Originally, this project included a large section on the difference between the signs in the heavens, and the Book of Joel. Due to the immense size of the original project, the first half was broken off and is now it’s own project.
As you read through this project, it will refer back quite a bit to information in the other project.
Here is the link to “Joel, and the Combined Signs in the Heavens”:
If you come across something in this project, and you cannot locate the background information, it will be on the Joel project page that we linked above. With that, here is “How the Tribulation Starts”.
The Timing of the Beginning of the End
We have discussed the timing of the tribulation multiple times on this project, and there are more aspects than humanity can ever adequately document. That said, the Lord continues to reveal the vast number of timing markers that He placed in the Bible – most of which are concealed until such a time as they are needed to combat false doctrine.
There is literally an unlimited number of theories on how the tribulation is laid out from a timing standpoint, once we get past seven years or three and a half years, depending on the particular aspect that is being discussed. That said, I want to start with a personal observation. In all of my studies, I have witnessed an immutable fact about the Lord and the way He does things.
Everything follows a pattern.
Everything that will happen, has happened.
Everything the Lord does has symmetry.
It is the last point that I want to discuss for a moment. What exactly is symmetry, and how does it apply to the Bible? Think of symmetry in these terms. Symmetry is balance – either in the small details or the big picture. Think of symmetry as an equation. What happens on one side of the equal sign must happen on the other.
One of the things I have seen is how mathematics conceals the truths of the Lord. For example, the trigonometry of the right triangle can be used to demonstrate the life of the believer, and the relationship between where we are and where we are supposed to be. Mathematics is the universal language, and it is absolute proof of the existence of God. Likewise, it is also a vehicle that Satan likes to pervert and use to his purposes. There is a reason why so many cults, false religions and ancient discoveries revolve around mathematics such a geometry and trigonometry. They are counterfeits of actual revelations proving the existence of the one true living God.
Equations reveal the Biblical nature of justice, and show in the purest form the laws of the harvest. They show that what happens on one hand must be reflected on the other. When the Bible reveals that the things that will be are the things which have been, we see the Biblical application of equations. Likewise, when that understanding is taken as a blueprint for our lives, we see algebra in its purest form, with variables in place that allow the application of God’s law to any situation we encounter in life. In its simplest form, life is one giant exercise in a=x, or whatever units you want to cover. It is an exercise in plugging the unknowns into the Biblical equation, and seeing what answer spits out.
It also reveals a balance to all things. This explains why so many cults and false religions work hard at hijacking the concept of balance. You see, balance is the key to the patterns and timing in the Bible. Balance is the essence of symmetry.
Have you ever considered the number seven? It is perfection because of its symmetry. Seven is the very first number to exhibit the characteristics of true balance. On one hand you have a set of three, with another set of three on the other. Yet, in the middle there is a natural break or balance point. Seven gives us a marked point of definition that no other number has – at least no number that also encompasses the second number of God – three.
However, if you take the number six – the number of man – you do not have a natural balance point. It appears that you do as you have three on one hand and three on the other. Yet, the balance point is still subject to interpretation as it falls somewhere between two numbers. It is unmarked and undefined. With the number seven, it is the number four which balances the entire equation.
Chances are you have this “familiar” feeling when you read this, yet you are unsure why. This is because you live this symmetry every day that you serve Christ, and benefit from the salvation He purchased on the cross.
It is no accident that the life and death of Christ falls in the symmetrical center of human history.
When Christ was born, raised, died and resurrected, it was at the 4,000 year mark of the total 7,000 years that have been appointed to mankind for our preparation for eternity. Remember, one day is as a thousand years with the Lord, and a thousand years is as one day. In the overall calendar, Christ balanced out the equation on the fourth day. He become the equal sign. He became the balance point between God and humanity.
Remember, without a clearly defined balance point, the the scales will always tip to one side or the other – and mankind can NEVER measure up to God. The number six has no defined balance point. The number seven does. Three and five have balance points – yet neither have the number of God on both sides of the equation denoting His presence in all things from start to finish.
Only the number seven meets this criteria.
This is the premise behind everything we see transpire in the Bible. Every last pattern and cycle reveals this symmetry. If you look closely enough you will see it. Every pattern sets the balance for what the Lord is revealing. Everything from the seven years of feast and famine in Egypt, to the two periods of Jacob’s Trouble – symmetry is found in everything the Lord does.
The tribulation and judgments are no different.
When you study the different theories on the timing of the judgments, you will find every concoction under the sun. 99 percent can be dismissed right off the bat from one standpoint alone – a lack of symmetry. You see, symmetry is one of the unspoken confirmations of the Lord. It alone says that only God could have done such a thing, as true symmetry is possible only with God.
Symmetry demands balance in all that it does. It demands balance in the timing and judgments of the tribulation as well. It demands that there cannot be a mass of the majority of judgments lumped together in just one part of the tribulation. Here is what I mean. There are a number of false doctrines that declare all of the judgments will fall after the seven years (or three and a half years in some cases), in a space of about one month or so. Symmetry tells us that this is an impossibility.
Likewise, there are doctrines that attempt fit the seal judgments into the first half of the tribulation, and the remaining 14 judgments into the second half of the tribulation. This is equally impossible as symmetry is lacking.
Still, there are a multitude of doctrines that declare the tribulation to be only three and a half years in length. We deal with this at length in “Biblical Proof of a Seven Year Tribulation”. However, it should be enough for all of us that the Lord declared the prophecy of 70 weeks – not 69 and a half weeks. If the Lord say the end is a full week, then it is a full week. Nowhere in scripture does the Lord EVER change the definition of what a week is. It is still a symmetrical collection of seven.
For those that are not familiar with this concept, the word “week” is not unlike the words “couple”, “several”, and “set”. All of these words have general, chronological and numerical meanings and implications. For example, the word “couple” can be used to describe a collection of two. It can be used to give a description of a short block of time. That short block of time is always assumed to be a duration of two, be it two minutes, two hours, two days, two weeks, two months, two years, two hundred years, two thousands years, etc. It’s “short” stature is in comparison to equivalent blocks of time. Two thousand years is short when compared to seven thousand years.
As I said, there cannot be a mass of the majority of judgments in one part of the tribulation. Symmetry demands that there be equal spacing and dimensions given the block of time we are examining. Likewise, symmetry demands that all timing in the tribulation sync up with established patterns given by God elsewhere. You can have the judgments falling in a short space of time, if that period is itself a short space of time. Likewise, if you have the appearance of asymmetry, then it requires that you study the entire event to see what patterns match up from elsewhere in the Bible.
For the record, the timing of all the events in the Book of Revelation fit the pattern of the Temple. From the services to the order of events, every event from 4:1 until eternity can be found in the Temple functions and requirements.
OK – are you confused yet? Don’t worry, it will clear up in a moment. The ability to see symmetry is God given. It is an ability that can lead to a career in the engineering fields. Those with an ability to see symmetry are typically a bit “different”. If you have ever worked with a collection of engineers before then you will know what I am talking about. Symmetry is a different way of seeing the universe around us. Let’s talk about this in practical terms.
The end times are typically seen as one period of time divided into two parts. It is seen as the tribulation, a seven year period that has two 42 months halves. For most conversations this is absolutely correct. This description fits the bill. However, when it comes down to a detailed study of end times prophecy, and the study of the timing of the end, it is an inadequate picture. It is inadequate because it does not account for all the pieces.
Here is the more accurate breakdown of what we actually have:
The overall end times period consists of a defined period that leads up to the return of the Lord, followed by the period of time that follows the return of the Lord. That period concludes with the Second Coming.
Birth pains >—————-> Rapture >——————-> Second Coming
The period from the rapture to the second coming is broken down into three time periods. The time from the rapture to the signing of the seven year accord. The signing of the accord to the Abomination of Desolation. The Abomination to the second coming.
Rapture >———-> Accord >————-> A.D. >————-> S.C.
The period from the signing of the accord to the second coming is where we see the seven year tribulation. Yet, this is actually three periods of time – not two. It is the first period of 42 months, followed by a space at mid-trib, then comes the third period of 42 months.
42 months >—————–> Mid-trib >—————-> 42 months
There is another symmetrical chronology found between the rapture and the second coming. It is a two period division, which gives us a time of preparation before the actual 42 month block of time. The first period of preparation runs from the rapture to the signing of the seven year accord. That is followed by the first 42 months.
The second period of preparation runs during the time known as “mid-trib”. It starts at the conclusion of the first 42 months, and runs until the completion of the events at mid-trib. Then will come the second 42 months.
Rapture >————> Accord >—————> 42 months complete
Mid-trib >————-> 42 months start >————> Second Coming
There is another symmetry that we must understand. Each of the three sets of judgments are actually six judgments and a transition.
S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6 – S7 transitions to trumpets
T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 – T7 transitions to bowls
B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6 – B7 transitions to second coming
All that we have laid out on the symmetrical periods on the end times gives us a chronology that looks like this:
R>Seals 1-6>Seal 7>Trumpets 1-6>Trumpet 7>Bowls 1-6>Bowl 7>SC
In the example above, seal 7 starts the first 42 months of the tribulation and trumpet seven starts the back half of the tribulation. This also presents the next symmetrical pattern that must be understood – the period that most associate as the “tribulation” is not actually just the seven years of the tribulation – it runs from the rapture to the second coming. That is not seven years – it is a total of eight years. It is the combination of the time between rapture and the signing, the first 42 months, the events in the space known as mid-trib, and the last 42 months:
Rapture to Accord > Accord to end of 1st 42 months > Mid-trib > 2nd 42 months to SC
Here is the next piece that we need to bring in. Let’s examine something in that we said just a moment ago:
“Likewise, if you have the appearance of asymmetry, then it requires that you study the entire event to see what patterns match up from elsewhere in the Bible.”
Here is where this comes into play. The period from the rapture to the signing of the accord will not be the same length of time that the events at mid-trib run. This creates the appearance of asymmetry. These two period together will cover the space of about a year, yet they will not be six months each in duration. As we will see in a moment, the period from the rapture to the signing of the accord is considerably shorter than mid-trib. When we study the events of each, we can see the practical applications of each. After all, the events at mid-trib are many, and they take time to unfold.
Remember, the symmetry of an event can also be found in the big picture. In this case, the big picture is the fulfillment of something we have already touched on – the daily services at the Temple.
Let’s take the illustrations we have above, and transition them into the picture of the Temple services and the fulfillments of the various aspects of the feasts:
Great Assembly > Read the Law > Ritual Prep > Morning Service > Ritual Prep > Evening Service
What we see in the Book of Revelation is the complete picture that is represented by the seven feasts, the Sabbath cycle, the daily service and the calling of the assembly and priests. We discussed at length in the projects on Matthew 24 and tithing how the Lord broke the big picture into many tiny pieces. This was done because it is not possible for a sinful and fallen humanity to duplicate the perfect things of God piece for piece. So, the best we can do is simply take it one piece at a time.
Did you ever wonder how Jesus was able to say that to love the Lord with all our hearts, and each other as ourselves was to fulfill the law – yet there are 613 actual commands in that law? This is possible because Jesus made it possible to have the law written in the hearts of men, as opposed to written in small pieces to be kept in a ledger. Now, we can know the essence of the law – even if we never study a single word of the written law!
That is how it seems that we know right from wrong, and that we have sinned against God – even if no one ever points out which of the 613 commands we have broken.
This premise reveals that the symmetry in the two periods of preparation are found in the Temple services. The timing of the first preparation period – seals one through six – is found in the Great Assembly. The timing of the second preparation period – the space between trumpet six and trumpet seven – is found in the rituals performed to prepare for the evening service. While it is beyond the scope of this study, it bears mentioning that the events we see from 11:15 through 14:13 are fulfilled at the mid-trib break, and much of what finishes at mid-trib actually begins in the first 42 months of the tribulation.
Think of it like this. The first 42 months ends at 11:15, and the second 42 months begins at 14:13. The scriptures in-between reveal the backstory and key events that happened simultaneously with the unfolding of the judgments of God.
With that, we need to spend some time discussing the first preparation period. It is here that we find the timing of the events that come with the return of the Lord and the start of the actual tribulation. It is here that we find the revelations that tie into the Book of Joel and the things that must soon come to pass.
The Revelation in a Simple Phrase
I have spoken before on the growing inability for mankind to make simple observations, and how this unfortunate reality has made its way into the Body of Christ. By asking the obvious questions of everything we read in the Bible, the Lord reveals amazing truths that otherwise remain hidden to our eyes. What’s more, many of these truths are literally hidden in plain sight. That is the case with the scripture we are going to discuss. It is a scripture that is simply passed over time and time again, yet it unlocks the key to the timing of the events at the start of the tribulation.
Revelation 8:1 KJV – And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour.
How many times have you wondered about this scripture? What is special about the seventh seal? What is the significance of the silence? Why does it last a half an hour? What happens during that silence? All of these are valid questions. I have seen many discussions on this verse, and many center around these very questions. However, as we discussed in the project on 2 Thessalonians and the rapture bombshell, every last debate and discussion on this single scripture is an exercise in missing the forest for the trees. Without exception, every last conversation missed the most critical observation:
How exactly did John know this was “about the space of half an hour”?
Right now, you are probably asking yourself what this has to do with anything, why it matters, or why is this even a question.
“God must have told him”.
“He probably assumed half an hour”.
“It felt like half an hour”.
OK – I can certainly understand each of these responses. There is just one problem. There are no accidental or errant words in the Bible. Every last word, every last phrase, every last statement is specific and precise and reveals truth. This scripture is no different.
Here is the thing. This is not the only time that John reveals timing in Revelation. He actually reveals timing quite a bit. From the 1,260 days that the Jews dwell in the wilderness to the three days that the two witnesses lay dead in Jerusalem – there are examples of timing given throughout Revelation. However, there is a fundamental difference between 8:1 and every other timing indicator.
It is the word “about”.
Understand, this is the only instance where the exact quantity of time is not given. Every other instance provides a specific value by which we can study the chronology of the end times. Yet, this is not the case in 8:1. “About” is a specific word with a specific meaning in the original Greek. It is the word ὡς – hós, and it means “ὡς before numerals denotes nearly, about: as, ὡς δισχίλιοι, Mark 5:13; add, Mark 8:9; Luke 2:37 (here L T Tr WH ἕως); ; John 1:39(40); (John 4:6 L T Tr WH); John 6:19 (here Lachmann ὡσεί);John 11:18; (John 19:39 G L T Tr WH); ; Acts 1:15 (Tdf. ὡσεί); John 5:7,(36 L T Tr WH); John 13:18 (yet not WH text); cf. καί, I. 2 f.), 20;John 19:34 (WH ὡσεί); Revelation 8:1”
This tells us that John was not told that this silence lasted half an hour. If the Lord or an angel had revealed this to John, he would not have used ὡς in his writings. So, the question becomes whether or not John simply assumed half an hour, or if it felt like half an hour. However, these possibilities bring up another question – one that will blow this whole thing open.
How is it possible to have “about half an hour” in heaven? After all, half an hour is a measure of earthly time. Here is the thing. If John assumed what he witnessed lasted half an hour, then what would that equate to on earth? How could he use half an hour for something that occurs in heaven? Yet, the silence in heaven is just that – IN HEAVEN. Did John see a clock in heaven? Was there an hourglass or sundial to mark the passing of time? Why is this the only instance of time in heaven?
In the other measures of time, they are not only exact, but each is given in terms of events that happen ON THE EARTH. Still, John declares it about the space of half an hour?
Given that this is an event occurring in heaven, how then could John simply assume half an hour when he has no frame of reference for time in heaven? We could assume that it “felt” like half an hour, and it is probably accurate to do so. Even this begs the question – how could John trust such a feeling enough to commit it to writing, and how is it that the Lord would allow such a leap of faith in a book replete with actual revelations and revealed mysteries? After all, there is a big difference between “half an hour” and “about half an hour”. One is an exact revelation, and the other is open to interpretation.
“Is it 28 minutes, or is it 31 minutes?”
“Is it 24 minutes, or 39 minutes?”
“What does ‘about’ mean to John?”
“Why would the Lord allow such an uncertain declaration when He is revealing the last of the mysteries?”
As we said earlier – there are no accidental or errant words in the Bible. As it turns out, this scripture is the key to understanding the timing of the start of these things. It is the key to the timing of Joel chapter two and Revelation chapters four through six. It is also the key that provides the context for another scripture that we will study shortly.
What we have to understand is exactly what this statement from John does. It sets the timing of the events in heaven to their earthly pictures and equivalents. Here is what I mean. By John declaring something in heaven to last “about the space of half an an hour”, it tells us that John recognized and knew what he was looking at. He understood the premise, operation and reasons behind what was occurring. Furthermore, it confirms that what John is witnessing was truly the “real thing” for which the things on earth were merely copies. John knew what he was witnessing lasted about half an hour, as it lasted about half an hour on earth!
In other words, no one told John the silence lasted about a half an hour. They did not need to. He already knew, as he knew what he was witnessing. It was something that he lived every year in Jerusalem.
It also reveals something else. It reveals that the events in heaven approximate the same timing that they require on earth. What takes an hour on earth takes an hour in heaven. What takes a week on earth takes a week in heaven. Now, seven days in heaven will last seven years on earth, but to those that are there, participating in the events in heaven – it will be a simple seven days. That is the key to the timing of the tribulation. Wherever there is a fulfillment, it will run the length of time laid down in the Law of Moses, and do so where it is fulfilled. The rapture is the calling of the Great Assembly. It lasts only a day. So, the rapture will be the fulfillment of the calling. It occurs on earth, so that one day is one day on earth.
