.  However, the inverse is true as well.  If the Lord breaks up your house, your house will remain broken until He Himself rights the ship.

Sadly, the four year of the Trump Administration would see the next phase of the great separation occur.  During this time many fell away from the Lord.  They needed Him when it seemed that an Obama Administration was going to destroy us all.  Yet, now, we had a new President!  He was unlike any we had ever had before!  He truly put America first!  He was a business man, who understood the things of business.  He spearheaded the single greatest time of economic prosperity in both US and world history.  Never had so many seen their personal stakes raised as during the Trump Administration.

There are folks that want to deny this reality.  They do not want to give Donald Trump the credit for the financial gains made under his Administration.  Yet they were undeniable.  However, there was a biblical undercurrent to this prosperity, and everything that Trump accomplished.

The great separation, phase two.

The separation was happening in two phases, nearly simultaneously.  Rather, one phase was in full swing, and the other phase was developing the starting rifts necessary for what is soon to come.  During this time the bulk of the patriot unbelievers effectively dropped God like a rock.  Life was good.  They were making plans.  We were on our way.  The longer Trump was in office the further the rapture and tribulation drifted from many minds.  To that end, many on this side of the spectrum could see the possibility of what could almost be described as a “final victory”.  The Trump train was gaining steam.  We entered the election season and it became clear that Donald Trump truly was at the head of something that was not fleeting or temporary.  There could be no denying what was coming.  His support was growing, and the people were truly loyal.  They had good reason to be.  Donald Trump seemed to understand what America could and should be.

Alas, there was the other side of the equation.  Never forget the first phase of the great separation had already occurred.  There could never again be reconciliation between these two diametrically opposed sides.  It was the net effect of that first phase of separation which opened the door to what this project is ultimately about.

Never one to let His plan deviate from His purposes, the Lord really began using Donald Trump for his first and primary goal – prophetic preparation.  The Lord began to move Donald Trump to bring about actions that were literally ripped straight from the pages of the Bible.  His recent genuine conversion the Jesus Christ opened his heart to hear what the Lord required of him.  The movement of the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem was nothing short of biblical.  This was followed by his withdraw from the JCPOA, which directly led to something that none of us could have ever imagined – the Abraham Accords.

We spoke of the Accords earlier, and how there was a block of scripture in Daniel chapter 11 which had remained a mystery.  It was the southern kingdom.  Though it had been a mystery, there is no 42 month block of time known as the first half of the tribulation without it.  Now, the southern kingdom was no longer a mystery.  Now, we had the building blocks firmly in place.  The southern kingdom would rise.

It was fascinating to watch the prophetic pieces of the Trump Administration.  As his faith in Christ grew, his action in the public arena showed it.  That is not to say that there weren’t missteps.  However, that is part of the normal walk with Christ.  Some folks are honor students when they find Christ.  Others are mafia hitmen and outlaw bikers when they find Christ.  Everybody starts from a different place, and Donald Trump is no exception.  Yet, his willingness to publicly proclaim Christ and his policy actions which reflected that new found faith seemed to inspire even the non-believers in the group.  However, it takes more than inspiration.

At the very least it allowed the believer and non-believer to stand side by side at the rallies, stand in agreement on his re-election, and look to what appeared to be a growing landslide brewing.  It was hard not to get wrapped up in the moment.  As we would find out in due course, the Lord already had a plan to shake loose those that were not holding fast to Christ, or those who had built their houses on the beach.

The second phase of the great reset would center on the half of us that had not sold ourselves over to the kingdom of darkness that exists on what we call the left.  We can call it what it is.  The level of vile hatred and pure evil that exists on the left is approaching biblical proportions.  One day soon, in the near future, it will complete its full transformation.  As for the rest of us, that second phase of separation successfully peeled off two different groups – the patriot unbeliever and what has become known as the “never Trumper”.  Ironically, these two groups are separated by a real hatred and distrust for each other, but are both headed in the same general direction – an emphasis on political power.

