Here is the order of judgments that befall the earth in the first 42 months of the tribulation:
1. A global storm of hail mixed with fire and blood. One third of the earth burns. One third of all vegetation on earth burns up.
2. A super volcano erupts sending fire and death into the oceans of the world. One third of all sea life and global shipping is destroyed.
3. A meteor strike on the largest freshwater supplies on earth contaminates one third of all drinking water. The casualties are in the multiplied million from the poisoned waters.
4. Darkness descends upon the sun, moon and stars. All natural light is dimmed by one third. The earth loses one third of all daylight hours also. Night falls a full one third darker to the point that the whole earth descends into total blackness of night absent artificial light sources.
5. A second meteor strike in the Middle East opens a great crater in the earth. The smoke rises in such volume as to blot out the sun.
6. From this pit rises what the Bible describes as locust type creatures. There is debate on what these creatures actually are, but no debate as to what they do.
They shall torment all upon the earth that does not have the seal of God upon their forehead. The torment is describes as the torment of the scorpion sting. This torment will be so grievous that those that suffer will beg for death. Many will attempt suicide.
Not one shall be permitted to die. They will be forced to endure this torment for five full months.
Only those that have trusted upon the name of Jesus Christ for salvation shall escape this plague including the 144,000 sealed Jews (more on them later). Only those having the Holy Spirit dwelling within them can bear the seal of God, and the Holy Spirit comes only by the salvation of Jesus Christ.
*** This is the first of several tactical judgments that will serve to provide freedom of movement to the believers in Christ. It will present five months of reprieve where believers can replenish their supplies and make preparations for the days to come absent interference. ***
7. The release of 200,000,000 demonic spirits that exterminate one third of the remaining population of the world through three plagues of smoke, fire and sulfur.
So concludes the plagues of the first 42 months of the tribulation.
These plagues will run the course of the first 42 months of the tribulation. They will vary in length with the five months of torment being the only specific duration given.
The vast majority of those that survive these plagues do not turn to God – they turn from him. So much so that the Bible declares that the rest on mankind turns from God and turns to utter wickedness.
These plagues do not include any judgments brought upon the earth by the two witnesses in Jerusalem. Make no mistake – the judgments released by the witnesses will utterly intensify the net effect of these judgments.
Here are the scriptural references of the plagues of the first 42 months of the tribulation:
Revelation chapter 8; 9 and concluding in chapter 11.