When we arrive in heaven, our “days” of fulfillment come with us. We will start day two in heaven. To us it is still a day. However, on earth, the day after the rapture starts the next year of sorrows. Since we are the fulfillment, and experience the fulfillment, the fulfilling calendar stays with us.
This brings up an interesting point that needs addressed. In a prior project, we spoke in great detail about the fulfillment of the Sabbath cycles. We spoke of the Shemitah being the confirmed Sabbath year, and how that could have played into the timing of the rapture. Since the original writing, the Lord has opened up the understanding of the Sabbath cycles to an even greater degree.
First, off, the Sabbath cycle must yet be fulfilled. However, we are coming to understand something else. Given that we now know that the timing of the fulfillments is completed at the place of fulfillment (the rapture is day one of the 10 Days of Awe. Days two through nine happen in heaven as that is where the fulfillments actually occur. Yet, it will be years one through eight of the end times on earth as only day one – the rapture – and day 10 – the second coming – actually happen on earth), this reveals something very interesting.
It was not going to be the rapture on the first day of the Sabbath year. It is going to be the rapture before the Sabbath day!
Perry Stone once remarked that the Sabbath was not made for God. It was made for man. The Sabbath was never set to a certain named day. It was set only to every seventh day (an entire conversation and debate in and of itself). He was absolutely right. The Sabbath is a timing cycle set upon the calendars of men. This makes sense when you think about it. After all, time is a concept that exists only as long as mankind is going through the 7,000 year process of initiation into the eternal kingdom. After this, we return to eternity, the timeless space from everlasting to everlasting.
This tells us that the rapture could have come before the Sabbath year, or after. It also tells us that it is the Sabbath Day itself which holds the key. The Sabbath cycle must be fulfilled in heaven. Yet, this will also fulfill the yearly Sabbath cycle on earth by pure “coincidence”. You see, to fulfill the Sabbath year on earth requires a time of seven years, which must also occur during the times of fulfillment. The yearly Sabbath cycle can only be fulfilled on earth, as it pertains to the earth alone, and was given as a means for the earth itself to participate in the worship of the Lord.
The time from the rapture to the second coming is a total of eight years on earth. The actual Temple shift or course ran seven days in length, yet covered a space of eight actual days, as it ran Sabbath to Sabbath. This is the key to the tribulation timing. There must be seven “days”, from the first day to the sixth day, followed by the Sabbath Day. Yet, we must also be called before the Sabbath Day, to “start work” on the Sabbath Day as priests. The process must last a total of eight days, with one complete Sabbath cycle contained therein.
Here is where it gets really interesting.
Does that mean that the rapture will happen on a Friday? Yes it does, and no it don’t. Actually, it means that it can occur anywhere from Thursday to Saturday. “How is this possible???” I am glad you asked.
The Jewish calendar celebrates the Sabbath on Saturday. The Gregorian calendar (ours) celebrates the Sabbath on Sunday. The Islamic calendar celebrates the Sabbath on Friday. You are probably wondering why the Muslim calendar even figures into this. Well, it works like this. We are in the times of the Gentiles right now. The Lord honors the Gentile calendar. The blood moon tetrad has occurred on the Jewish feast days – which are currently set in accordance with the Gregorian calendar. How do we know this? The last several years, the new moon which sets the civil calendar and announces the start of the Feast of Trumpets has actually come two to four days after the Gregorian date for the Feast – a date which was seconded by the Jewish calendar. Yet, by the Law of Moses the feast should not have started until the first silver sliver of the new moon.
However, the blood moons continue to fall on the feast days set not to the moon, but to the Gregorian calendar. That is the times of the Gentiles. Not only this, but we have watched as additional prophetic fulfillments have come to pass based on the phases of the tetrad, including passages in Joel chapter two which can only come to fulfillment at the times of the end, just before the return of the Lord and the start of the tribulation. There are many examples of the Lord honoring the Gentile calendar in relation to prophecy, and especially concerning Israel.
But wait, there’s more!
We know that the times of the Gentiles do not end until the second coming. We know this as Jerusalem is trodden down under foot until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled. The last time Jerusalem will ever be trodden down by the Gentiles will be after the invasion of the Islamic Antichrist at mid-trib. After that, Jerusalem is conquered and remains conquered for the next 42 months.
During this all of this, the times of the Gentiles remain intact.
Now, recall what the Bible tells us about the Antichrist. He will changes times and laws. The Muslim calendar and sharia law are the two things that all Muslims caliphs will do first and foremost. It is the sign and proof that they have conquered their enemies. The Muslim calendar is a bit shorter than the Gregorian, and longer than the Jewish calendar. Also, never forget that both Daniel and Revelation reveal that the Antichrist is ordained and given his three and a half years to rule. Remember, it is the times of the Gentiles. It is his calendar, and he has the authority to implement it on the earth.
It does not mean that the Lord is not running an alternate calendar. The Devil can read. He knows that he is given three and a half years to rule. However, he is now counting time on his calendar. The Lord is counting time on His calendar, especially during the last 42 months of the tribulation.
Ever wonder how the days can be shortened (so that all flesh does not perish), and why the Antichrist is caught off guard near the end of the tribulation? He turns in anger (the Bible says he is troubled by tidings from the east and north. Armies that originally come against him are already en route to the Valley of Megiddo – ahead of the expected schedule! This pulls him from his work completing Hitler’s “Final Solution to the Jewish Problem”).
This tells us that there are three calendars in play during the tribulation – the Gregorian, the Muslim and the Jewish calendars. “Wait a minute – the calendar I see during the tribulation doesn’t match any of these three calendars. What gives?”
What this speaks to is the use of a straight 30 day calendar by the Lord. 12 months at 30 days each, which gives us the 1,260 day units that mark the tribulation periods.
However, have you ever noticed that when the timing is given for the things of the Antichrist, it is never given in specific days? It is always a vague reference. It is in terms of generic years, or the ever cryptic “time, times, and a dividing of times”. It is only in reference to Israel and the Jews that specific days are given, and always on this 360 day year.
Far be it for Satan to EVER give ANY credit to the things of the Jews. Every last one of us could shout daily that the Antichrist will not get the full Islamic three and a half years, but the considerably shorter three and a half years of the 360 day calendar. He won’t listen as he never learns. His arrogance knows no bounds.
Here is the real gem. Did you ever wonder how we arrived at the 360 day year, that does not match any of the three calendars involved in the end times?
360 is the average of all three calendars!
As overcomers we often say that you can know the exact day that the tribulation ends once you know the date of the rapture and the signing of the seven year treaty. The problem is that all of us will be gone when it matters, and the advanced understanding that the Lord has poured out in these days will go with us. We can calculate the exact end of the tribulation, as we understand that 1,260 days means 1,260 days. Yet, we aren’t here to do this when it matters most. That is how this gets lost. It goes without saying, yet I will say it regardless. There won’t be a lot of deep theological studies during the tribulation. The only way that those who are left will get the advanced studies and revelations will be by overcomers completing the work that the Lord has given to us in these final days.
That is probably why my next assignment is to commit much of this work to an actual written book.
Suffice it to say, this is why the rapture can occur on either a Thursday, Friday or Saturday, and still accurately fill its role in calling the Kingdom of Priests to the Great Assembly prior to the start of the Sabbath. Even if we felt that the meaning of the “times of the Gentiles” required more study, remember that the rapture actually occurs before the tribulation officially starts. We are clearly on the Gregorian calendar now, yet the rapture is the first day of the cycle of fulfillments. As the first day of a cycle, it is the first day ON the new cycle. Hence, all four calendars come into play – with the three currently established calendars setting the Sabbath possibilities.
In fact, we now have the pieces to set the timing of the start of these things. All that is missing is the start date.
No man knows the day, nor hour!
With that said, we need to address the question that so many in the Body are asking as of this writing. Is 2015 the year that the Feast of Trumpets is fulfilled? Will this be the year that sees the rapture? We touched on it already, but we need to look a little closer.
As of right now, we are in the back half of the Shemitah. It is set to end on September 13th, 2015.
On that day, the rest of the Shemitah judgment may come to pass (I will detail in a future project the implications if it does not come). That is the “Day of Release”, and it is the day that could see the biggest economic crash in history.
This is a Sunday. That means the immediate effect will be delayed for several days.
The Feast of Trumpets also starts this day, at 6:00 to 8:00 PM. This is the date set on the Gregorian calendar. It does not depend on the first silver sliver of the New Moon.
We will not know if this is the Feast that brings the rapture until the time comes. It is based on which calendar is being honored, and there are four at play. There are two Jewish calendars as well (Israel and diaspora). There is also the Jewish calendar which requires strict adherence to the Law of Moses. In reality, that makes five potential calendars, and all of them put every last day of the week in play for the rapture, for various reasons. It would be a project unto itself to go into detail on each.
There is something that must be understood. We are coming to understand that the Shemitah is a reset. When the Day of Release hits, it has the potential to be catastrophe. However, it is when it does not come that the very worst becomes inevitable. The day the Lord stops hitting the reset button is the day we know that we are beyond a “reset”.
That is the day that declares we have passed the point of no return!
We will delve into to this deeper on an upcoming project, which will also open up a greater understanding of the exact nature of the rapture and the Feast of Trumpets.
That said, we study the possibilities of the different calendars not to predict the days, but to learn the lessons, receive revelations, and see the confirmations that Lord built into all things 6,000 years ago. I see many believers that scoff at understanding the calendar and the times. The reasoning is always the same. We are not to “date set”. Yet, the Lord tells us that he gives us the sun, moon and stars for signs and seasons. Paul reveals that the calendar is the shadow if things to come. Jesus tells us to watch, yet occupy until He comes. In these admonitions are the answer to studying the times, seasons and calendars, yet not get caught up in setting the dates that none of us can know.
The next time somebody tries to dissuade you from studying the times and seasons, rest assured it is not a Biblical position. To the contrary, I have found one fact in this to be immutable – there is a reason why believers end up running from the study of the times – especially the end times and the return of the Lord. It’s not because these things don’t reveal Biblical truth.
It’s because they do, and the scoffer doesn’t like the message it gives.
Moving forward, if the Lord uses the rapture to transition calendars (the rapture is the first day of the new fulfillment cycle), then we could be back to the first silver sliver of the new moon as the dictating factor. That literally opens up every day of the week, as every day is within three days of the Thursday-Saturday time frame. The last few years have witnessed a separation of three to four days between the calendar Feast of Trumpets and the silver sliver of the new moon.
There are more possible combinations that we can shake a stick at. I think that is the point. When we sit down and start trying to calculate based on our understanding, it shows just how little we really know. Here is another one for you – with Trumpets starting on Sunday, that makes both Sunday and Monday as possible Feast days depending on how you look at it. That means that Saturday could be the “day before the Sabbath!” Remember, a Feast that starts on a Sunday night can be considered a Sunday Feast on the Gregorian calendar because it actually comes on a Sunday, and it can also be considered a Monday feast. The Gregorian calendar typically tries to place the Jewish holidays on the day after they start, that brings up the same concept. It literally splits the Jewish holidays into two days.
Try this on for size. The Jewish holidays also have an “eve”, or the piece of the holiday that falls on the day before. A feast that has most of its completion on a Sunday will have the Saturday as the “eve” of that particular Feast. That gives a two days window.
We can take it a step further. The Feast of Trumpets is officially recognized for two days, or 48 hours because of the new moon. We detail this extensively elsewhere on Trib Rising. This is where “no man knows the day, nor hour” actually comes from.
This year, the official calendar places the Feast of Trumpets on Monday and Tuesday. However, that places the “eve” on Sunday, which is actually when the celebration starts since the evening is when “tomorrow” officially begins.
That would put the rapture on a Saturday this year if it comes. That also puts it in line perfectly with the prior Sabbath requirement in the times of the Gentiles!
*** I want to state this CLEARLY so that there is NO misunderstanding. This is NOT a prediction of the rapture this year! It is nothing more than an examination of the possibilities.
When the Lord says “no man knows the day, nor hour” – He really means it!
This is the only unknown left.
One final observation on this. The possibility of a Saturday rapture brings up an interesting point worth considering. The Jews will accept the Antichrist wholesale when he comes. When you have a chance to look into what many Jews anticipate with the coming of Messiah, they will recount a David-like picture that literally lays out what the Antichrist does when he arrives.
How many times did the Pharisees declare that Christ was of Satan for the miracles He worked on the Sabbath? I can think of few things that would drive the Jews into the arms of the Antichrist, than to see the rapture of the “false Messiah of Christ” come on the Sabbath (remember, Saturday is the Jewish Sabbath).
That would be a violation of the Laws of the Moses! Remember, the times of the Gentiles are not known in the Jewish Bible. They were declared only after salvation was delivered to the Gentiles.
What “About” Reveals to Us
We now understand the critical nature of the words “about the space of half an hour”. These words set the timing of the events in heaven to the same events performed on the earth. It is more accurate to say that this statement reveals that the things on earth were timed to matched the things in heaven. After all, Paul reveals that the things on earth are the copies of the things in heaven.
It is also the confirmation of the Temple service playing out in the Book of Revelation. Actually, it is one of many confirmations. It just happens to be the one that sets the proof in the most realistic terms possible. For those that are not familiar with what John is seeing, here is the nickel tour for your reference.
Revelation 8:1-5 ESV – When the Lamb opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour.
2 Then I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and seven trumpets were given to them.
3 And another angel came and stood at the altar with a golden censer, and he was given much incense to offer with the prayers of all the saints on the golden altar before the throne, 4 and the smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints, rose before God from the hand of the angel.
5 Then the angel took the censer and filled it with fire from the altar and threw it on the earth, and there were peals of thunder, rumblings,[a]flashes of lightning, and an earthquake.
We spoke about this briefly in “John, Angels and Martyrs”. The angel with the golden censer of incense is the theophonic angel, or Christ in His role as “servant of the Most High God”. We know this by what we are witnessing.
On the Day of Atonement (fulfilled by the actual tribulation, as this is what Atonement is a picture of), the High Priest alone would enter the Holy of Holies. He would do this several times. Once inside he would sprinkle the blood on the furniture and instruments of the Temple. After this, he would give the incense offering to the Lord. The incense ascended up as the prayers, offerings and sacrifices of all Israel. This was a function ONLY the High Priest could perform.
What we see in Revelation 8:1-5 is the fulfillment of this process. We have discussed this in detail a number of times on this website. Each and every Law of Moses must be fulfilled, as they are the individual pieces of the big picture. On the Day of Atonement, the process of entering the Holy of Holies would start with the sacrifice upon the altar. Then would come the sprinkling of the blood. We do not see either in Revelation 8 for a reason.
These were fulfilled with the death and resurrection of Christ, and the secret ascension on First Fruits to purify the heavenly Temple and present the First Fruits of the first days offering. This had to be done first, as until this happened no dead saint could enter paradise under the altar, there to wait until the rapture and their turn at perfection and the first resurrection. This is the reason why the Feast of First fruits comes after Passover and Unleavened Bread.
Passover was the first of the seven feasts, and comes first logically because the Lamb had to die before anything else was possible. This was followed by Unleavened Bread, which DOES NOT require the death of a sacrifice, and the reason the the Passover meal comes in the early hours of the day of Unleavened Bread. You cannot have another death and sacrifice as Christ Himself lays dead in the tomb.
The next feast is First fruits, which does require a sacrifice. However, when Christ arose on First fruits, it proved that His death three days earlier did indeed satisfy the sacrifice of blood forever. That was the first aspect to be fulfilled. From that moment forward, there would be no more sacrifices. That requirement for all the remaining feasts was now complete and could be removed from the list of things left to fulfill.
When Jesus was seen by Mary in the early morning hours of the first day of the week, He tells her “touch me not, for I am not yet ascended to My God and your God”. Jesus, who was buried nearly naked with no clothes in the tomb, walks out of that same tomb dressed in the four white linen garments – or raiment – of the on-duty priest, which are the only garments worn by the High Priest when he prepares to enter the Holy of Holies. Mary mistakes Him for the gardener as this uniform very closely matched what a gardener would have worn. It was a uniform that was conducive to laborious activities in the hot Mediterranean climate.
After His exchange with Mary, the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ ascends in secret to heaven with the resurrected Old Testament saints that were seen walking the streets of Jerusalem. Upon arriving, Jesus takes His shed blood first into the Temple of God and sprinkles it on the instruments and furniture. This sanctified the Temple from the original sin that occurred there when Lucifer rebelled against God. After this He presents Himself to God as the first fruits of the High Priest and the priesthood.
This had to occur so that the First fruits of the congregation could be offered, as they could not be offered to God in a defiled Temple. After the blood was sprinkled, Jesus was then able to present the offering of the First fruits of the congregation. That was actually the second of three first fruits offerings that happened on that day. The first offering was Christ Himself for the priesthood. The second was when He presented the resurrected saints for the congregation.
The third offering comes when the first fruits of the people (brought by the people themselves) were offered before the altar of God. That first fruits offering will occur at the rapture. This will then be followed by the 48 days of the counting of the omer, where the first fruits of the barley are continuously brought to the Temple by the people, and offered to God as they arrive.
That 48 days is represented by the actual 48 months in the first half of the eight year period where Christians are martyred for their faith. The “48 days” ends with the fulfillment of the First fruits of the wheat harvest on day 50 – Pentecost. That is the day the 144,000 sealed Jews are raptured to heaven (we use the term rapture for this, but it is only a loose description. The Bible does not say what it looks like when the 144,000 are taken to heaven – only that they suddenly show up in time for the Judgment Seat of Christ).