That is not to say that that either have become die hard dictators.  That is reserved solely for the Left.  However, each side is driven primarily for their desire to see their ideologies retake the reigns of political power.  Both groups share one distinction, however.  They are either devoid of believers, or the believers they do have are clearly in the lukewarm camp.

In either case, a large contingent of the right (although, many in the never Trump camp literally migrated fully and completely to the leftist side of the equation) found themselves falling away from the Christ centered principles that should be guiding them, and they have landed squarely in the lap of the political principles that will fail every single time – no matter how well intentioned – if Christ is not at the center of those principles.  For the record, some of these folks will eventually find their way back home.  Some before the sounding of the last trump, and some of them after.

Now that phase two of the great separation is nearly complete, that leaves a greatly reduced number of us in the remaining camp.  Here is where we find ourselves now, resting on the precipice of the third and final phase of the great separation – the separation by righteousness through faith.

The fascinating thing about phase two, and especially phase three, of the great separation is that here is where all those numbers come in that we see in the stories of Noah and Lot, as well as the number in the parables that Jesus spoke.  We also spoke briefly about these numbers earlier.  There are no accidents in the Bible.  There are no errant numbers.  Every time the Bible gives a number it has meaning.  The numbers in Noah, Lot, and the parables are no different.  When taken in the context of the complete picture, these numbers reveal to us just how few in numbers the overcomers truly are prior to the sounding of the last trump.

I have seen conversation that revolve around this very thing.  It has begun to really hit overcomers just how many have been peeling off and falling away.  If you remove the patriot unbelievers alone I think the best estimate I have seen of actual potential overcomers is around 25-30 percent.  We can see it in our conversation.  We can see in social media.  Here is the interesting thing about social media.  Despite the censorship that is not active and rampant, you can discern a genuine drop in the numbers of those willing to share or even be a part of any conversation which has overcoming at its heart.  This was readily evident even before we were full swing into the election season and the fact checkers mysteriously appeared.

Even now, after these things are in effect you can still see the difference.  I have recently shared political posts that would garner a large number of shares (relatively speaking), and the next post that followed just moments later would have one or two shares.

Now we find ourselves at the crux of the last remaining issue in the election cycle and what happened – the third and final phase of the great separation.  As we stated earlier, this final phase is the separation by righteousness through faith.  For this last piece of the discussion, we will use a semi-arbitrary number of 30 percent.  That would be 30 percent of the original one half that find themselves on the right.  Let’s be honest – while the Lord can indeed save anybody that calls upon the name of Jesus, it is very rarely those on the left that are the ones to do so, and that number is truly diminishing now.

Of this remaining 30 percent, which is actually closer to 15 percent of everybody in both groups, there is yet one final hurdle to cross prior to the sounding of the last trump.  This is best illustrated in the story of Lot.

Genesis chapter 18

 16 Then the men set out from there, and they looked down toward Sodom. And Abraham went with them to set them on their way. 17 The LORD said, “Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do, 18 seeing that Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him? 19 For I have chosen him, that he may command his children and his household after him to keep the way of the LORD by doing righteousness and justice, so that the LORD may bring to Abraham what he has promised him.” 20 Then the LORD said, “Because the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is great and their sin is very grave, 21 I will go down to see whether they have done altogether according to the outcry that has come to me. And if not, I will know.”

 Abraham Intercedes for Sodom

 22 So the men turned from there and went toward Sodom, but Abraham still stood before the LORD. 23 Then Abraham drew near and said, “Will you indeed sweep away the righteous with the wicked? 24 Suppose there are fifty righteous within the city. Will you then sweep away the place and not spare it for the fifty righteous who are in it? 25 Far be it from you to do such a thing, to put the righteous to death with the wicked, so that the righteous fare as the wicked! Far be that from you! Shall not the Judge of all the earth do what is just?” 26 And the LORD said, “If I find at Sodom fifty righteous in the city, I will spare the whole place for their sake.”