In case you are trying to figure out the math, eight full years holds 96 months. Half of that is 48 months. That gives us two 48 month periods. Remember, the tribulation is seven years total, broken into two halves, yet it runs a full eight years due to the time between the rapture and the treaty, and the break at mid-trib.
As we said a moment ago, when John witnesses Christ entering the heavenly Temple to offer the incense, he does not make the sacrifice and offer the blood. These things have been completed already, and never need to be offered again. It is the incense offering that must now be fulfilled. The process is the same as John would have seen on earth, requiring approximately half an hour to complete.
The silence was also part of the earthly process. Not only was it a sign of reverence, but it served a practical purpose. The silence filled the Temple as the High Priest entered the Holy of Holies. The reason is simple and brutal.
If the High Priest got one thing wrong, he was struck dead.
As the High Priest alone could enter the Holy of Holies, that meant that no one could go in and get his body out. So, the High Priest wore a rope and bells to indicate if he had fallen, and to allow him to be pulled out of the chamber without risking the lives of another. On the day that he entered the Holy of Holies, the High Priest was ritually purified and dressed in the uniform of the day. After that he could not be touched lest he be made unclean. This is why Jesus told Mary to “touch me not”.
Here is a short side point that must be made. Critics of the pre-trib rapture will use the following verses as a justification of their position:
Acts 1:10-11 ESV – And while they were gazing into heaven as he went, behold, two men stood by them in white robes, 11 and said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into heaven? This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven.”
The argument they make declares that if Jesus went up in public, then He must return in public. It is another example of failing to truly search the scriptures. What we have in Acts chapter one is a double reference. It speaks to both the second coming AND the rapture.
The first coming will be in secret, just as the first ascension was in secret. It will present the first fruits before God just as the first ascension presented the first fruit before God. Just to clarify, when I say “first and second”, I am talking about the events that are yet to transpire. For the record, the Second Coming is not actually declared the Second Coming in the Bible. That was a designation given by man. The Bible simply declares that Christ will come again, and ascribes no number to the event.
The second coming will be in public, just as the second ascension was in public. Just as Jesus ascended publicly from the Mount of Olives, so shall His second coming be to the Mount of Olives. Just as His disciples were with Him at the place where He ascended, so shall they be with Him at the place where He descends. Christ went ahead of His disciples at the ascension. He will go ahead of them at the descension as well.
This is further borne out by the imagery of the Ancient Jewish Wedding. The Bridegroom came at night, in secret, and snatched His bride away. Come the morning, nobody “knew” where the Bride had gone. In reality, this is exactly what will happen once more. Those that are left behind and survive the devastation of the rapture will somehow “know” what has happened – as the ancient Israelite’s actually knew the wedding had come. Yet, they would not know where the Bride was. They knew she was at the Father’s house, and where that was generally. It is akin to saying “I know where heaven is”. We can know where it is, but don’t ask us for directions on how to get there. We can tell you how to get your ticket for the coming airlift.
But we can’t get you there. All we can do is pack our bags, have everything in order – and wait for the ride!
At the end of the eight days, the Bride would return publicly with the Bridegroom – now husband and wife – to the house that would become their home. Notice that I said eight days. Many are familiar with the ancient wedding, and that the Bride and Bridegroom would enter the wedding chamber for seven days. They would not emerge, having all they needed inside the room that had been prepared by the Bridegroom. After seven days they would finally emerge. In the presence of all the guests they would present themselves as husband and wife.
Here is the kicker – even though they were secluded for seven days, the process took eight days. They arrived in the midst of a day and went into the chamber. Seven complete days later they would emerge and the marriage supper would begin. Just as the course of the priests would work early Sabbath to early Sabbath, and the High Priest would seclude himself for seven days – the seven days actually ran into the eighth day! In all three cases, the eighth day would end the seclusion and the meal together would begin (the priests would also have a meal together to celebrate the day of completion).
The public return would then happen on the following day, or the ninth day. For those that are counting, that would be a total of ten days. These are the ten days that are represented by the ten Days of Awe.
OK – that was the dollar tour.
We spoke earlier of the two periods of preparation before each of the 42 month periods in the tribulation. While what we are going to discuss also relates to the second preparation period, we will confine this conversation to the first period. That said, if you were interested in pursuing a study of the timing of the second preparation period, this project would be a good general guide to start with. In the twelve hours of the day, the space between the morning and evening services are the guide to the timing and duration of the events at mid-trib.
Moving forward, we need to bring in additional scripture to examine what John was revealing:
Revelation 5 English Standard Version (ESV)
The Scroll and the Lamb
5 Then I saw in the right hand of him who was seated on the throne a scroll written within and on the back, sealed with seven seals. 2 And I saw a mighty angel proclaiming with a loud voice, “Who is worthy to open the scroll and break its seals?” 3 And no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth was able to open the scroll or to look into it, 4 and I began to weep loudly because no one was found worthy to open the scroll or to look into it. 5 And one of the elders said to me, “Weep no more; behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has conquered, so that he can open the scroll and its seven seals.”
6 And between the throne and the four living creatures and among the elders I saw a Lamb standing, as though it had been slain, with seven horns and with seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God sent out into all the earth. 7 And he went and took the scroll from the right hand of him who was seated on the throne. 8 And when he had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each holding a harp, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints. 9 And they sang a new song, saying,
“Worthy are you to take the scroll
and to open its seals,
for you were slain, and by your blood you ransomed people for God
from every tribe and language and people and nation,
10 and you have made them a kingdom and priests to our God,
and they shall reign on the earth.”
11 Then I looked, and I heard around the throne and the living creatures and the elders the voice of many angels, numbering myriads of myriads and thousands of thousands, 12 saying with a loud voice,
“Worthy is the Lamb who was slain,
to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might
and honor and glory and blessing!”
13 And I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and in the sea, and all that is in them, saying,
“To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb
be blessing and honor and glory and might forever and ever!”
14 And the four living creatures said, “Amen!” and the elders fell down and worshiped.
What we are seeing here is the calling of the Great Assembly. More accurately, we are seeing the fulfillment of the Great Assembly. The scene above actually starts at 4:1, when John is called to heaven and goes in the rapture. We detail this in depth in “John, Angels and Martyrs – Final Proof of the Pre-Trib Rapture”. We have detailed the Great Assembly numerous times throughout this project. However, a quick snapshot is in order as we move forward.
After the return from Babylonian captivity, Ezra and Nehemiah were instrumental in the creation of the Great Assembly. The expanded the Assembly from 70 members to 120. These members took on the task of writing down the oral traditions and assembling the Hebrew Bible. They were concerned with the possible loss of the faith, so they set up to present the completed law to all the nation.
While it is beyond the scope of this study, notice that there were 70 original members of the Assembly, and that their numbers was increased to 120. Consider what they were called to do. Now, compare that to Pentecost, the 120 in the upper room, and what they were called to do. In both cases the number and task was no accident.
In addition, the Great Assembly was convened every seven years. Unlike the Assembly (same 120 members) which was convened every year and the men of Israel were called to Jerusalem to join them – the Great Assembly was a seven year affair, and all the people were called. That would be the men, women and children.
On the day of the Great Assembly, the two silver trumpets were blown to call the congregation to the Temple. The first trump would “wake the dead” – it was blown to awaken the camp and tell them to get dressed and ready to go. They would put on their garments and light their lamps as it was dark at the time of the first trump (early morning hours). Shortly thereafter, the last trump would sound to call the Assembly to the Temple for the proceedings.
Here is where it gets interesting.
Unlike the regular Assembly in which the High Priest was the presiding officer, the Great Assembly was presided over by the King himself. Not only that, but it was the King who actually sounded the first and last trumps, and not the priests. On the Jubilee, it was not the two silver trumps of the congregation that were sounded.
It was the two golden trumps of God! Again – these were sounded by the King himself!
The King would enter the Temple before the sounding. He would proceed to the doors, and they would be opened. He would step through the doors and sound the trumps. At this point, the congregation would come to the Temple, passing through the gates as they were accounted by 24 priests – 12 on one side of the doors, and 12 on the other. Once the congregation was assembled the doors would be shut and locked. If you were late to the party, or not prepared appropriately you were locked out in the darkness – the outer darkness as you were stuck on the wrong side of the outer walls.
Once the doors were shut the proceedings would begin. We should start with an understanding. The primary purpose of the Great Assembly was the reading and understanding of the Law. This was how the Great Assembly ensured that Israel never again forgot the Lord or His words. So, the Law would be taken from its chamber, and read to the congregation. This was accomplished by the scroll of the Law being passed among the priests, in search of one that was “worthy” to loose the seal and open the scroll. Finally, the scroll was passed to the High Priest – who then passed it to the one who alone was worthy. . .
It was the King alone that was worthy to loose the seal and open the book!
That is what we are seeing in Revelation chapter five. It is the fulfillment of the Great Assembly. Understand, the Assembly must be called before the seals of the book can be opened. Not only this, but the seven angels of the seven churches – who we know to be the seven pastors of the seven churches as we detailed in “John, Angels and Martyrs” – must be present as they are the ones that are responsible for the seven seals that now sit upon the completed book of the Law. The Law could not be completed until after John received Revelation, and it was the seven pastors that received and testified to the final piece of the puzzle. It was their testimony that sealed the book, and it is their witness that requires the unsealing.
This is not possible without the rapture having already occurred. Remember, the seven pastors of the seven churches are the same as the rest of the Body of Christ. They are New Testament saints. That requires that they are among the dead in Christ when the rapture comes.
You are probably seeing the link and the picture between the 120 members of the Assembly, and the 120 in the upper room. One group received the law – the other groups completed and sealed it! You wouldn’t have a Bible in your hands otherwise! This also ties in directly with the calling of the church “ekklesia” – which we detailed in “Matthew 24 and the Rapture”.
Now, we are ready to go somewhere!
The Timing of the Seals and the Tribulation
Let’s start by bringing in something we addressed earlier:
What we have to understand is exactly what this statement from John does. It sets the timing of the events in heaven to their earthly pictures and equivalents. Here is what I mean. By John declaring something in heaven to last “about the space of half an an hour”, it tells us that John recognized and knew what he was looking at. He understood the premise, operation and reasons behind what was occurring. Furthermore, it confirms that what John is witnessing was truly the “real thing” for which the things on earth were merely copies. John knew what he was witnessing lasted about half an hour, as it lasted about half an hour on earth!
In other words, no one told John the silence lasted about a half an hour. They did not need to. He already knew, as he knew what he was witnessing. It was something that he lived every year in Jerusalem.
It also reveals something else. It reveals that the events in heaven approximate the same timing that they require on earth. What takes an hour on earth takes an hour in heaven. What takes a week on earth takes a week in heaven. Now, seven days in heaven will last seven years on earth, but to those that are there, participating in the events in heaven – it will be a simple seven days. That is the key to the timing of the tribulation. Wherever there is a fulfillment, it will run the length of time laid down in the Law of Moses, and do so where it is fulfilled. The rapture is the calling of the Great Assembly. It lasts only a day. So, the rapture will be the fulfillment of the calling. It occurs on earth, so that one day is one day on earth.
When we arrive in heaven, our “days” of fulfillment come with us. We will start day two in heaven. To us it is still a day. However, on earth, the day after the rapture starts the next year of sorrows. Since we are the fulfillment, and experience the fulfillment, the fulfilling calendar stays with us.
Here is where this comes into play, and is critical to the timing of the things to come.
Revelation 6 English Standard Version (ESV)
The Seven Seals
6 Now I watched when the Lamb opened one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures say with a voice like thunder, “Come!” 2 And I looked, and behold, a white horse! And its rider had a bow, and a crown was given to him, and he came out conquering, and to conquer.
3 When he opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, “Come!” 4 And out came another horse, bright red. Its rider was permitted to take peace from the earth, so that people should slay one another, and he was given a great sword.
5 When he opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come!” And I looked, and behold, a black horse! And its rider had a pair of scales in his hand. 6 And I heard what seemed to be a voice in the midst of the four living creatures, saying, “A quart[a] of wheat for a denarius,[b] and three quarts of barley for a denarius, and do not harm the oil and wine!”
7 When he opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, “Come!” 8 And I looked, and behold, a pale horse! And its rider’s name was Death, and Hades followed him. And they were given authority over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by wild beasts of the earth.
9 When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the witness they had borne. 10 They cried out with a loud voice, “O Sovereign Lord, holy and true, how long before you will judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?” 11 Then they were each given a white robe and told to rest a little longer, until the number of their fellow servants[c] and their brothers[d] should be complete, who were to be killed as they themselves had been.
12 When he opened the sixth seal, I looked, and behold, there was a great earthquake, and the sun became black as sackcloth, the full moon became like blood, 13 and the stars of the sky fell to the earth as the fig tree sheds its winter fruit when shaken by a gale. 14 The sky vanished like a scroll that is being rolled up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place. 15 Then the kings of the earth and the great ones and the generals and the rich and the powerful, and everyone, slave[e] and free, hid themselves in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains, 16 calling to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who is seated on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb, 17 for the great day of their wrath has come, and who can stand?”
The first thing that we must establish is that from the sounding of the first trump until the completion of the Great Assembly, we are talking about the space of only several hours. The Assembly itself did not take the place of the service in the Temple – it coincided with the services! That means that in the darkness of the early morning hours, the congregation would be called to the Temple. The camp would come, and the proceedings would begin. The scroll would be opened and the contents read.
Once the reading was complete and the task accomplished, the Temple service would commence. The High Priest would fulfill his assigned role, the sacrifices would be offered and the morning service completed. After this, the preparation period for the evening service would commence. Then the evening service would commence. When the day was done and the services complete, the congregation would return home.
Chances are, these verses are making a bit more sense now:
When the Lamb opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour. 2 Then I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and seven trumpets were given to them. 3 And another angel came and stood at the altar with a golden censer, and he was given much incense to offer with the prayers of all the saints on the golden altar before the throne, 4 and the smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints, rose before God from the hand of the angel.
With the seventh seal comes the end of the Great Assembly, and the start of the morning service. We spoke on this earlier. The seventh seal is both an ending and a beginning, and as we will show shortly, it marks the official start of the seven year tribulation – and does so in a BIG way.
Let’s bring in some of the timing equivalents listed in “Time, Times and a Dividing of Times”:
Given these equations offered in the Bible we can see several equivalents emerge:
7 days = 7 years
1 day = 1 year
1 day = 12 hours
12 hours = 12 months
1 hour = 30 days
30 days = 1 month
360 days = 12 months
There is something that needs to be remembered when you look at the different time equivalents. It is not a matter of the Lord trying to jam in a bunch of different fulfillments into a single space. Rather, all of the fulfillments we see in Revelation are actually the real events that are broken into pictures on earth. Paul tells us that the things on earth are the copies of the things in heaven. Mortal man cannot perform the tasks of the Lord on a one for one basis. So, a single event in heaven will be divided into multiple pictures and fulfillments.
That is how the tribulation period can fulfill seven day requirements, one day requirements, short space requirements, etc. It is also how the tribulation can be the wedding, the course of the priesthood, the initiation of the new priests, the Sabbath cycle, Great Assembly, etc. It can be all of these things, because all of these things were the individual pieces of the big picture. It is only when we have all the pieces that we can see the full truth of the Bible.
This is why so many fall into false doctrine. They will find only a part of the overall picture. Usually, they will discard the parts of the picture that upset their worldview or theological view. This is also where those nasty “three scripture wars” come from. There are few things as frustrating as watching two believers try and baseball bat each other with the “more right” scriptures that not only “prove” their point – but show other scriptures to be lies!
This is a favorite tactic of Satan. He does actually teach truth – just not all of it. He will find the pieces of the truth that appeal most to the flesh of the intended victim. He slides it in, and the victim feels as though they have been given the smoking gun revelation. However, two thing emerge that are real problems.
First, they move this smoking gun to the first position in their lives. From this point forward, the smoking gun revelation becomes the authoritative source. All scripture, all doctrine, all opinion must conform to their new truth. After all, it is the smoking gun!
Second, and most critical – it stops ALL searching for additional revelation and insight. I cannot tell you how many times this tactic will completely shut down a believer. There simply can be nothing else. I have seen believers literally ignore obvious indications and scriptures to keep their smoking gun intact.
Declaring the seventh trumpet is the last trump, when it’s not even the last trumpet sounded in the tribulation ( a massive study in its own right – no, the seventh trumpet is not the last trumpet sounded).
Declaring the tribulation to be three and a half years, when the prophecy of the 70th week is not the prophecy of the 69.5 weeks. It is the prophecy of the 70 weeks.
Declaring that the two witnesses are here during this shortened three and a half year tribulation, when the three woes put their 1,260 days before the Abomination of Desolation and the 1,260 days typically called the “Great Tribulation”.
Declaring the the church goes through the tribulation when the Savior Himself tells us to pray that we are accounted worthy to escape all these things.
Declaring that “escape” means to go “through the tribulation”, when the authors of the New Testament chose to use the Greek word that means escape – as in be removed before hand – and not the Greek words that mean “endure” or “to go through”.
Declaring the the First Resurrection at the Second Coming is the rapture, despite that fact that this is not the actual “first” resurrection, and that such a definition does not fit with other scriptures. Check who is raised at the First Resurrection in Revelation chapter 20. There are no living saints there.
This is but a small sample of the facts that those with revealed smoking guns ignore. They have to – lest their deceptions be destroyed and their flesh exposed!
Having said all of this, let’s look again at one of the equivalents we mentioned:
1 hour = 30 days
Here is where this comes into play. We said earlier that the entire process of the Great Assembly took several hours at most. This included the calling of the Assembly with the first and last trumps. However, what must be remembered is that the majority of this time consisted of getting the people into the actual Temple complex. People take time to move, especially coming from their accommodations outside the Temple Mount and the City of Jerusalem.