 27 Abraham answered and said, “Behold, I have undertaken to speak to the Lord, I who am but dust and ashes. 28 Suppose five of the fifty righteous are lacking. Will you destroy the whole city for lack of five?” And he said, “I will not destroy it if I find forty-five there.” 29 Again he spoke to him and said, “Suppose forty are found there.” He answered, “For the sake of forty I will not do it.” 30 Then he said, “Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak. Suppose thirty are found there.” He answered, “I will not do it, if I find thirty there.” 31 He said, “Behold, I have undertaken to speak to the Lord. Suppose twenty are found there.” He answered, “For the sake of twenty I will not destroy it.” 32 Then he said, “Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak again but this once. Suppose ten are found there.” He answered, “For the sake of ten I will not destroy it.” 33 And the LORD went his way, when he had finished speaking to Abraham, and Abraham returned to his place.

We detail the meaning of the different numbers found in the stories of Noah, Lot, and the parables in several additional projects on this site, most notably on “The Final Warning”.  When taken together, we find out that the numbers given are meant to reveal percentages, either of the population as a whole, or of a select group of those called righteous.  In the case of Lot and Sodom, we are looking at a percentage of the called out ones, or the righteous, as well as an overall percentage of the people.

In the first section, Abraham pleads for Sodom based on the number of righteous that might be found.  In this context Abraham is addressing the righteous with regards to the entire population.  We know from additional studies that this is a prophetic reference to the percentage of righteous to the unrighteous population.  Abraham starts with 50.  The prophetic reference here is to half of the end time’s population.  From there Abraham reduces the number to 40.   Then he drops the number to 30, followed by 20.  Still, the Lord is willing to relent with each reduction in number.  Finally, Abraham arrives at the number 10.  Even now the Lord relents.  However, this is where the counting stops.

There is a good reason for this.  In a moment we are going to share an excerpt from the project on tithing that covers both faith, and the significance of the number 10.  What you will read in that excerpt actually works in reverse as well.  We’ll cover that more when we share the excerpt.

Where all of this leaves us is the understanding that is at least ten percent of your population is deemed righteous, then the Lord will stay His hand from judgment.  From there, the story transitions to the actual events inside Sodom, and the direct dealings with Lot and his family.  At this point the numbers shift as well.  We are no longer dealing with an overall percentage of the population.  Now we are dealing with the direct numbers of those called righteous.

Genesis chapter 19

 12 Then the men said to Lot, “Have you anyone else here? Sons-in-law, sons, daughters, or anyone you have in the city, bring them out of the place. 13 For we are about to destroy this place, because the outcry against its people has become great before the LORD, and the LORD has sent us to destroy it.” 14 So Lot went out and said to his sons-in-law, who were to marry his daughters, “Up! Get out of this place, for the LORD is about to destroy the city.” But he seemed to his sons-in-law to be jesting.

 15 As morning dawned, the angels urged Lot, saying, “Up! Take your wife and your two daughters who are here, lest you be swept away in the punishment of the city.” 16 But he lingered. So the men seized him and his wife and his two daughters by the hand, the LORD being merciful to him, and they brought him out and set him outside the city. 17 And as they brought them out, one said, “Escape for your life. Do not look back or stop anywhere in the valley. Escape to the hills, lest you be swept away.” 18 And Lot said to them, “Oh, no, my lords. 19 Behold, your servant has found favor in your sight, and you have shown me great kindness in saving my life. But I cannot escape to the hills, lest the disaster overtake me and I die. 20 Behold, this city is near enough to flee to, and it is a little one. Let me escape there—is it not a little one?—and my life will be saved!” 21 He said to him, “Behold, I grant you this favor also, that I will not overthrow the city of which you have spoken. 22 Escape there quickly, for I can do nothing till you arrive there.” Therefore the name of the city was called Zoar.