What we see in the Bible is a far different picture. When we see the process starting at Revelation 4:1, we see a nearly instantaneous completion. One moment finds John on the Isle of Patmos. The next finds him in heaven. As we detail in “John, Angels and Martyrs”, John is not merely seeing a vision. He is actually experiencing three quarters of the rapture process. We see the speed of the calling of the Great Assembly bear out elsewhere in the Bible:
1 Corinthians 15:51-52 ESV – Behold! I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, 52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed.
This tells us that the time required to call the assembly is not minutes, but seconds – if that. So, what does that look like on earth? Remember, the clock on the end times stays with those that are the fulfillment. If it is one minute for us, it will be longer for those left on the earth.
We can get an idea of the time frame with some simple math. If we divide 30 days by 60 minutes, it gives us an answer of 0.5 – or one half of a 24 hour period. That means that if the calling of the rapture took only one second from our experience, the world will have experienced 12 hours since the sounding of the last trump. This is not an unreasonable proposition, as the calling of the Great Assembly is described to occur in such miraculous terms. However, even if you wanted to ascribe a longer period – five seconds for example – then we would have at most two and a half days.
This is going to make a great deal more sense in just a moment. Not only that, but it will help to put the start of the events in Revelation into a much clearer format.
Once we see the events before the Throne of God in 4:2, things start to take on a more familiar tone with John, and a more recognizable pace for the reader. From 4:2 forward, we see things transpire in a familiar fashion. They happen with a speed that we would expect.
One of the critical points to remember when studying Revelation is that considerable chunks of scripture are used to describe a singular event, persona or moment. Here is what I mean. From 4:2 to 4:11, we get a fairly extensive description of the Throne of God, and what is placed around Him. In the western method of linear thinking, the natural tendency is to ascribe a time period to what we see in these 10 scriptures. We may not say it out loud, but it is something that simply happens.
When asked of the events from 4:2 to 4:11, we would have a natural inclination to declare that these verses cover the space of hours, if not days. However, when we read carefully, we see that John is simply utilizing these ten verses to describe what was before his eyes in a singular moment in time. Stated differently, these 10 verses cover what John saw in the first few seconds after he arrived in heaven.
We see a similar premise in chapter five as well. When you read the 14 verses of chapter five very carefully, you see that the events that unfold very quickly. Though they are not as fast as chapter four, they are events that find completion in the space of a few minutes at most. From the standpoint of completed actions, the heart of chapter five is the passing of the scroll to the King of Kings. This was something that took only a few minutes on earth, and was done in ceremonial fashion.
This brings us to chapter six. This is going to blow your mind!
The first thing we need to address is what seem to be a space between the sixth seal and the seventh seal. Bear in mind that we have the same thing here that we had in chapter four and five. John is describing things that seem to take time to unfold. Yet, when we read carefully, we see that the events which are recorded in chapter seven likewise unfold over the space of a moment or two at the most. We do not see the completion of the sealing of the 144,000. We are simply told that they are to be sealed, and the number from each tribe is revealed. Likewise, the song sung by the multitude is a very brief song. It takes no longer to sing than it does for each of us to read the words. We never think about such things, but the premise is always there.
It does merit consideration of the events revealed at the sixth and seventh seal. These events are part of the proof that the official seven year tribulation begins at the seventh seal. We will talk more about this in a few moments.
Now, I will ask you a question. How long does it take to turn a page in a book? How long does it take to turn a key and unlock a lock? How about this – how long does it take to break a wax seal on a document? Here is why I ask. Go back to chapter six and look again at what happens. I am not talking about the riders, but the actual opening of the seals. So, let’s address these questions again, adjusting for the events at hand.
How long does it take to break seven seals on a scroll?
Let me ask you another question. Is there anything in Revelation that specifically requires the seals to be opened over a period of months or years? The answer is no. To the contrary, the timing of the seals is found in the event which they fulfill – the Great Assembly.
Let’s bring back something we addressed twice before:
What we have to understand is exactly what this statement from John does. It sets the timing of the events in heaven to their earthly pictures and equivalents. Here is what I mean. By John declaring something in heaven to last “about the space of half an an hour”, it tells us that John recognized and knew what he was looking at. He understood the premise, operation and reasons behind what was occurring. Furthermore, it confirms that what John is witnessing was truly the “real thing” for which the things on earth were merely copies. John knew what he was witnessing lasted about half an hour, as it lasted about half an hour on earth!
In other words, no one told John the silence lasted about a half an hour. They did not need to. He already knew, as he knew what he was witnessing. It was something that he lived every year in Jerusalem.
It also reveals something else. It reveals that the events in heaven approximate the same timing that they require on earth. What takes an hour on earth takes an hour in heaven. What takes a week on earth takes a week in heaven. Now, seven days in heaven will last seven years on earth, but to those that are there, participating in the events in heaven – it will be a simple seven days. That is the key to the timing of the tribulation. Wherever there is a fulfillment, it will run the length of time laid down in the Law of Moses, and do so where it is fulfilled. The rapture is the calling of the Great Assembly. It lasts only a day. So, the rapture will be the fulfillment of the calling. It occurs on earth, so that one day is one day on earth.
When we arrive in heaven, our “days” of fulfillment come with us. We will start day two in heaven. To us it is still a day. However, on earth, the day after the rapture starts the next year of sorrows. Since we are the fulfillment, and experience the fulfillment, the fulfilling calendar stays with us.
What we now see is that the timing of the seals is comparable to the timing of the same event on earth. If it took only a moment to open a seal on earth, then it takes only a moment to open a seal in heaven. For that matter, seven seals would take seven minutes, if we allotted one minute for each seal. In reality, the opening of all seven seals would not take more than two or three minutes at most. We know this as we have wax seals to this very day. They are not designed to be invincible. They are designed as an official warning to those that would seek to open that which they are not entitled to open. To break a royal seal was death. The one exception to this is the introduction of ceremony, which we do see in Revelations chapters four through six. This actually adds more time to the opening of the seven seals, though not much. We detail this later in the presentation.
This brings up another point. As each seal is broken, there is a rider that goes forth to complete their assigned task. Here is what we must remember – John does not witness the unfolding of all that these riders do. He simply sees them released, and relates what they will do. He never sees the completion of their assigned tasks. Remember, John does not actually seal the events unfold on the earth. He sees their representation, and is simply told what they will do.
Think of it like this. As John sees one seal opened, the rider heads off. While the rider is speeding away, the next seal is broken. That rider then speeds off. This process continues until all the riders have been released. The same thing occurs with the fifth and sixth seals. John doesn’t actually see the completion of anything until the seventh seal and silence comes.
Do we have any proof that John does not see the completion of the events in the seals. The answer is yes. When the fifth seal is broken, the souls under the altar are seen. We detail this group in “John, Angels and Martyrs”.
Revelation 6:11 ESV -Then they were each given a white robe and told to rest a little longer, until the number of their fellow servants[c] and their brothers[d] should be complete, who were to be killed as they themselves had been.
Here we see something interesting. It is the word “until”. This scripture is a timing marker. It tells us that what is released at the seals does not complete at the time it is released. It only tells us that it is released.
So, what does all of this mean when taken together?
In the space of just a couple moments, the seven seals are broken and their judgments released. The four riders, the martyrs, the events at the sixth seal – these are all released literally right on top of each other. We never see the completion of these things in Revelation. We see only the start.
All of this happens within mere moments of the calling of the Great Assembly!
All of this will come into play in a few moments. We will take all of the pieces from the first project and pair them with what we know so far. Then, we will add in what we are going to detail next. If you think you are shocked now, just wait. Where we go next will leave you speechless.
The Most Confusing Scripture We Never Consider
As the heading indicates, we are going to look at a singular scripture – a scripture that makes absolutely no sense to anybody. It is also a scripture that I have never once heard anybody discuss or teach. Quite frankly, when you see the scripture you will understand why. Then you will wonder what is has to do with anything.
Revelation 6:13 ESV – and the stars of the sky fell to the earth as the fig tree sheds its winter fruit when shaken by a gale.
Clear as mud, right? Not only that, but why do we even need to study this scripture? At best, it’s telling us that stars are falling like fruit falling off a tree, right? What is so complicated about that? Truthfully, I wondered the same thing. However, you cannot reach the point where the Lord has taken me without certain becoming a fixture in your understanding.
There are no errant words or statements in the Bible. There are no accidents. There is nothing spoken “just because”. Every last word is spoken for a specific reason, to reveal something critical. That would turn out to be the understatement of the century.
With that, the wheels started to turn and the Lord began to impress several questions on my mind:
Why a fig tree?
What is the winter fruit of a fig tree?
What is special about the wind blowing a fig off a tree?
Why would John use THIS example?
Why not grapes from the vine? Why not oranges, apples, or other such fruit that might be present in the Middle East? Why was the fig tree chosen above all others?
The first thing most of us would consider is possible spiritual meanings to figs and fig trees. However, when you read John’s words, they are not speaking to something abstract and spiritualized. It is a literal, graphic description that John is giving. He is witnessing stars fall to the earth. Yet, why not stop at “stars fell to the earth?” Why add in the bit about the fig trees?
Because John is seeing something more than just shooting stars. He is seeing something dramatic, and he is searching for the words to accurately capture the moment. Then the Lord impressed something else on me.
Winter fruit.
Interesting. As soon as the Lord spoke this to me, I was given an understanding which I confirmed. The winter fruit of a fig tree is an unripened fig. Indeed, some of the translations of the Bible use the word “unripened”. However, I had never cared about the difference before. Stated differently, this was the first time it was clicking, and a part of a study the Lord had given me. Then, the Lord spoke something else to me.
“What does an unripened fig look like?”
This is the key that unlocked EVERYTHING. Take a look at the picture below. What do you see?

Notice the fig as it is on the branch. It stands horizontal to the ground. I know – so what? Well, here is the thing. Look at the stem that is holding the fig parallel to the ground. Now look at the size. Let me ask you this – how much strength does the branch of the fig tree possess to hold a hard, unripened fruit parallel to the ground? Now, look at the picture of the ripened fig. Notice also the position of the fruit and the state of the stem.

As the fig ripens the stem loses its strength. The fig begins to fall. The connection is weakened, and eventually the fig falls to the ground as all tree born fruit would do. This is an expected event. However, the unripened fig falling to the ground is not. It is unexpected and rare. So, why exactly would an unripened fig fall from the tree before its time? It seems that John answers this very question.
as the fig tree sheds its winter fruit when shaken by a gale.
When we consider the unripened fig and the strength of the stem, it is not unlike the ant. The tiny ant can lift, hold and carry objects many times it’s size. That is what we see with the fig. Not only that, but the strength is beyond that of other trees and fruit, as the fig is actually held parallel to the ground. How many times have you tried to break a healthy branch from a tree? They are tough, flexible and resistant. You can even break the core of the branch, yet you will still struggle to to completely separate it from the tree.
Now, apply that same understanding to the tiny stem of the fig – a stem that can hold the weight of an object hundreds of times it’s size horizontal to the ground. Now you are getting an idea of what John was trying to convey. But wait, there’s more.
As I said a moment ago, the unripened fig was the key to unlocking the whole picture. The reason why is this. It explained why John used the words “a wind great”, literally translated as “violent, mighty, strong”. The literal definition explains why the English word “gale” is used. Of all the choices available, it most closely fits what John is trying to convey.
It also provided a real world understanding for myself.
In my “other” profession, I am involved in restoration efforts after storms and disasters. I work in the electric utility business, and spend the days after major storms assessing damage and physically restoring power to customers. I see first hand the damage caused by winds. I also have a good feel for the line in the sand where winds shift from strong to destructive. When I saw the picture of the unripened fig, I knew what the Lord was revealing, as I already had a practical understanding of what gale force winds could do.
This presents an interesting picture. Strong storm winds regularly blow fruit from trees. Most fruit hangs straight down from the branch. The stem is strong, but not fig strong. Still, it takes a hefty wind to blow and apple, orange, peach, etc. from a tree. However, the unripened fig does not require a strong wind. It requires a “violent” wind. Hence the definition of the words that John used.
This premise adds another piece to the puzzle.
When the gale blows the unripened fig from the tree, it does so in the same manner such a wind would blow anything else. It blows it in an arc. The object does not simply fall to the ground. It is thrown up and out, much as an explosion. Think of a football or baseball that is thrown. From the point of release they will arc up, steady moving forward, before steadily arcing down. Only when enough of the force has dissipated will the object begin a steady downward trajectory.
If you want a picture of this, stand up and hold your arms straight out to your sides at shoulder height. Now lift your arms about six inches higher. You are now in a slight “Y” position. Imagine an object leaving your hands in that exact direction of travel for about 20 feet. Now, imagine it slowly turning back in the direction of the ground. By the time the object hits the floor, it is 40, 50 or 60 feet away from where you are standing – it’s point of origin.
Now we have a problem. John is using this description when speaking of the stars. Here is the problem. The stars are already above us in the sky. They can’t be blown up and out, as they already exist up and out. Perhaps what John is describing is meteors or something of that sort. After all, we see a little further in Revelation that this very thing does indeed happen. Wormwood is a funny name for something that is deadly serious. However, like many explanations that people have for things in the Bible, close does not mean correct. As we are seeing with our very own eyes, many of the allegorical or implied meanings that we have added to prophecy have been replaced with literal word for word fulfillments.
It turns out that every prophecy has a literal point of fulfillment.
The asteroid, meteor, shooting star theory fits for the most part, but it is not a complete fit. This tells us that there is something else that we are not seeing. This requires that we head back to the drawing board, and see what we can find. What celestial phenomena fits the description of unripe fig being blown from the tree by extremely violent, explosion force winds?
It turns out there is not a single event in the heavens that matches this description, and yet fits the description of “stars falling to the earth”. It is the “up and out” movement which makes this such a difficult thing to track down. It was clear that the Lord would have to remove the blinders on this. I already knew He would, as I would not have arrived at this point otherwise. It would not take very long for this to happen. Turns out the next piece was following on the heels of the pieces I had just been given.
We Never Saw This Coming
Earlier in the discussion, we talked about stars and the different meaning that they have in the Bible. Let’s go back to something we covered earlier:
None of the scriptures or evidences above indicate the difference between the stars that shine at night, meteors, meteor showers and asteroids however. In the days of the Bible, there was no known difference between these events, except in what each was observed doing. All were stars, and all functioned as stars. Certain actions were more rare, and prophetic in their interpretations. Even comets were seen by ancient eyes as a form of “stars”. Likewise, unknown objects that fell from the skies were called stars as well. Basically, if it was in the skies, and not a bird – it was a star.
In fact, “star” has a myriad of meanings in the Bible, both in the Old and New Testament. We touch on some of these additional meanings in the project on John, Angels and Martyrs as the final proof of the pre-trib rapture.
As I considered the meaning of the stars that are shaken as figs, the Lord drew my eyes to something in the scriptures. I had seen it many times, but this was the first time is was driven home.
there was a great earthquake, and the sun became black as sackcloth, the full moon became like blood,
That was followed by this:
and the stars of the sky fell to the earth as the fig tree sheds its winter fruit when shaken by a gale.
Finally, the confirmation of what the Lord was showing me came with this:
The sky vanished like a scroll that is being rolled up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place.
Are you confused yet? Don’t worry, you won’t be. Let me ask you a question. What event comes with an earthquake, blots out the sun, turns the moon like blood, causes the sky to vanish like a scroll that is rolled up, and can move mountains and islands out of their places?
If you guessed “volcanic eruption” you win the prize!
Suddenly, so many things made sense. This answered several questions immediately, with more answers coming as I thought longer on the subject. This was the missing piece to what and how the tribulation starts, why there are certain signs prophesied to come, and to a few things that you would think have nothing to do with volcanoes. It is also the second key to the timing of the start of the seven year tribulation.
At this point, it is better simply to layout a few different pieces as they come.
We can start right here with the event in question. There are two aspects to this – a general aspect and a specific aspect. We will discuss the general aspect now, and the specific aspect in a moment.
There are two things that always go together – earthquakes and volcanoes. Both are born from the same planetary physics, though they can be different aspects of the same events. That said, there are also earthquakes that come specifically from the same phenomena that cause volcanoes. In fact, certain types of earthquakes can give a warning that a volcanic eruption is imminent. There is a certain order of events when it comes to volcanoes and earthquakes, and it is exactly that order that we see play out in the scriptures.
Here is the order the Revelation chapter six reveals:
There is an earthquake.
There is a explosion of the volcano.
The plume of ash, smoke and fire rolls out and spreads over the entire sky, sometimes for hundreds of miles, while the volcanic debris comes raining down in a fiery rage.
The sun and daylight disappear.
The moon turns to blood.
The volcanic mountain, along with the entire chain of connected mountains are moved. The island that the volcano sits on is likewise moved.
At first glance it does not appear that this is the order given in Revelation chapter six, but a closer examination will reveal otherwise. When John gives the order of the things he sees, it must be remembered that it is just that – the order in which he sees these things. Let’s say it like this – if you were in your yard, and a volcano erupted 25 miles away, you would see and recount things in the order that John did.
Yet, the only way John’s recounting is possible resides in the order that the events actually occur. The earthquake will always come first. After this comes the explosion. However, only those at the point of origin will see the explosion first. For everybody else, the shock wave, smoke, ash, hail of fire and brimstone, daylight disappearing will all come first. The movement of the mountains and islands will be the last feature of the eruption, and will continue for quite some time after the initial event. In fact, depending on where you are when this takes place, you could see these things in a different order than somebody else. Here is the key to what John is describing – the event happens very quickly, and there is little space and timing between the elements that John describes.