 God Destroys Sodom

 23 The sun had risen on the earth when Lot came to Zoar. 24 Then the LORD rained on Sodom and Gomorrah sulfur and fire from the LORD out of heaven. 25 And he overthrew those cities, and all the valley, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and what grew on the ground. 26 But Lot’s wife, behind him, looked back, and she became a pillar of salt.

When we read the account of the escape, we see several warnings emerge.  The first thing we must notice is the reception Lot received by his sons-in-law.  Lot went to warn them, and they dismissed him out of hand.  They did not think Lot to be serious.  The Bible uses the word “jesting”, but considering the urgent and deadly serious nature of the moment, Lot’s reaction tells us that jesting is meant less in a comedy sense, and more of the crazy sense.  Translation – they thought Lot was nuts.  Another thing to notice is that the Bible never details how many family members Lot actually has in Sodom.  We know that he went there with more than just his wife and two daughters.  Jewish tradition holds that the reason Abraham stopped at the number 10 was due to the fact that this was the number of Lot’s immediate family and close relations.  Likewise, the angels did not simply offer Lot to warn just his two daughters and wife.  They opened the door to the possibility of there being multiple folks in Sodom that Lot would need to get ahold of.

The next thing we see is that the time for warning came the day before the escape and judgement.  This is meant to reveal that at the closing moments before judgement falls – when everything is still clicking along as though nothing is wrong, and also at a time when evil abounds – is when Lot was called to issue the final warnings to those that are being given the chance to escape.

We also see something else that is fairly interesting.  Prior to the opportunity to warning the family, there had already been an incident where the people of Sodom attempted to move against Lot and his family, demanding the two strangers.  In this instance, they came to the very house of the righteous, and attempted to snatch away the newest additions to Lot’s house, and to corrupt them even as the residents of Sodom were corrupted.  That is a lesson unto itself.  In these days just before the great escape and judgment, the Lord indeed provides protection for the righteous.  In this case, it happened to be the two strangers, who turned out to have the supernatural power of God.  That tells us also that the Lord will raise up one last remnant that has the strength to stand for all of us.

Next we see the urgency of the moment when the time comes for Lot to escape.  We also see that in this moment Lot did not fully comprehend the full weight of that urgency.  So, the angels literally snatch up Lot, his wife, and his two daughters, and remove them by force from the city.

There is another point that so often gets overlooked.  It is a critical distinction made in the scriptures which follows a pattern we see in every single similar circumstance of impending judgment and escape of the righteous:

21 He said to him, “Behold, I grant you this favor also, that I will not overthrow the city of which you have spoken. 22 Escape there quickly, for I can do nothing till you arrive there.” Therefore the name of the city was called Zoar.

Lot had doubts as to his ability to reach the hills and escape before the judgment fell.  So he asks if he and his family cannot escape to one of the other cities instead.  This favor is granted.  It is then revealed to Lot that the judgment cannot fall until after Lot arrives at the city of Zoar.  From this we see several things.

First, in those final moments even Lot is shaken, and not thinking clearly.  Yet, this is understood and it is not held against him.  Lot had moved by faith up to this point, and he was not going to be destroyed because he was not perfect in this final moment.

Second, the city of Zoar was one of the five cities of the plains that had also been slated for destruction.  However, it was spared because the righteous were there.  In this we see two things.  We see that were there are the righteous the Lord will spare.  We also see an allusion to escaping the judgement and being removed to a city of refuge and safety.  This is a representation of the coming escape to the city of God’s refuge at the sounding of the last trump.

Third, and most critical, we learn that judgment cannot come until AFTER lot arrives at the city of refuge and safety.  We also learn that this is a very fast process.  The moment we arrive at the city the judgement falls.  We see the same thing with Noah.  The waters did not come forth until after the ark was shut.  In the case of the rapture, the speed of the departure is described as “in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye”.  Literally, that’s how fast we will be gone, and the judgement of fire follows.  If you are not certain of the truly destructive nature of the rapture, there is a project detailing what the rapture will look like on this site.

Now we come to the key takeaway in all of this – the numbers.   By the time if the escape there was only 40 percent left of the total number accounted among the original righteous.  If we think of that in terms of the total population of the planet, then we are looking at a rough estimate of about five percent that were heading out the door.  There could have been more, but they scoffed at the warnings of Lot.  Sadly, there is one final piece of this story:

26 But Lot’s wife, behind him, looked back, and she became a pillar of salt.

At the last moment, when it was most critical to stay focused on moving forward and forging ahead, 25 percent of the total number heading out the door looked back at the last moment.  25 percent could not look away from what they were losing.  25 percent could not trust in the plans of God.  25 percent made it all the way to the finish line, and then fell short right at the end.

I do need to bring something onto this discussion.  You will recall that we mentioned earlier that all of the numbers from Noah, Lot and the parables (Matthew 24 and 25, Mark 13, and Luke 17 and 21, and a few other select passages) are meant to be taken together to reveal to full measure with regards to the numbers.  Off hand, I cannot remember what the actual final percentage will be when all of the numbers are considered.  However, I do recall that it is not a high number.  For some reason the grand total sticks out to me at about 20 percent, and even 25 percent is sticking with me for some reason.  I have not looked at the numbers for several years, and would need to go back over my own projects to pull out all of the applicable mathematics.

Again, that is taking all of the numbers into consideration.  When you put all of the stories and parables together, they reveal a natural order in which to study and apply the given numbers.  It becomes a literal biblical equation.  I have the information regarding this across several of the other projects if you are interested.

That said, there are three final points that emerge which reveal what our third and final phase of separation comes down to.

14 So Lot went out and said to his sons-in-law, who were to marry his daughters, “Up! Get out of this place, for the LORD is about to destroy the city.” But he seemed to his sons-in-law to be jesting.

Point number one – this final phase is meant to separate and remove those who scoff.

17 And as they brought them out, one said, “Escape for your life. Do not look back or stop anywhere in the valley. Escape to the hills, lest you be swept away.” 18 And Lot said to them, “Oh, no, my lords. 19 Behold, your servant has found favor in your sight, and you have shown me great kindness in saving my life. But I cannot escape to the hills, lest the disaster overtake me and I die. 20 Behold, this city is near enough to flee to, and it is a little one. Let me escape there—is it not a little one?—and my life will be saved!”

Point number two – this final phase is meant to separate and remove those who lack faith.  Despite all that the Lord had done for Lot (which Lot readily acknowledged), there was still doubt and fear.  Lot failed to hear what the angels actually said.

“Escape for your life. Do not look back or stop anywhere in the valley. Escape to the hills, lest you be swept away.”

It was only if Lot looked back or stopped at any point during the escape that he was in danger.  If he remained obedient to the words of the Lord then he had absolutely nothing to fear.  This brings up a good point, one that will be critical to what we will witness in these final days prior to the sounding of the last trump.  We are going to witness many events which are designed with two goals in mind.  The first is to bright prophetic preparation.  The second, which became evident during the election, the Capital protest, and the subsequent market manipulation that is currently happening, which is meant to shake faith of the nation and the world in the established order of things.  Stated differently, everything that mankind has looked to for stability is being shaken to where only those with faith in the promises of the Lord will not falter.  To the unbeliever this serves to prepare them to accept the Antichrist.  To our believer that is not overcoming, this serves to push them into one of two camps.  More on this in a moment.

We see from additional scriptures in the Gospels that while the Lord is long suffering, if your faltering faith prevents you from acting on the words of the Lord you will be left behind.  Even though Lot was struggling in this final moment he was still ready to go and was heading out.  If Lot had stopped his movement towards the will of the Lord, and delayed, then he would have likewise been lost.  How do we know this?

26 But Lot’s wife, behind him, looked back, and she became a pillar of salt.

Point number three – if you stop, delay, disobey the command of the Lord to you in these final moments, or if you cannot look away from what you are losing you are toast.  Or salt.