There is something else that must be understood. We spent a great deal of time discussing the blood moon, and even the tetrad. What we are going to cover now is the other side of the coin. Likewise, it does not take away from what we have learned to this point. The lunar eclipse is not the only means of turning the moon to blood. Anybody that lives in areas prone to wildfires will know what I am talking about. The moon appears to have a reddish blood color whenever there is an inordinate amount of particulates in the atmosphere. I am not talking about an overactive camp fire here. I am talking about fire on a massive scale.
Have you ever seen a blood moon when it was not predicted to come? How about a crescent blood moon? If you do, take the time to see what is occurring. Chances are, there is a large fire burning somewhere that is throwing up a lot of smoke.
With a massive volcanic eruption, the the smoke and the ash rolls out from the crater, and it blots out the sun and causes the moon to have the trademark bloodish red color. Also, as the smoke and ash spreads, it will do so in a circular fashion similar to a wave. Ever see a scroll rolled up? That is the exact rolling movement that is made from the ash and smoke cloud that is produced by the volcano. In fact, it is the only such known phenomena that can fulfill the requirement that the sky vanishes like a rolled up scroll. As we detailed in another presentation, the sky vanishing is given in terms of the normal blue sky that we most often see. The “normal sky” is literally rolled up as the volcanic clouds “rolls out” from the volcano. One sky is rolled up, while another sky is rolled out.
The next thing to understand is what John was revealing when he spoke these words:
and the stars of the sky fell to the earth as the fig tree sheds its winter fruit when shaken by a gale.
We already covered the fig tree and why John used it as the standard for what he was seeing. Now we can understand the full depth of this revelation. As we saw earlier in the presentation, the stars of the sky reveal that it is not the night time stars that John is seeing. It is sky born objects to which John would not have understood in any context aside from the judgment of God. John did not know of the internal chemistry, makeup and function of a volcano. Nobody in John’s day did. All they knew was that when God was angry or declared judgment, He could make it rain fire, brimstone and sulfur upon the condemned land.
When the volcano blew its top, molten lava and debris was blown from the crater – to the tune of many miles. Anything caught in this torrential downpour of death was doomed. The sight would be nothing short of apocalyptic. There would be no survivors left among anybody trapped in the wake of the blast. Not only that, but in the immediate shadow of the blast, a wave of heat, gas and death would roll down the side of the mountain laying waste to all it encounters. Any flesh caught in the blast would literally melt where and while it yet stood. It was literally hell on earth – for the few seconds you remained alive that is. Also, the flow of death can be directed to certain areas based on the prevailing winds. One city could be unharmed, while another ceases to exist.
If you were far enough away from the blast, it would appear as though it was raining a hail of fire, sulfur and brimstone for no reason whatsoever. These “fiery stars” would simply materialize out of thin air – literally. They would fall from the sky, and there would be no warning that they were coming. They would burn with a fervent heat, and the fire of their light may be the only light now visible. If not, they would certainly be the brightest source of greatly diminished light.
At this point, some of the things we discovered in the differences between the signs in the heavens are doubtless making more sense. Understand that none of this takes away from the prophetic nature of the revelations in those scriptures. The tetrad is still the sign before the signs in Joel chapter two. The darkening of the sun is still prophetic of both the solar eclipse and other darkening forces. The signs in Joel likewise point to the tribulation being book ended on both sides by the signs in the heavens. No, these revelations are not changed with what we have discussed here. To the contrary, what we see in Revelation chapter six adds to the what we have learned.
That said, everything we have discussed here will come into play in a dramatic fashion in just a few moments.
Where does everything go from here?
That is the million dollar question. It was one that we can now answer with certainty.
When this project started, I did not know it would be a second Coming Signs presentation. It started as breaking down of the signs in Joel. I kept seeing people make the mistake of lumping all of the signs together in one events. The issue came with the false doctrine that would result. So, the Lord placed a burden on me to respond, and began to show me what He wanted spoken. However, when that project was done more than six months ago, the Lord basically pulled the plug.
I had been down this road enough times to know that there was a reason. So, I moved on to other projects. In time, the Lord gave me additional pieces that did not seem to be related to the Joel project. Still, He did not have me release the Joel project or the new pieces. They simply kept collecting.
It then occurred to me that I needed to add material to the original Coming Signs post. By this time, I had the additional insights on the Sabbath cycles, and additional timelines that could be added in. Since then, I have come to understand that the timelines are to be added to the project on proof of a seven year tribulation. The rest ended up (or will shortly) in this project.
As I worked through the additional projects which now appear on this page, the understanding continued to come on the things you are reading here. It was not long before I began to see what the Lord required. There was to be another Coming Signs project.
I was genuinely surprised by this. You see, I thought the first Coming Signs project was as good as it gets when I had finished it. I had no idea just how far the Lord would take this.
Then the world as we know it changed.
In the days since the third blood moon, the world has shifted in ways we could not have ever imagined. I know that the Bible foretold everything we are now seeing. Yet, there is no frame of reference for recognizing prophecy. We have never done this before. We have never watched end times prophecy unfold before our very eyes.
Take a minute and think of just how much has come to pass in the last three years.
Two summers ago, we had watched a shift in world politics that set the planet squarely on an end times footing. There was still a chance to turn things around. Yet, we did not take it. As we approached the Feast of Trumpets in 2013, we stood on the brink of war in Syria. For the first time since 9-11, the Lord began to emphasize end times prophecy in the hearts and minds of overcomers. We started to understand things such as Psalms 83 and Isaiah 17. It was also the first time the the Body of Christ had ever collectively began to acknowledge that time was approaching an end. As the Feast of Trumpets approached, many of us wondered if the rapture would come and the tribulation start.
No dice on both.
Over the next six months, the Lord really opened up the prophetic understanding. The revelations began to flow, and the understanding of prophecy was kicked into high gear. The Lord began to pour out His spirit in earnest. As more and more overcomers came forward to speak of the dreams and visions that were coming to them, the Lord turned up the dial to 11. Each passing day saw more dreams, visions and revelations – and more overcomers that were willing to share what they were learning. With every dream vision and revelation came interpretation. Then came the most remarkable part.
All of the dreams, visions and revelations were puzzle pieces. They were the literal fulfillment of Isaiah’s line on line, precept on precept. When all of the pieces were put together, a larger picture of the coming end times emerged, and that picture agreed 100 percent with the scriptures.
The scoffers seemed to grow as well.
As we inched towards the first blood moon, things started to shift. The Lord began to speak to the overcomers. The message was always the same:
“I am coming soon”.
“I am at the doors”.
“Time is up”.
“Get ready”.
The Lord began to emphasize the lateness of the hour. So, we started to reveal what was being made known to us. Then came the first blood moon, and the most significant unfolding of end times prophecy since Israel captured Jerusalem – the birth of the Beast. ISIS burst on the scene, and suddenly it became apparent that Matthew 24:3-14 was in full swing. We watched as earthquakes and volcanoes started to wind up. We watched as the king of the North began to move into position. We watched as Persia began to prepare for the things to come.
When this was taken with what the Lord was speaking to overcomers, we once again wondered if this would be the year. After all, how much more could the Lord bring to bear before we ran out of prophetic real estate? How much more water would rise against the glass? How much longer before the glass would break loose, and the world break loose?
This must have been what the Hebrews felt as they passed through the Red Sea, looking upon walls of water that never broke loose on them. This is how they must have felt as they walked on dry land where the sea once rested.
The Feast of Trumpets came and went. No rapture, no tribulation.
The revelations of the Lord and the unfolding of prophecy never ceased. To the contrary, they were kicked into overdrive.
Shortly after this came the understanding of Lot’s Wife and the Great Falling Away. There also came something else. Resignation and completion. It was as if the overcomers had finally hit the final stage of grief – acceptance. We had went through the roller coaster of emotions over the last two years, each wondering if the time had come. Now something had settled in our souls. The Lord had used the last two years to shake us out and steel our resolve. He had taken us through the gauntlet to prepare us for these days.
These are the days of the Great Falling Away and Lot’s Wife.
We knew this was coming, but never imagined what we would find when we got here. As the third blood moon passed, we witnessed an immediate spike of all the signs given in Joel chapter two and Matthew 24:1-14. Not just “somewhat” fulfillments, mind you. But literal, textbook occurrences of the signs – word for word as they are spoken in the Bible. We have been living the general fulfillments since the first blood moon. That is how prophecy works.
When you have two scriptures that seem to indicate the same sign, with one being a general statement and the other a specific statement – you get both scriptures fulfilled. That is where we are now. We have been living the general falling away. Now, we are seeing the passing of a singular moment where the falling away is pronounced, and clear to the eye. It is a moment that shouts “FULFILLED!” to any with eyes to see.
It is the same with Joel chapter two, Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 17 and 21 – each have prophecies that are both general and specific. There will be a general fulfilling as the signs before the signs. Think of these as God’s way of getting our attention. These are the hands on the pressure gauge. As the needle steadily advances towards the red zone on the dial, we are meant to see what is happening and understand.
Yet, as with all dangerous high pressure situations, there is that moment where the needle will suddenly spike, and the pressure reaches the point of critical mass. In that moment you reach the point of no return. In that moment you have only minutes – or less – to evacuate. You have one chance to turn from the danger and go. If you hesitate – if you look back . .
You are dead.
That is where we are now. Since the third blood moon, the gauges have begun to spike. Each reactor is now at critical mass. The time has come to go. There is nothing that can be done now. No amount of pressure relief will save us. There are those that will try. “If we do this we can still turn it back!” “If we do that it will not fail”.
What makes the overcomer is that we now understand.
There is nothing that can be done. It is the judgment of God. It cannot be mitigated. It cannot be bargained with. It cannot be prepared for. It is God’s judgment, and it is total. If you are here when it comes, then you are in deep trouble.
If you are here when it comes, it is because you did not listen to those that watched the gauges.
I have known that there would be an increase in the volcanic and earthquake activity. I remember asking the Lord is there would be that one massive eruption that screamed “prophecy”. I never in my wildest dreams imagined that we would actually get what has come.
I take that back. The thought did enter my mind once or twice that maybe we would “see one of these signs everyday”. I did not believe it, however. I thought it to dismiss it.
No, we would not get one massive eruption that screamed “prophecy”.
We would get multiple eruptions that scream “prophecy”. They would come everyday with their companion sign – earthquakes. I still sit stunned as I watch this unfold. This is literal Bible prophecy, rolling out before our very eyes. Not general fulfillments, mind you.
The actual, spike the gauge, red zone, literal, word for word fulfillments that can only come right before the rapture and tribulation. These signs are global, they do not discriminate – and they are coming for a reason.
The time has come.
As we head into the summer and towards the feast days, we will once again wonder after the things to come. Will this be the year? Will this be the Feast of Trumpets that sees these things come to pass? Will this be the year that the Lord returns for His Bride and the tribulation fall upon the earth?
Truly, I don’t know. I know what I suspect. Yet, no man knows the day nor hour for a reason. I do know this. There is now a sense of completion to all things. This has never occurred before. I see the revelations the Lord has given me, and other overcomers as well. They all seem to have followed the same general progression, and it is as though the final secrets are being revealed. We have reached the point where every false doctrine has an answer to it’s lies. We have reached the point where overcomers can answer every false doctrine with no less than three evidences to the contrary.
We have reached the point where it does not matter. Those that refuse to hear simply discard the truth wholesale. They simply ignore what they do not want to admit. That is also a final sign of the end. They have been given over to their deceptions, and they are past the point of no return.
Even this project speaks to completion. When I see the differences between the first Coming Signs project and the second, I can see it. When I read what you are going to read next, I can see it.
When I look at the bulk of history unfolding around us – I can see it.
We have went through our progression. We have angered over our nation. We have warned over the world. We have prepped for trouble. We have declared the need to be ready. We have stood defiant against Islam, the NWO, abortion, gay marriage and Monsanto. We have condemned McDonald’s, and declared that if only a few more would wake up things would turn.
We have marched in rally’s, and stood for the Second Amendment, the Constitution and the Republic. We have shaken our fists at Washington and declared “you will not trample us!” Yet, at the end of the day, as overcomers we have all arrived at the one place we were destined to arrive.
The realization that this was never in our individual hands. This is beyond any of us. It is beyond all of us. All of this was ultimately in the one set of hands where it has always been.
All we can do now is the only thing we could have ever done.
There is a reason that all of this is called prophecy. There is a reason the Bible tells us that these are the things to come.
So, that is what we do. We no longer turn to our own understanding as overcomers. There are many believers that do this very thing, struggling to find something – anything – that will declare them righteous. Struggling to find something – anything – in the Bible that confirms that the lack of the Holy Spirit in their life is actually a good thing, an expected thing.
A holy thing.
Struggling to find something – anything – that declares that they cannot possibly be the one that is wrong. Something that declares that a life which is falling apart is somehow “proof” that they are righteous, that they are being persecuted for the Lord.
Struggling to find something – anything – that confirms that those who overcome are not actually living the blessings and promises of the Holy Bible. Promises and blessings that continue to elude them.
Struggling to find something – anything – that comforts them, whispers to them, consoles them.
“You will not perish. It is they that have false doctrine!”
So, that is where we stand now. We watch the world, read the headlines, and marvel at what they reveal. We watch each gauge spike and we feel the tremors as the pressure reaches critical mass. We turn and look to our escape. There is nothing to stop this now.
As I write these words, I think about a sight I see out of my window every night now. In the western sky, there is a star rising that is brighter than any I have ever laid eyes on. It is considerably brighter, not just “somewhat” brighter. Many times, I am struck by the three wise men that once saw a star rise in the west. I wonder if we are seeing the sign of the son coming Messiah. I wonder if this is the sign of the soon coming false Messiah. I can tell you this.
There is a star rising from the west, and it is a sign to us all.
With all of that said, let’s put everything together that we have learned from both projects, and see what they reveal for the days ahead. I promise you this – if you did not think we were at the end before, don’t worry – you will soon enough.
As we go through the pieces, I will try my best to reference the parts of both projects that come into play. However, if I forget to do this, you can find the material if you need to reference it. There are several more pieces that I will lay out as we go through this list. I will cover them as we get to the point where they come into play.
Where We are Now
As of this writing, we now find ourselves in the midst of all the general fulfillments that were to come at the end:
The blowing of trumpets – Joel 2:1**
The pouring out of the Holy Spirit on all flesh – Joel 2:28*
Dreams – Joel 2:28*
Visions – Joel 2:28*
Prophecies – Joel 2:28*
Wonders in the heavens – Joel 2:30**
The sun turned to darkness – Joel 2:31**
The moon turned to blood – Joel 2:31**
Signs on the earth – Joel 2:30**
Earthquakes in divers places – Matthew 24:7*
Famines and droughts – Matthew 24:7*
Blood, fire and smoke – Joel 2:30**
Wars and rumors of wars – Matthew 24:6*
Believers falling onto fear – Matthew 24:7, 24*
Those who serve Christ hated – Matthew 24:9*
Death to those that serve Christ – Matthew 24:9*
Believers falling away – Matthew 24:10, 24**
False prophets – Matthew 24:11, 24*
Lawlessness and hatred – Matthew 24:12*
Enduring until the end – Matthew 24:13*
The Gospel preached to the ends of the earth – Matthew 24:24**
Days of Lot and Noah – Matthew 25:37-42*
*Already have both general and direct fulfillments
**One final direct fulfillment coming – already have general fulfillments on the books
These are not the only scriptures, but I think the point is well illustrated with what we have here. That said, many of these general signs are also time specific signs. They are to be taken with counterpart scriptures that indicate a specific fulfillment at a specific time. We have dealt with this at length through this project. The signs in Joel are the primary example. Taken alone, they are primarily general, yet hint at a specific fulfillment . When taken with their companion scriptures, they are specific. Both the general and specific fulfillments must come to pass.
The best example of this is Joel 2:31 and Revelation 6:12. As we have detailed through this project, we will see a specific fulfillment at the sixth seal. Yet Joel 2:31 taken by itself is also scriptural truth, and tells us that there is a general fulfillment that comes as well. This is then confirmed by Acts chapter two.
The Things to Come
In the very near future, the first and last trump will sound. The dead in Christ shall be raised, and we who are alive and remain shall be caught up to meet the Lord in the air. This is the rapture, and the fulfillment of the calling of the Great Assembly. We see this in Joel chapters one and two.
The rapture is the opening event in the end times, and starts the countdown to the commencement of the Day of the Lord. Make no mistake, the Book of Joel has a single primary purpose – to set the timing of the events at the end. It sets the timing of the rapture, the signs at start of the tribulation, and the signs at the end of the tribulation. Before we go further, we must confirm that Joel does indeed confirm the timing of the rapture, and that it actually deals at all with the rapture in the first place.
Here is the picture in Joel chapter one:
Joel 1:14-16 ESV – Consecrate a fast; call a solemn assembly. Gather the elders and all the inhabitants of the land to the house of the Lord your God, and cry out to the Lord. Alas for the day! For the day of the Lord is near, and as destruction from the Almighty[c] it comes. Is not the food cut off before our eyes, joy and gladness from the house of our God?
Here is Joel chapter two:
Joel 2:1-2 KJV – Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain: let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: for the day of the Lord cometh, for it is nigh at hand;2 A day of darkness and of gloominess, a day of clouds and of thick darkness, as the morning spread upon the mountains:
Joel chapter two again – the final picture of the rapture:
Joel 2:15-16 KJV – Blow the trumpet in Zion, sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly:16 Gather the people, sanctify the congregation, assemble the elders, gather the children, and those that suck the breasts: let the bridegroom go forth of his chamber, and the bride out of her closet.