Remember that you are not required to be perfect, or get it exactly right.  Lot had a few missteps of his own along the way.  Yet, he remained faithful to the full plan of the Lord, and ultimately stood ready to do what was required.  It was a great deal to process and take in, and even more to leave behind.  Ultimately, Lot’s faith moved him forward even where his very human failing would drive him to fall short.

Let’s recap those three final points:

Point number one – this final phase is meant to separate and remove those who scoff.

Point number two – this final phase is meant to separate and remove those who lack faith.  Despite all that the Lord had done for Lot (which Lot readily acknowledged), there was still doubt and fear.  Lot failed to hear what the angels actually said.

Point number three – if you stop, delay, disobey the command of the Lord to you in these final moments, or if you cannot look away from what you are losing you are toast.  Or salt.

The key premise to these three points is that they all share the same core tenant at their very heart – faith.  This final round of separation is about taking those of us that have not yet fallen out of the righteous group and shaking us yet one final time.  It is the literal preparation for the winnowing, or the separating of the wheat from the chaff.  Both grains are loading into the winnowing tray.  Soon, the Master will perform the sifting motion and toss the contents into the air.  The wheat will remain with the master and return to the safety of His tray.  The chaff will simply be blown back to the ground.

Here then is the $10,000,000 question – given all that we have witnessed so far, what can we expect going forward?

This is a fairly straightforward answer.  From the election onward, there will come to pass to separate sets of events.  The first set of events are those which are directly related to prophetic preparation.  An example would be the US re-entering the JCPOA with Iran, or taking actions which directly undermine Israel’s new found allies in the southern kingdom.  There are many possible examples that we could come up with here.  The key is to critically observe and analyze what the US does during the current administration.  Specifically, we need to watch any event that directly impacts the Middle East, Northern Africa, Russia, China, Rome or Turkey.  There are several other nations and regions which can fall into this group as well.  The key is to match up the ancient biblical lands and empires to their current geographical equivalent.  This would also include any potential arms deals and developments regarding these nations, and especially the development of nuclear weapons in Iran.

For the record, Iran WILL achieve nuclear nation status, and they WILL export at least one bomb that will be used against Israel.

The second set of events will be the “pressure against the glass” events.  This goes back to my example of standing inside a large aquarium at a zoo or related location.  As you stand inside you see the water level rise and the pressure against the glass increase.  You see the cracks start to form, and you see the initial trickles of water penetrate the glass.  At any moment you expect the panes to burst and to be swept away.  It is not unlike what the Israelites would have experienced as they crossed the through the Red Sea.  They were walking on dry land, as massive walls of water held firm on both sides.  Despite that fact the water seemed as though it could burst forth at any moment they still crossed.  Yet, they were still human.  The thoughts played upon their minds as they crossed through the waters.  How soon before the great walls gave way?

They had been pushed by fear and faith to the edge of the Red Sea.  There was imminent slavery and death awaiting them if they did not push forward.  Yet, pushing forward beyond that point required blind faith to step into a situation in which faith was all they had.  In that moment, before the seas had parted, when it appeared that all may be lost, the Israelites had a choice.  They could either remember all that the Lord had already done to that point, and let their fears dissipate, or they could forget all of the miracles and signs that had already come and cower in fear and lack of faith.  They had a choice to make.  The Lord had already shown them that He alone was capable of keeping them, and desired to do so.  If He had not and was not, they would still be baking bricks in Egypt.

Yet, the armies of Pharaoh were bearing down on them.  In all of this we see the blueprint for the second set of events.

We will continue to see a run of events which add a continuous mounting pressure to the walls of glass.  We will see ever more cracks form.  We will see the water slowly penetrate the cracks at different points.  It will look at all turns as though the glass is ready to burst.  This will be the point.