The Book of Joel provides three separate witnesses to the rapture, and all three likewise provide witness to the timing with regards to the start of the tribulation at the seventh seal. We see the correlation to Revelation chapter six in the following verses:
First picture of the rapture in Joel 1:14-16 – judgment in Joel 1:17-20.
Second picture of the rapture in Joel 2:1-2 – judgment in Joel 2:3-11.
Third picture of the rapture in Joel 2:15-16 – judgment in Joel 2:19-20.
All three of the judgment blocks of scripture provide critical insight. After the rapture comes, we find that it is followed by several conditions:
A mighty army from the north descends upon Israel.
It destroys all in its path.
The earth will quake before them.
There is fire that comes. It devours the pastures, waters and lands.
Gloominess, clouds and thick darkness.
The heavens will tremble.
The sun and moon are dark.
The stars cannot be seen in the darkness.
The great northern army is annihilated.
Already, the connection to Revelation chapter six should be evident. However, just in case you are not yet seeing the link, here are several additional verses from Joel chapters one and two that will help you to make the connection to Revelation chapter six:
1:16-18 – Is not the meat cut off before our eyes, yea, joy and gladness from the house of our God?17 The seed is rotten under their clods, the garners are laid desolate, the barns are broken down; for the corn is withered.18 How do the beasts groan! the herds of cattle are perplexed, because they have no pasture; yea, the flocks of sheep are made desolate.
2:3-5 – A fire devoureth before them; and behind them a flame burneth: the land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness; yea, and nothing shall escape them.4 The appearance of them is as the appearance of horses; and as horsemen, so shall they run.5 Like the noise of chariots on the tops of mountains shall they leap, like the noise of a flame of fire that devoureth the stubble, as a strong people set in battle array.
At this point, you may be thinking that all these things sound familiar, and not from what we have covered here or in Revelation. You would be right. The Book of Joel details the events from the rapture to the start of the seven year tribulation at the seventh seal. Here are some of the tie in scriptures that may be eluding you right now.
Bear in mind that we have another set of dual prophetic fulfillments in both chapters of Joel. It is a double reference to the day of fire and smoke. The first reference is to the rapture itself, and the second reference is to the events that transpire between the sixth and seventh seals.
The double reference is found in 1:19-20, and 2:2-3. Here are the additional references from elsewhere in the Bible:
2 Peter 3:7,10-11 ESV – But by the same word the heavens and earth that now exist are stored up for fire, being kept until the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly.
But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then the heavens will pass away with a roar, and the heavenly bodies[b] will be burned up and dissolved, and the earth and the works that are done on it will be exposed.
Since all these things are thus to be dissolved, what sort of people ought you to be in lives of holiness and godliness, 12 waiting for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be set on fire and dissolved, and the heavenly bodies will melt as they burn!
We cover the application of 2 Peter 3 to the rapture in the project on what the rapture looks like, as well as detail the global plague of fire that it brings when it comes.
Ezekiel 38:19-23 ESV – For in my jealousy and in my blazing wrath I declare, On that day there shall be a great earthquake in the land of Israel.
20 The fish of the sea and the birds of the heavens and the beasts of the field and all creeping things that creep on the ground, and all the people who are on the face of the earth, shall quake at my presence.
And the mountains shall be thrown down, and the cliffs shall fall, and every wall shall tumble to the ground.
21 I will summon a sword against Gog[d] on all my mountains, declares the Lord God. Every man’s sword will be against his brother. 22 With pestilence and bloodshed I will enter into judgment with him, and I will rain upon him and his hordes and the many peoples who are with him torrential rains and hailstones, fire and sulfur.
23 So I will show my greatness and my holiness and make myself known in the eyes of many nations. Then they will know that I am the Lord.
I underlined a piece that will become critical in the next few moments. For now, it should be clear where this is heading. When the scriptures in Joel chapters two and three are taken with Ezekiel 38 and 39, 2 Peter 3 and Revelation chapter 6, there should be no doubts as to what comes before the start of the tribulation.
Here are several more verses from Ezekiel 39 that help to set the timing:
Ezekiel 39:1-2,4, 9 ESV – And you, son of man, prophesy against Gog and say, Thus says the Lord God: Behold, I am against you, O Gog, chief prince of Meshech[a] and Tubal.2 And I will turn you about and drive you forward, and bring you up from the uttermost parts of the north, and lead you against the mountains of Israel.
You shall fall on the mountains of Israel, you and all your hordes and the peoples who are with you. I will give you to birds of prey of every sort and to the beasts of the field to be devoured.
Then those who dwell in the cities of Israel will go out and make fires of the weapons and burn them, shields and bucklers, bow and arrows, clubs[b] and spears; and they will make fires of them for seven years
The benefit of a project like this is that it brings scriptures together, and allows others to see them in a context that might otherwise have gone unnoticed. How many were even aware the the battle of Gog / Magog had a timing marker of seven years at the end of the battle? How many realized that this was the army of the North, and that they fall in the mountains?
How many realized that the Lord rains blood, fire and sulfur on them? How about the torrential rains of fire and hailstones? In case you have not figured it out yet, those are not hailstones of ice that the Bible is talking about. Remember the rather lengthy discussion we had earlier about the meaning of stars, and what exactly qualifies as a star? Remember the discussion of the fig tree?
Now you are getting the picture!
Before we go any further, the time has come to talk about the exception to Joel 2:10 that we mentioned earlier in the project. Let’s take another look at some of the observations we made earlier in the first project:
The start of the seven year tribulation
The sun turned to darkness Joel 2:30, Acts 2:20, Revelation 6:12
The turned to blood Joel 2:30, Acts 2:20, Revelation 6:12
The stars fall to earth Revelation 6:13
The end of the seven year tribulation
The sun and moon go dark Joel 2:10*, 3:15, Matthew 24:29, Mark 13:24
The stars withdraw their shining Joel 2:10*, 3:15
The stars fall from heaven Matthew 24:29, Mark 13:24
There are several observations that can be made from the listing above:
The end of the tribulation will have the stars withdraw their shining*.
This does not happen at the start of the tribulation, however*.
The start of the tribulation will have the stars falling to the earth.
The end of the tribulation will have the stars falling from heaven.
*We will see an interesting development later in the study. For now, what we have revealed here is critical to understanding something that Joel 2:10 will show.
This project took more than six months to compile and put together. Actually, it is more accurate to say that I started the project six months ago, and completed the first part a month or so later. However, the Lord had me stop the work and not release what I had completed. At that point this was not the project you currently see. It was a project that dealt solely with the signs in the heavens detailed in Joel, the Gospels and Revelation. It was an effort that was meant to combat the rising tide of false doctrine. As we mentioned earlier, one of the single largest sources of false doctrine is found in lumping all the signs in the heavens into a singular event.
It is safe to say that we have put that error to rest.
However, I had wondered why the Lord did not want the work to be shared at that time. It turns out that He had several reasons. The first is the timing of the events we are seeing unfold before our very eyes. This project was originally started just after the second blood moon. Since then, the third blood moon has come and gone, and what we have seen with regards to the signs in the earth has been nothing short of awesome.
We have seen the general and first direct fulfillments of Joel 2:30 come to pass. You will notice that I said “first direct fulfillment”. This means that we have a second direct fulfillment coming.
“We know this. The project bears out that this happens at the sixth seal. You get Joel 2:30 at the start of the tribulation, and Joel 2:10 and 3:15 at the end”.
Well, yes – and no.
Are you confused yet? It will all clear up in just a moment. You see, the Lord started this journey with the understanding that the Book of Joel contained two sets of signs, and not just one. He also gave me the understanding that one set came at the beginning, and the other set at the end. After starting the research, I was able to see from the original language studies that 2:30 was at the start, with 2:10 and 3:15 at the end. Case closed, right?
Not so much.
During the time “off” from this project, I would return to meditate on it. I would work on the current assigned tasks, yet this was never far from my thoughts. From time to time, the Lord would add something out of the blue. One day, without warning, I was filled with an understanding – an incomplete understanding that I could not put into words.
What if Joel isn’t two sets of signs? What if it’s three?
It did not take me long to dismiss this, as I had already completed the original language studies (I would have to redo most of what you see in the first part of the project, as I reversed the original Greek for the three scriptures. That was not my finest moment. . . ). I could clearly see that the original wording for all three made this an impossibility, as 2:10 and 3:15 were exactly the same. Not only that, but they do not even match the signs at the beginning of the tribulation. The Blood moon, stars and difference in the conditions of the sun meant that this could not be.
Yet, this impression stayed with me. I should have realized that this was happening for a reason. I had been down this road enough times to understand the process. I was going to see something. I simply did not know what it was yet. So, I continued on with the other projects.
Over the next several months, the Lord began to show me what it is that I will share with all of you. It was a bombshell set of revelations to be sure. It was only after that point that all of this started to make sense the way it does now. As you can see from the sheer size of this project, the volume of information is massive. That said, I was studying the Book of Joel one day, and was reading 2:1-11. It was at that moment that something literally jumped off the page.
“This really looks like Gog / Magog, with 2:10 happening at the sixth seal.”
I could not escape this understanding. Here was the problem. I already knew that 2:10 happened at the end of the tribulation. I also knew that this was Gog /Magog, though originally I had chalked it up to Armageddon (another case of “almost fits”). I simply assumed that this was a conversation that jumped around more than it actually did. After all, Gog / Magog is a big piece of prophecy for Israel and the world. I had assumed that it spoke of Gog / Magog, and did a big fast forward seven years. It would not be the first time such a thing happened in the Bible.
Then that same question came rolling back into my mind. “Does Joel actually detail three sets of signs?”
Now I was at a loss. How is it possible that this is the case? How could I have missed it with all the research I completed? This gave way to several days were I was really bothered by this How much did I get wrong? How much would I have to redo? Would I have to start all over?
The answer turned out to be something I was not expecting. I had not gotten the research wrong, nor would I have to redo everything, and start over. It was simply time for the next piece of the puzzle. That was when I saw what had eluded me. Turns out that if this process had happened any other way, you and I would not be talking about this right now. The Lord uses all things to His glory, and even when it seems we have made the wrong turn – usually it is the right turn, before we even knew it was right.
I saw this for the first time when I compared the King James translations:
Joel 2:10 – The sun and the moon shall be dark, and the stars shall withdraw their shining:
Joel 3:15 – The sun and the moon shall be darkened, and the stars shall withdraw their shining.
Here is the thing – I had even highlighted this difference in the original project! I had seen it, registered it, commented on it – yet the blinders had not yet been removed. In case you are scratching your head, the difference is “dark” and “darkened”.
Could it really be that simply? Turns out that yes – it could be that simple.
I went back to the original Hebrew, and sure enough there was a subtle difference in the text used. The characters were all the same. It was the punctuation that was different. I call it punctuation, yet it is so much more in Hebrew. It can literally change the entire meaning of what you are reading. The differences here would lead to a fundamental shift in the Book of Joel. It is also easy to miss.
The question becomes the difference between “dark” and “darkened”. At first glance it would seem that there is little difference. However, there is a big difference. The choice of the word speaks to something we have addressed quite a bit on Trib Rising. It speaks to tense.
The tense of of a scripture speaks to whether it has happened, is happening, or will yet happen. Tense is the key to the timing of the different events we see in Revelation. Tense turned out to be the key here as well.
What “dark” tells us is that by the time Joel saw the events in 2:10, they had already transpired. The sun and moon were already dark. In Joel 3:15, Joel actually sees the darkening take place. In both cases, he then looks up and sees no star light. So why is this important?
It sets the timing of 2:1-11 squarely before the sixth seal. It is the confirmation that Gog / Magog actually falls after the rapture, and before the signing of the seven year treaty. It ties the treaty to the end of the Ezekiel 38 war. It take 2:1-11 from Armageddon and the end of the tribulation, and places them squarely at the beginning. It places all of Joel back to it’s intended purpose – to set the timing of the Great Assembly before the tribulation begins. If 2:10 is a sign of the Second Coming, then it leaves questions as to the army and events in verses two through 10. It leaves open the possibility to do exactly what I had done – assume. My assumption had taken prophetic events that happen over days, and ascribed them to years.
Now, verses one through 11 were exactly what Joel was shown – the rapture and the start of the tribulation.
Are you still confused? So was I, until the Lord impressed something else on me. “What happens in verses one through 11?” I went back and looked. Sure enough it was there. Starting at the back half of verse two, the subject switches from the rapture to the armies of the King of the North. Every verse details events from their perspective. Then I saw this:
They shall run to and fro in the city; they shall run upon the wall, they shall climb up upon the houses; they shall enter in at the windows like a thief.
10 The earth shall quake before them; the heavens shall tremble: the sun and the moon shall be dark, and the stars shall withdraw their shining:
I underlined “before them” as it tells the story. When Joel recounts 2:2-11, he is looking down – not up. He is watching the armies of the North. He is not watching the sky. He is seeing their exploits, and watching them advance south en route to Jerusalem. He is literally caught off guard when the earth suddenly quakes and the darkness comes.
Joel used the word “dark” because the sun and moon were already dark when he looked up.
Sometimes, the real key to understanding the Bible is realizing what they would have said if they were writing in this day and age:
“Suddenly, I saw a great army in the mountains. They were advancing towards Jerusalem, when the mountains began to shake. I looked around, and suddenly everything went dark. Clouds of thick smoke had rolled in and I could see nothing. It was as though it was night. There was no light from the sun. There was no light from the moon either, even though it looked like it was night. I looked to see if I could find them. There was nothing – no moon, no stars, no sun – nothing”.
What we actually had in Joel was two different recountings of the same event. In 2:1-11, Joel doesn’t see the actual events in the sun, moon and stars. He sees only the after effect when he finally looked up. That is why he used the word “dark”. It was a statement of something that had already happened. The statement in 2:10 is so similar to 3:15 because Joel knows only that the net effect of the two events is the same. The core difference in 3:15 is that he actually witnessed the transition.
This brings us to the next piece. What Joel is seeing in 2:1-11 is much the same as many other visions in the Bible. Though Joel takes 10 verses to detail what he is seeing with the armies of the North, what he is seeing transpires only over a few minutes – if that. When you read these verses carefully, you see the description of events that require little time to occur. What Joel is seeing is that moment when the army is about to slaughter thousands as they break upon the people. That is also the moment when the Lord says enough!
Let’s say it another way. This is that point in the movie when the first invaders cross over the top of the wall. It takes only seconds, yet if you were to recount that precise moment you would require multiple sentences and descriptions. Joel was recounting – in full detail – the seconds just before the battle would have turned forever against Israel.
Notice also in 2:1-11, Joel never sees the destruction that befalls the armies of the North. That is why he speaks of no star light. He has not yet seen what would come shortly after this point when these events actually unfold. This first visual has but a single purpose – it is meant to introduce the moment that the Day of the Lord falls upon the earth, and the defining event that comes with this start. It is meant to set the timing of that moment, for our understanding in these final days.
When we get to 2:30, the vision given to Joel has changed. Here, Joel sees the transitions in dramatic detail. Joel went from seeing the moment that the Lord intervenes, to a slower recounting of many things. As we get to the end of chapter two, the Lord reveals the full detail of what actually happened in that fateful moment when He said enough. This time, Joel gets to see the events from the other side of the equation. He gets to see the origin of each individual piece.
He gets to see the wonders in the earth.
He then gets to see volcanoes erupt.
Next, he gets to see the sun go near totally dark.
Then he gets to see a blood moon.
He sees each of these events individually, as that is the point. The Lord wanted these things to be spelled out, as they are the key to things we was yet to reveal.
As it turned out, it wasn’t that the Lord wanted me to see three different events. It was three different descriptions that covered the two events. I thought that I had two sets of descriptions, with one set being given twice. Funny how that works sometimes. At any rate, this to be understood, so that you can follow what all of this means in modern terms.
Warp Speed, Mr. Scott!
You may find this hard to believe, but we have finally reached the point where we can lay out what is coming. You now have all of the background. You now have all the pieces. Between the two separate projects, we can now lay out the actual events that will soon come, and do so in modern terms. In other words, we now have everything we need to answer those most asked questions:
What comes next?
When does it come?
It is fair to say that thing have kicked into high gear. None of us could have imagined just how literal the Bible actually was. We had no frame of reference for the events of the end times, as they had never happened before. We all grew up hearing of the spiritual and allegorical meanings to the scriptures. We grew up with the “close” interpretations, as man in his infinite impatience rushed to find the connection to prophecy in every last event that transpired in the world.
However, as these days now unfold, we are getting a first hand lesson in the literal reading an interpretation of the Bible. It turns out that there is no second guessing required. It seems that the fulfillment of each of the scriptures is direct, literal – and unmistakable. Think about all they things we have seen come to pass. They have brought something that we have never had before.
The entire Body of Christ knows that the end has come. There is no doubt in this.
As I said, this has never happened before. In the last 25 years or so, it became more and more evident. Yet, there were always whole segments of the Body that would disagree on whether or not a certain event was tied to the end times.
We need to bring in something we covered earlier on the rapture:
With that said, we need to address the question that so many in the Body are asking as of this writing. Is 2015 the year that the Feast of Trumpets is fulfilled? Will this be the year that sees the rapture? We touched on it already, but we need to look a little closer.
As of right now, we are in the back half of the Shemitah. It is set to end on September 13th, 2015.
On that day, the rest of the Shemitah judgment may come to pass (I will detail in a future project the implications if it does not come). That is the “Day of Release”, and it is the day that could see the biggest economic crash in history.