In both the US and the world as a whole, we will continue to see a run of events perpetrated by various governments and governmental entities.  These events will continue to add pressure.  Pharaoh and his armies will be closing in on us.  The cracks in society and civilization will grow.  Some of the water will penetrate the cracks and we will feel the moisture from these cracks.  We have entered a time where this will not cease.  It will look at every turn and every moment as though the end has come.

Will our hearts fail for fear?  Will we freeze?  Will we surrender to our own understanding and turn to our own devices?

Or will we remember all that we have witnessed, and the promises of God which have already been delivered to us?  What will we do in the crucial moments?  Will we remain focused on the plan and promises of God?  Or will we falter and look back?  Will we lament what we are losing, or rejoice in what we are soon to gain?  Will we scoff at those promises?

Or will our own failing hearts and lack of faith prevent us from embracing the promises of God and the Blessed Hope that can be ours through Christ Jesus?

This is what resides at the heart of where we find ourselves today.  This is a good time to bring in an excerpt from the project on timing regarding the faith that these times will require:

So, is tithing mandated in the New Testament?  Why did the Lord chose 10 percent in the first place?  What is tithing truly for?

Is it really nothing more than a “Holy slot machine or lottery ticket” for the greedy to exploit?

Or is it something more?

Specific and quantifiable – that is what tithing is.

Tithing, unlike many other areas of faith, is not an abstract expression of faith that brings an abstract fulfillment.  It is easy to have an abstract faith, a faith that does not require concrete results.  We can say that when we die we will go to heaven.  This is easy, as there is no danger of being put to the test before we die.  There is no chance to be declared a liar, proven false, or required to show in quantifiable terms that your faith is true.

This is a real faith to be sure, but it is abstract and not quantifiable while we yet live on earth.  It is a future fulfillment of a future event.  It does not require that you provide a definitive proof now.  This is why anybody can speak these words.

This is credit based faith.  It is “buy now” based faith.  You buy it now, and pay later so to speak.  There is nothing to which the believer is required to step out on “the ledge”.

However, much like the pre-trib rapture, tithing is a verifiable quantity.  What makes tithing so different, is that it is a defined and quantifiable act of faith.  The Bible declares that is you do this specific thing, then you can expect this specific result.  When you tithe, you receive a quantifiable and verifiable response now, and not many years in the future.  The Lord’s response to your tithing comes in real time, for all the world to see.

Tithing is an act of faith that requires an accounting now.  That is what makes it so dangerous to so many believers.

Quantifiable and verifiable faith requires the willingness to get called on what you believe.  It requires a willingness to get called on a lack of results.  It is an iron-clad result that can show the believer to be lacking in their walk with the Lord.

Stated differently, it is a spotlight on the soul of the individual believer.  If you fail to produce the promised results, then it becomes a clear indication that there is something wrong – and it is not the Lord!

Just as many believers are falling into fear and disbelief, attempting to turn to their own devices to save themselves during the tribulation, tithing requires that you stand on full faith in God now, before the benefits of that faith are realized.  Either you are willing to stand on the promises of the Lord and act in faith on His word, or you will fall into the “tomorrow” pattern, where all of your faith will stand “tomorrow”, while never being required to stand today.  For the record, if you are a believer that is trying to prep your way through the tribulation, to get “prepared” – let me help you with something.

It is the complete and total wrath of God.  It cannot be prepared for.  It cannot be mitigated.  It cannot be stopped.  It is His wrath, and it is reserved for His enemies.  If you find yourself in the tribulation, it means that you missed the one and only thing you actually could have done. . .


Healing is another example of abstract faith.  I know that seems incorrect – but bear with me.  There are many believers that will declare that the Lord heals.  They will ask for healing, and pray for healing for themselves and others.  Yet, in their heart it is not the miracle of healing they are looking to.  It is the natural healing that will automatically come even if a single prayer is never uttered.  There is a true doubt in their heart that miracle healing will come.  So, they go through the motions hoping for healing – rather than standing on the faith in the healing of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Stated differently, they will pray a prayer for an abstract healing from an abstract faith.  Yet, they will never dare to lay hands on the sick.  Even though it is the Lord that tells us when to do such a thing, they will be filled with a doubt that convinces them that the voice of the Lord is not really His voice.