This is a Sunday. That means the immediate effect will be delayed for several days.
The Feast of Trumpets also starts this day, at 6:00 to 8:00 PM. This is the date set on the Gregorian calendar. It does not depend on the first silver sliver of the New Moon.
We will not know if this is the Feast that brings the rapture until the time comes. It is based on which calendar is being honored, and there are four at play. There are two Jewish calendars as well (Israel and diaspora). There is also the Jewish calendar which requires strict adherence to the Law of Moses. In reality, that makes five potential calendars, and all of them put every last day of the week in play for the rapture, for various reasons. It would be a project unto itself to go into detail on each.
There is something that must be understood. We are coming to understand that the Shemitah is a reset. When the Day of Release hits, it has the potential to be catastrophe. However, it is when it does not come that the very worst becomes inevitable. The day the Lord stops hitting the reset button is the day we know that we are beyond a “reset”.
That is the day that declares we have passed the point of no return!
We will delve into to this deeper on an upcoming project, which will also open up a greater understanding of the exact nature of the rapture and the Feast of Trumpets.
That said, we study the possibilities of the different calendars not to predict the days, but to learn the lessons, receive revelations, and see the confirmations that Lord built into all things 6,000 years ago. I see many believers that scoff at understanding the calendar and the times. The reasoning is always the same. We are not to “date set”. Yet, the Lord tells us that he gives us the sun, moon and stars for signs and seasons. Paul reveals that the calendar is the shadow if things to come. Jesus tells us to watch, yet occupy until He comes. In these admonitions are the answer to studying the times, seasons and calendars, yet not get caught up in setting the dates that none of us can know.
The next time somebody tries to dissuade you from studying the times and seasons, rest assured it is not a Biblical position. To the contrary, I have found one fact in this to be immutable – there is a reason why believers end up running from the study of the times – especially the end times and the return of the Lord. It’s not because these things don’t reveal Biblical truth.
It’s because they do, and the scoffer doesn’t like the message it gives.
Moving forward, if the Lord uses the rapture to transition calendars (the rapture is the first day of the new fulfillment cycle), then we could be back to the first silver sliver of the new moon as the dictating factor. That literally opens up every day of the week, as every day is within three days of the Thursday-Saturday time frame. The last few years have witnessed a separation of three to four days between the calendar Feast of Trumpets and the silver sliver of the new moon.
There are more possible combinations that we can shake a stick at. I think that is the point. When we sit down and start trying to calculate based on our understanding, it shows just how little we really know. Here is another one for you – with Trumpets starting on Sunday, that makes both Sunday and Monday as possible Feast days depending on how you look at it. That means that Saturday could be the “day before the Sabbath!” Remember, a Feast that starts on a Sunday night can be considered a Sunday Feast on the Gregorian calendar because it actually comes on a Sunday, and it can also be considered a Monday feast. The Gregorian calendar typically tries to place the Jewish holidays on the day after they start, that brings up the same concept. It literally splits the Jewish holidays into two days.
Try this on for size. The Jewish holidays also have an “eve”, or the piece of the holiday that falls on the day before. A feast that has most of its completion on a Sunday will have the Saturday as the “eve” of that particular Feast. That gives a two days window.
We can take it a step further. The Feast of Trumpets is officially recognized for two days, or 48 hours because of the new moon. We detail this extensively elsewhere on Trib Rising. This is where “no man knows the day, nor hour” actually comes from.
This year, the official calendar places the Feast of Trumpets on Monday and Tuesday. However, that places the “eve” on Sunday, which is actually when the celebration starts since the evening is when “tomorrow” officially begins.
That would put the rapture on a Saturday this year if it comes. That also puts it in line perfectly with the prior Sabbath requirement in the times of the Gentiles!
*** I want to state this CLEARLY so that there is NO misunderstanding. This is NOT a prediction of the rapture this year! It is nothing more than an examination of the possibilities.
When the Lord says “no man knows the day, nor hour” – He really means it!
This is the only unknown left.
One final observation on this. The possibility of a Saturday rapture brings up an interesting point worth considering. The Jews will accept the Antichrist wholesale when he comes. When you have a chance to look into what many Jews anticipate with the coming of Messiah, they will recount a David-like picture that literally lays out what the Antichrist does when he arrives.
How many times did the Pharisees declare that Christ was of Satan for the miracles He worked on the Sabbath? I can think of few things that would drive the Jews into the arms of the Antichrist, than to see the rapture of the “false Messiah of Christ” come on the Sabbath (remember, Saturday is the Jewish Sabbath).
That would be a violation of the Laws of the Moses! Remember, the times of the Gentiles are not known in the Jewish Bible. They were declared only after salvation was delivered to the Gentiles.
Now, taking the Shemitah out of the equation, here is what comes after the rapture – whenever it comes. Let’s take this in two parts. First we will cover what occurs from the rapture through the first five seals. Then we will cover from the sixth seal forward.
The first thing we need to do is bring back something that we detailed earlier. You will recall that we spoke of timing during the tribulation, and how the timing goes with the fulfillments. Where the fulfillment occurs, there is where the timing is fulfilled.
Given these equations offered in the Bible we can see several equivalents emerge:
7 days = 7 years
1 day = 1 year
1 day = 12 hours
12 hours = 12 months
1 hour = 30 days
30 days = 1 month
360 days = 12 months
There is something that needs to be remembered when you look at the different time equivalents. It is not a matter of the Lord trying to jam in a bunch of different fulfillments into a single space. Rather, all of the fulfillments we see in Revelation are actually the real events that are broken into pictures on earth. Paul tells us that the things on earth are the copies of the things in heaven. Mortal man cannot perform the tasks of the Lord on a one for one basis. So, a single event in heaven will be divided into multiple pictures and fulfillments.
That is how the tribulation period can fulfill seven day requirements, one day requirements, short space requirements, etc. It is also how the tribulation can be the wedding, the course of the priesthood, the initiation of the new priests, the Sabbath cycle, Great Assembly, etc. It can be all of these things, because all of these things were the individual pieces of the big picture. It is only when we have all the pieces that we can see the full truth of the Bible.
Let’s add this in as well:
Having said all of this, let’s look again at one of the equivalents we mentioned:
1 hour = 30 days
Here is where this comes into play. We said earlier that the entire process of the Great Assembly took several hours at most. This included the calling of the Assembly with the first and last trumps. However, what must be remembered is that the majority of this time consisted of getting the people into the actual Temple complex. People take time to move, especially coming from their accommodations outside the Temple Mount and the City of Jerusalem.
What we see in the Bible is a far different picture. When we see the process starting at Revelation 4:1, we see a nearly instantaneous completion. One moment finds John on the Isle of Patmos. The next finds him in heaven. As we detail in “John, Angels and Martyrs”, John is not merely seeing a vision. He is actually experiencing three quarters of the rapture process. We see the speed of the calling of the Great Assembly bear out elsewhere in the Bible:
1 Corinthians 15:51-52 ESV – Behold! I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, 52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed.
This tells us that the time required to call the assembly is not minutes, but seconds – if that. So, what does that look like on earth? Remember, the clock on the end times stays with those that are the fulfillment. If it is one minute for us, it will be longer for those left on the earth.
We can get an idea of the time frame with some simple math. If we divide 30 days by 60 minutes, it gives us an answer of 0.5 – or one half of a 24 hour period. That means that if the calling of the rapture took only one second from our experience, the world will have experienced 12 hours since the sounding of the last trump. This is not an unreasonable proposition, as the calling of the Great Assembly is described to occur in such miraculous terms. However, even if you wanted to ascribe a longer period – five seconds for example – then we would have at most two and a half days.
What we have is the timing of the thing to come. We know that the rapture starts the cycle and the clock. It is the first day of the Ten Days of Awe. It is the calling of the Great Assembly and the coronation of the King.
In the earthly Great Assembly, the passing of the scroll to the King was a ceremonial process that did not take a great deal of time. We will discuss this more in a few moments, but for now, we will give this about a ten minute time frame. We can see the process play out in Revelation chapters four, five and six. When you sit down and break the chapters up into the individual pieces they reveal, you see a collection of events that simply required very little time individually. Taken together, ten minutes is quite reasonable to expect.
What does this mean for the entire process revealed in chapters four, five and six? It means we get a process that covers the space of about 15 days. We will break down how we know it is 15 days in just a few moments. For now, we will operate under this premise.
In the space of about 13 days, we go from the rapture to the opening of the first five seals. We know from earlier in the project that it will take about about the first ten minutes of the Great Assembly to complete the process of passing the scroll to the King. This is a formal process, which we see play out in Revelation chapter six. That puts us at about day four when the first seal is broken. Each subsequent seal will follow at intervals of about two and a half days. That puts us to the sixth seal on about day 14.
With everything we have studied to this point, here is what the first days of the end times will look like:
After the rapture, there will be about 48 hours where the world sits in stunned silence. The United Stated is no longer a viable nation, and the rest of the west is not in much better shape.
Israel will sustain some damage.
The Muslim nations of the Middle East, Asia and the southern Russian region will sustain the least amount of damage.
After the first 48 hours, every viable nation will begin to assemble all remaining military forces. This is a reasonable course of action given the devastation that has occurred. We detail the devastation wrought by the rapture in “The Vision of Things to Come” and “What the Rapture Will Look Like”.
For most, the rapture will be a mystery. It did not resemble the traditional pictures, and the mass of unrighteous dead will further conceal what has happened. Yet truth will come forward piece by piece, bit by bit.
About the fourth day, the first seal will be broken. This unleashes the Antichrist.
He will have a bow, but no arrows. He will bring war, but not by his own hands. He sets about a plan to gain power. It is a plan that he has prepared since before the rapture. As we learned in “The Rapture Bombshell in 2 Thessalonians”, the Antichrist is revealed prior to the signing of the seven year treaty. He is behind the scenes, working towards his goals and plans.
After his unleashing, he will whisper quietly to the Muslim nations called in Ezekiel 38 and 39. “Now is the time. Israel is alone. The west is crippled, and the United States is dead. Now is the time. Go, and get what you have always wanted. Jerusalem is yours for the taking!”
At the same time, he will begin to whisper rumors in secret. These rumors will be propagated by the Islamic hordes that benefit from them the most.
“All of this death is the fault of the Jews and Christians. They scoffed at global warming. they scoffed at aliens. They scoffed at science. Now look at what their bigoted hatred for all thing rational and right has brought. They are responsible for this!
You almost died because of them!”
Then comes the second seal, and the march of death and war.
The nations that come in Gog / Magog make the fateful decision to invade Israel. The planning begins in earnest. The rapture and subsequent military build up now hides their true intentions.
The world turns against all that dare to speak the name of Jesus Christ or the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Those that brought this calamity upon the world must be punished. The blood of the “innocent” must be required of them.
Vengeance must come to those that tried to destroy the world!
Those believers that had backslidden from the Lord now understand. They begin to preach Jesus Christ at every turn. They declare the rapture at every turn.
They die at every turn.
This does not stop their resolve. Strengthened by the Holy Spirit, they speak great words of the Most High and the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. They are strong in death. They meet their ends in a witness that is undeniable. many see their witness, take up their words – and find Christ and death!
Yet they find real life, eternal life.
The rapture and tribulation becomes an undercurrent message that will surface after the sixth seal is broken.
The third seal is broken.
No viable production combined with the judgment of fire means that food is in very short supply. What is available spikes to 300 percent of what it cost in the days prior to the rapture. Soon, everybody is a target. It is not just the witness of Christ that can cost you your life.
It is the possession of food.
There is a hard truth to these days. The unrighteous will die along side the righteous. One is destined for heaven. The other for hell.
Then comes the fourth seal. It is the literal definition of “hell on earth”.
The invasion forces hit Israel. They slaughter all in their path.
The global death toll, the rotting flesh that lays in the streets, the complete lack of sanitation – all combine to release a wave of disease. Bodies begin to pile up. They are beyond number, and no corner of the earth escapes them.
Among the dead are multiplied millions that proclaimed Christ in these few short days following the rapture. Their number climbs by the minute.
It has been nearly a week and a half since the rapture. The global death toll is mounting. Before these days are done, nearly a quarter of the world’s population will be exterminated.
Some to everlasting life. Most to everlasting death.
The fifth seal is broken. We now sit about 13 days since the rapture. In heaven, those that found Christ in the final, carnage filled moments of their lives now amass under the altar in heaven. They begin their process, and will soon join their brethren on the Throne Room floor before Almighty God Himself.
First, each must rest. Three days should do the trick – just in time to receive their new robes and report for the BEMA, the Judgment Seat of Christ.
For all that has transpired in these days, the worst is yet to come. All five of the seals have been broken, one on top of the other. The combined terror of the seals has joined with the horror of the rapture. The hearts of men are beginning to fail. What else can come? What can be done? Is there nobody that can stop these things? Surely it can’t get any worse!
That is when tomorrow comes.
The End of the Beginning
The rapture and first five seals have come and gone. We are at the dawn of the 14th day. Let’s change tracks for a moment.
There is something here that is going to blow your mind. Have you ever wondered how the Antichrist is going deceive so many people? Think about what it would take to get all the unbelievers in the world to accept what he has to sell.
Now, we know that he will perform lying signs and wonders. We know of the beast and false miracles. We know that he will have such words. Still, humanity is very fickle. As a species it is within our DNA to travel the opposite direction as everybody else. It is in our makeup to be special and noticed. Yet, all of the scriptures point to a wholesale discarding of basic human nature.
Remember, the world must make this decision of it’s own accord. Each person that chooses the mark of the beast must do so by their own efforts. In order to be held accountable under a system of true justice, you must be able to make true choices. The Bible bears this out, and tells us that this is exactly what happens.
It begs the question – how did humanity turn so completely? Even in times of the greatest evil, there is difference among the evil. Ever wonder why the first to die under a new dictator are not the enemies of the state, but their own political allies? You know the old adage – you can please some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time – you can’t please all of the people all of the time.
Apparently the Antichrist finds a way to do just that.
Of course, once a man opens the door, Satan has free reign to enter their life. This accounts for much of what we see throughout the Book of Revelation. That said, the door must still be opened. The scriptures do not paint a picture of reluctant converts. It displays a willing humanity, ready to submit.
How does the Antichrist get an entire planet to collectively open the door?
He plays the biggest con since the Garden of Eden, and he doesn’t even have to lift a finger to do it!
We know that he is part of the deal that “brings peace” to Israel and her enemies. We know this comes on the heels of Gog / Magog. We know that this is a brutal conflict that sees a massive amount of death and destruction. It is easy to see why people would be willing to proclaim him lord of the world for this achievement.
That said, half of the Middle East wants to wipe out the other half. The Sunni wants to exterminate the Shiite, and vice versa. Both want to wipe out Christians. The whole world wants to wipe out the Jews. A large contingent from the primary Muslim nations has just been wiped out in Israel, something that cannot happen according to Islam. In fact, the Jews should never have been able to take Jerusalem in the first place.
So, what gives?
There must be something that transcends all that we see now. There must be something so complete, so thorough in its occurrence that all of this is pushed to the side in favor of a new dynamic. it must be something so compelling that the entire world gasps, and the door is opened. Remember, the rapture has occurred, yet as a species we have incredibly short memories. There is will one shot at this.
If that singular moment is missed, there IS not an Antichrist or Beast Kingdom rising.
How Do we know what that moment is, or when it comes? We know the Antichrist is on the scenes before his revealing at the seven year treaty. He is behind the scenes, moving the pieces into place. We see him emerge at the first seal in Revelation six. Yet, this cannot account for what he is able to do. You can manipulate the world to a certain point from behind the scenes. This is much more than that. In order to capture the crowd, you must steal the show.
To quote a favorite movie – “I will win the crowd. I will give them something they’ve never seen before”.
That is exactly what he will do.
To understand what happens, we must turn to several scriptures and see what they reveal. Several times in Revelation, the Bible tells us of the reaction of humanity to the things unfolding around the planet.
Revelation 9:20-21 KJV – And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk:21 Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.
And this:
Revelation 11:9-10 KJV – And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and an half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves.
10 And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth.
And this:
Revelation 16:9-11 KJV – And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory.
10 And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain,
11 And blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and repented not of their deeds.
And now this:
Revelation 16:21 KJV – And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great.
Here is the question – what do all of these scriptures have in common? All of these speak to a humanity that hates the Most High God. Even in the very worst of times they will not repent. The more the judgments fall, the more humanity rebels, blasphemes God and curses Him.
Go through the scriptures above, and you will see that as time progresses and the judgments intensify, the reaction of man gets considerably worse.
Now, add in this:
Revelation 6:15-17 KJV -And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:
17 For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?
Here is the net question – what happened? What is the old song? One of these things is not like the other. Indeed.
In Revelation chapter six, we see a humanity that acknowledges God and His wrath. However, from that time forward there is no contrition, no remorse, no sorrow – no repentance. How did humanity change so quickly? What happened to flip the switch on an entire species?
We could say that it was the judgments falling that hardened the hearts of men. I would not presume to debate the possibility of this. The later scriptures seem to lend credence to this argument. Yet, we know that not everybody falls into this trap. So, it must be something else, something more. We evidence that by the fact that people who miss the rapture come to Christ after enduring at least some of the tribulation on the judgment side of the equation.
Something changes the hearts of men after the sixth seal. Something hardens their hearts to the Lord, to the point that enduring the judgments is the only way to get the attention of a set few. Even this is not enough for the overwhelming majority.
So, what exactly happened, and how did it change all of humanity in a single moment? As we said earlier, it is the greatest con since the Garden of Eden, and the Antichrist won’t have to lift a finger to make it happen. He only needs to be in place and take the credit.