That is abstract faith – a faith that will never risk looking like a fool.

This is the very heart of tithing.  Unlike other expressions of faith where the overcomer is not always called, tithing is the one expression of concrete, quantifiable and verifiable faith to which every last one of us are called.  We are not all called to prophesy.  We are not all called to lay hands on the sick.  We are not all called to move mountains.  All of these are quantifiable acts of faith for which we are proven in our relationship with the Lord.

Tithing is the one act of faith for which there are no exemptions.

What will your faith look like in these days?  Will you panic?  Will you be filled with fear and dread about what is coming tomorrow?  Does each new headline set your mind ablaze with the “possibilities” about what you will soon lose, or what will soon be visited upon your door?  Here is the key takeaway in what we see from our perch in the aquarium, and the pressure mounts against the glass.

The glass never gives way.  The walls of water at the Red Sea never come crashing in on the Israelites.  The water holds fast until the enemies of God are trapped.  Then what was used for the salvation of some becomes the judgement of others.  We see the same thing with both Noah and Lot.  The water did not come forth until after Noah and his family were inside, and the Lord shut and sealed the ark.  Likewise, the judgement of fire never fell on Sodom and the cities of the plain until Lot and his daughters had arrived at Zoar.

The judgement does not come while we are yet here.  We will see it building.  This will be both in terms of preparing for the tribulation and the testing of our faith.  All of the events which are now in process, and those which will manifest soon enough serve both of these purposes.  What we have to decide is how we will respond.  Will we latch on to the promises of the Lord, knowing that these things can only progress to a certain point – but then go no further while we are yet here?

Or will we panic and fail?

Will we begin trying to read every event we witness, looking for the clues that reveal what WE can do to save ourselves?  Perhaps we will continue to look back, lamenting which it seems we have lost, angry and bitter, filled with thoughts of how we can get it all back?  Will we squander our God given resources on every manner of implement designed to secure our own safety and salvation, while neglecting the literal salvation and needs of others?  It is one thing to be prepared for the normal events that can come upon us at any time.  Natural disasters can and will happen.  Indeed, the Bible tells us that the wise man makes provisions for the normal run of troubles faced in this life.  Yet, in the coming days every last one of us will be pushed on all sides, forced to either stand firm on the promises of God and the soon return of Jesus Christ, or we will buckle and find ourselves left behind – cast into outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Matthew 25:28-30 – So take the talent from him and give it to him who has the ten talents. For to everyone who has will more be given, and he will have an abundance. But from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away. And cast the worthless servant into the outer darkness. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’

Will you be that worthless servant the falters at the last moment?  Will you be cast into outer darkness?

Each of us must now decide if we will have the faith to stand on the promises of God.  Will we scoff at the return of the Lord?  Will we fear the things of men and avert our eyes from God?

Or will we stand firm, knowing beyond doubt that the Lord knows EXACTLY what He is doing?  Will we stand firm knowing that regardless of how the moment looks, ultimately all hell WILL NOT break loose while we are yet here?  Ultimately, it comes down to our response to one last question:

When the Lord returns will He find faith on the earth?

This time of final separation really comes down to one thing – a final line in the sand for the few of us that are left, still standing on His promises and upon the Blessed Hope.

Simply put, that final line in the sand is about whether or not we are willing to go all in…

Or will we remain all out?

That is what all of this comes down to.  That is the heart and soul of why we are now witnessing such unprecedented and impossible events unfold at a nearly unfathomable rate.  The election, the Capital building, the events in Congress, the executive orders, the breakneck speed with which prophecy is directly unfolding.  Let us ask again…

When the Lord returns will he find faith on the earth?

For your sake I certainly hope so.

In the name of our most blessed Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

A confirmation site for those in the tribulation.