Let’s bring back in a scripture that we detailed quite a bit earlier in the presentation:
Revelation 8:1 KJV – And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour.
Right now, some of you are really thinking about this. It is right there, and you can feel the light bulb starting to turn on.
Up to this point, we have had five seals opened, and their judgments were released right on top of each other. In the space of about a week and a half, everything we see from 6:1 to 6:11 has been unleashed on the earth. The armies of the North are now headed towards Israel. The world is dying, and people are dying across the globe. It seems that things cannot get any worse.
Then comes the sixth seal.
At this point, we are about 13 days from the rapture. We know this not only from what the scripture above tells us regarding the overall timing of the rapture, the Great Assembly and the start of the tribulation, but we know it from something else as well. Let’s bring back something from earlier in the presentation:
Here is where it gets interesting. Earlier, we saw that “moon” in Joel 2:31 used a different form and script than was used in Joel 2:10 and 3:15. We stated that this difference would be highlighted in Revelation. Here is the actual form and script of seléné used in 6:12.
καὶ ἡ σελήνη ὅλη ἐγένετο – “and the moon whole became”
We see a distinction that is left out of the KJV and several over translations, but is picked up in the ESV as “full” – it is the word “whole”, which is found in the original Greek. This is the final piece of the puzzle for placing the signs in the sun and moon in their proper context in the Books of Joel, Matthew, Mark, Luke, Acts and Revelation. We will return to this in a moment.~
This is a fundamental piece of the puzzle for this reason – it reveals the phase of the moon during this event. It tells us that the blood moon comes with the full moon. If you have spent anytime studying the seven Feasts of Israel, or the Hebrew calendar, you will doubtless understand the significance of this. Likewise, it helps to establish the phase or condition of the moon during the “darkening” phase.
The reason it becomes important to show the differences between the moon, full moon and new moon is that it allows us to differentiate the signs, and determine exactly what Joel, John and the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ were revealing. By showing the differences in the forms and script, it allows us to conclude that the use of each word was specific, and not “accidental”. It shows that each use was intentional, and that there were indeed words available to the authors if they had desired to express something different.
Stated differently, when John says “the moon whole”, there was no misunderstanding on his part. The full moon was a fixture in Jewish life as six of the seven feasts occurred by the light of the whole moon.
Likewise, the lack of use of “new moon” tells us that the new moon was indeed understood. This is no surprise as the new moon was the start of the new month, the new year and the Feast of Trumpets.
We spoke earlier of an hour being 30 days on our calendar. That means half an hour equates to 15 days. So, we know that the silence in heaven will last roughly 15 days (remember, John says “about half an hour”). We also know that that from the time the Great Assembly is convened to the completion of the passing of the scroll does not take very long as well. However, we can declare that it will take half an hour to complete.
“I did not see where anything declared half an hour for the breaking of the seals. I saw it for the silence. You can’t use one to claim the other!”
Good news – that’s not how we know. We know because of what we learned earlier from the “moon whole”.
Revelation 6:12 – And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;
Only one of the feasts occurred with the new moon. The rest occurred with the full moon. You may recall that we covered that the blood moon could only come on the full moon. Here is the key piece – even if we have a modern blood crescent, the blood moon is only one possible event – the full moon turning to blood. In other words, the sixth seal can only come ONE day during any given month – the full moon. That is the 15th of every month.
That would be the 15th of every Jewish month, since the new moon is what set the first day.
Remember also that the lunar eclipse – which gives us the standard blood moon – can only come at the actual full moon. Again, that leaves only one day out of the month – the 15th. Also, remember that is does not matter if the blood moon in Revelation occurs from abnormal conditions, such as a volcano. We already know that it is the full moon as the Bible declares the moon whole. We also know that anything but a full moon, and it would not be declared a blood moon.
That also sets the sixth seal to the Feast of Tabernacles – which is the 15th day of Tishri – 15 days after Trumpets.
Get ready to grab your socks. What you are about to see is going to answer a boatload of questions that you have probably wondered after for quite some time. Let’s bring back something from a few moments ago:
In the space of about 13 days, we go from the rapture to the opening of the first five seals. We know from earlier in the project that it will take about about the first ten minutes of the Great Assembly to complete the process of passing the scroll to the King. This is a formal process, which we see play out in Revelation chapter six. That puts us at about day four when the first seal is broken. Each subsequent seal will follow at intervals of about two and a half days. That puts us to the sixth seal on about day 14.
This makes sense when you think about it. What did we say earlier about the hours following the rapture? Within about 48 hours, those nations that still have a military capability will muster all their forces. This is not an unusual response given the circumstances. However, with the first seal comes the unleashing of the Antichrist, yet with only a bow and no arrows. He sets about his plan to assume power, and he needs a war against Israel to get what he wants.
Bear in mind, he already knows that this will fail. that is the point. It is what comes after that he is banking on. Remember, Satan can read. He knows how this all goes down.
So, the seals have been broken, and the northern armies are en route to Israel. Bear in mind that there is a reason why the armies approach from the north. Even those nations that are due east of Israel will go north. It is beyond the scope of this short study to review the tactics and movements of the force that comes in Gog / Magog. They will hit the mountains and advance, heading towards Jerusalem.
Then comes the sixth seal. On that 14th day, heading into the 15th day, here is what happen:
A global earthquakes starts in the mountains of Israel. It cascades out through the entire planet.
Immediately following the start of the earthquake in Israel, several volcanoes erupt in a massive blast. The smoke, ash, fire, brimstone and sulfur are released into the air.
This cloud of death rolls nearly instantaneously across the mountains of Israel. It instantly blots out the sun.***
The smoke and ash descends into the valleys and across the mountains. Those caught in the mountains are wrought with confusion. They turn on each other as they can no longer distinguish friend from enemy.***
Then come death from above. The “stars” begin to fall. A torrential hail of blood, fire and sulfur falls on the mountains. It is nothing less than the total and horrific annihilation of the forces caught in the wake.***
As the death falls and night approaches, the full moon is now blood across all of Israel and the Middle East. The volcanic eruption has thrown so many particulates in the air that what remains visible of the moon is now deep, dark blood red.
Israel strikes the base camp and headquarters of the invading armies. It is a full nuclear exchange.
As this scene unfolds in Israel, the global earthquake has now given way to global volcanic eruptions. The scene that has unfolded in the mountains of Israel now plays out across the planet.***
Every last mountain range blows, and every last mountain on earth is moved from its original position. Every last island on the planet is likewise moved. Unfortunately, most inhabited islands are also volcanoes.***
Many will not simply move. They will cease to exist.
The global death and devastation is nothing less than catastrophic. It becomes a replay of the judgment of fire that came with the rapture. This is the second time in the space of 15 days that the planet has been utterly devastated.
All of this has occurred in the space of 24 hours.
*** The following scriptures probably makes more sense now:
Joel 2:30 KJV – And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke.
Matthew 24:7-8 KJV – For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
All these are the beginning of sorrows.
Mark 13:8 KJV – For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows.
Luke 21:11 KJV – And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.
Now we can see the reason why earthquakes and volcanoes are a sign of the end times, and why they were the last signs that needed to manifest before the soon return of the Lord. They speak to something much more horrific than we are seeing now. They tell us that something is building. How many warnings are getting now from geological experts that can see a shifting in the earth?
How many times do they warn that the bottom is going to fall out from us?
How many times have they warned us that they can see the earth is in the throes of a devastating shift?
How many times have they said that it is all going to break loose soon?
They are right.
Let’s review something we discussed earlier regarding sackcloth, and you will now see the prophetic link:
While much of the ancient sackcloth was indeed black, it can also appear “dark gray” of “light black”. Likewise, a good deal of sackcloth was closer in description to “dark brown”, even bordering on “darkest brown”. It also had a common distinction of being inconsistent in color – being darker in some areas, lighter in other areas. This inconsistency, when combined with the color of the cloth will offer surprising revelations later in the presentation.
Let’s bring something back into the discussion that we covered earlier:
~~~ The use of of lə·ḥō·šeḵ in Joel 2:30 can be summarized as “deprived of light”, or that the “light is taken”. In other words, it is the total absence of light.
However, the use of qā·ḏā·rū in Joel 2:10 and 3:15 can be summarized as “darkness, as opposed to black”, or “blackness, as opposed to black”. In other words, it is akin to what we would commonly describe as “the dark of night” as opposed to the “pitch blackness from the absence of all light”.
In Joel 2:31, lə·ḥō·šeḵ is a verb denoting an active state, not typically seen as normal. It speaks to an unusual state in which there is no comparison. Indeed, the falling of a state of total light deprivation – from the sun no less – can certainly be seen as a rare condition.
By contrast, in Joel 2:10 and 3:15, qā·ḏā·rū is a noun in the masculine form, denoting its use as a proper label describing a condition that is not unknown.
In fact, the different uses for the original form of qā·ḏā·rū confirm the familiar use of the word in describing a condition more akin to a night of “normal” darkness. Clearly, the falling of a darkness that is akin to the night is hardly normal when it is not expected in the nighttime hours, especially since the text tells us that this condition stems from the sun itself. Yet, the Prophet Joel is clearly distinguishing between the two conditions of darkness that fall in the three different examples.
“Black as sackcloth of hair” declares that sackcloth is black as in the absence of light. It declares that the “black” associated with traditional Biblical sackcloth is the standard being set for the event in question. It does not bring sackcloth to a new level of black – it sets the level of black in the event to what the author would have seen in the sackcloth of his day. ~~~
The world has reached critical mass. Recall that the first five seals were opened in the days prior. The rapture happened before that. What we have to this point is the stuff of horrors. In 15 days, here is the grand total:
Multiplied millions raptured or dead.
The world economy is gone.
There is global starvation.
What food that remains has skyrocketed over 300 percent in price.
Islam has been unleashed, and now runs roughshod on the planet.
Disease and pestilence now swarm the globe. Death is everywhere, and bodies litter the streets.
Anyone that even resembles a Christian is marked for death. They die by the tens of thousands across the planet.
The death toll alone from all that has been unleashed so far will total one quarter of the earth’s population. That is roughly two billion that die in the space of a week or so.
All these things are now occurring simultaneously, as they are unleashed just two days apart from one another.
This is the state of the world when the sixth seal is opened. What comes after that is almost beyond human comprehension
That is where we find ourselves when the next scripture comes.
Revelation 6:15-17 KJV – And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:
17 For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?
There is no way to adequately do justice to what I am about to say. Sometimes, the best understanding comes when you realize what a scripture is actually saying. What I mean is this. The Bible was written by men that were trying to describe the things that are occurring today. In other words, we go through and translate from the original languages events from today, that they had to translate into their language!
They had to capture what they thought was the best rendering for things that they did not understand. However, those things were the things that we know see every day. In other words, John’s words reveal something that we would all understand, something that would make sense to us if we heard it.
Because John is hearing us actually say it! What we have in these three verses reveals the truth of these days.
What we see here is a world that now believes that it is going to die. It does not think it’s over. It knows it. Have you ever considered the difference between fear and terror?
Fear is what you experience when all of your senses tell you that things are about to go down hill. Fear is that moment when you realize what is coming, and you start to figure out what it might mean for you. Fear is that moment when you are faced with all your worst fears, and you now face the unknown and unimaginable. Fear is that moment when everything passes before your eyes, and you don’t know what is going to happen.
Terror is that moment when you move from “think” to “know”. It is that moment that what was unsure becomes certain. It is that moment when all hope is lost, and there can be no other fate.
It is that moment that you move from the possibility of life, to the certainty of death. That is the backdrop of Revelation 6:15-17. It is a moment that the entire world embraces.
It will not matter what they call it. The tribulation. The end of the world. The wrath of God. The result is the same. The whole world surrenders to terror.
The hearts of all mankind now collectively fails. Finally, the timing is right.
You see, when you look at these three scriptures, you see an entire planet that is heading for the place of last refuge – wherever that may be for each. It does not matter who you are. Basements, bomb shelters, bunkers – the result is the same. All the world has run to hide, and everybody now understands that the end has come.
The world will not survive, nor will anybody in it. This is that moment that so many knew was coming. All of the natural disasters, earthquakes and volcanoes – all of the wars and strife. Everything that mankind has feared has no come to pass, and the planet earth shall soon slip into oblivion. God – whoever He is – will now end them all. There is nothing left to do but hide, weep and beg.
Who shall be able to stand?
This is a position that is not without merit. Having the benefit of these days, we can see what is being prepared in the heavens. After the sixth seal, we see the four angels take up their respective stations on the four corners of the earth. They are ready to be released.
We see the 144,000 Jews from each of the 12 tribes undergo the sealing process.
These are being ready for the wrath, which now stands ready to be released.
One of the things that you may not have picked up on is how many indicators there are which tell us that this is where the tribulation actually starts. In this small block of scripture we actually have five timing markers.
We have the signs in the sun and moon that Joel 2:30 tells us occur at the start of the tribulation.
We have the declaration after the sixth seal that it is time for the wrath of God and the Lamb to come.
We have the four angels moved into position to bring judgment.
We have the 144,000 Jews now being sealed so that the four angels can start their tasks.
Finally, we have the believers that did not overcome and going the rapture officially revealed. We detail this sign in “John, Angels and Martyrs”.
As we said, the belief that it is all over is not without merit.
With that, it becomes critical to understand what happens on that 15th day. All the world is in fear, and heading off to a hole to die. That is when the Antichrist steps up to the plate.
Though he has not yet been revealed as the Antichrist as the treaty is not yet signed, it will become clear that he is already to move. He has been preparing for this day. While all the world was distracted before the rapture, he was moving silently to secure his power.
The promises and deals have been made behind closed doors. He calls in his markers and promises to the now defeated nations that came against Israel. He promises that he can deliver those things which they most desire. He promises what is left of the west that he can deliver peace. He promises Israel that he can make the soon returning terror stop. All will be ready to drink the sand, if only it will save their lives.
Mere hours after the devastation of the sixth seal all is ready. All he needs now is the right show. Just the right series of events, and the world will fall to its knees and worship him. That moment will come in the same time that all the other seals came. Just a couple days after the sixth seal the die is cast. The treaty is signed. Then comes the unthinkable:
Revelation 8:1 KJV – And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour.
Everything stops.
Just like that, after two and a half weeks of death;
After two and a half weeks where the world thought it was soon to perish;
After two and a half weeks where there was no escape possible;
After two and half weeks of the planet nearly ripping itself apart;
After two and a half weeks of multiplied millions dying at the hands of Islam;
After two and a half weeks that brought nuclear war;
After all this, in the space of a single day – one man stepped forward and promised that he could reverse all these things, restore peace and save humanity. . .
That is exactly what has happened.
All of the judgments of God suddenly stop. No more earthquakes. No more volcanoes. No more pestilence. No more death. All of it simply stops.
As a single day passes the world holds its breath.
As three days pass people begin to emerge.
As five days pass hope starts to peak.
As seven days pass, the world begins to imagine that the worst is over.
As ten days pass, people will declare that the Antichrist is god.
As the 13th day comes to pass, the world will now believe that Islam is all that it says it is. The armies may have been defeated in Israel, but that was before Mahdi arrived.
Now, even the God of the Jews is no match for Mahdi and Allah. After All, He may have brought His judgment, but the Mahdi ended it.
From that moment forward, it will not matter what happens. There will not be the concentration of judgments that fall in the tribulation that fell during those 15 days. No matter how bad any single judgment gets, it was never as bad as when “Allah had to step in and save us!”
It will never occur to the many that Allah seems unable to stop anything else. They will lie to themselves. Allah gives them power, money and sexual gratification. All those “minor” judgments are not worth the time of Mahdi. He has more important things to do.
Revelation 9:20-21 KJV – And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk:21 Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.
And this:
Revelation 11:9-10 KJV – And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and an half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves.
10 And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth.
And this:
Revelation 16:9-11 KJV – And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory.
10 And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain,
11 And blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and repented not of their deeds.
How dare the upstart God of the Jews think that He can sway them from the worship of the one true god! Soon, Allah will move against those Jews and all they are. Soon, Allah will show them who the real god is!
Now you know the rest of the story.
At this point, there remains little left to say. So, I will leave you with a final thought.
If you pay close attention to the nature of the things the Lord is revealing now, you will see that element of finality I spoke of earlier. Many of the questions which remained a mystery are being answered. Things that we did not understand for nearly 2,000 years are now becoming plain.
I like to think that this is due solely to the mercy of the Lord. After all, the more we understand, the more we will “get it”. Sadly though, this is not usually the case. It seems that the more the Lord reveals, the more man falls into false doctrines.
The sad part about all of this is that this is not just about mercy. It is also about justice.
A righteous God with perfect justice knows that all must have the chance to receive and reject the truth. Absent this chance, we cannot be held accountable for rejecting salvation. There is a hard truth in all of this. These revelations serve a dual purpose. They provide light and truth for all that serve the Lord.
They balance the ledger in the books of heaven – the same books that will be opened one day before the Great White Throne.
Those that reject the salvation of the Lord have every last rejection recorded, and the message of truth that was provided for them. They will literally have to endure a sorrow, dread and absolute terror as each rejection is laid bare. They will be under no illusions as to what awaits them.
They will already know.
So, the choice belongs to all of us this day. What will we do? Will we reject the Lord? We will scoff at His soon return? We will fill our hearts with a hundred different “reasons” why the time of His return is not at hand?
What will you do?
Time is up. There is only today. Tomorrow may be the beginning of sorrows for you.
Turn to the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ this day.
This may be your last chance.
In the name of our Most Blessed Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.