What you are going to read began as a series of four short social media posts. Then the Lord called on me to combine all of the material into a project post on AI and what it truly means for the coming end of the age. If you have wondered where AI fits in to biblical prophecy then you have come to the right place – it is evil beyond anything we have ever imagined.
The word of the Lord has come to me – let His servants avoid the use of AI at all costs. Especially those with the gift of discernment or prophecy.
At its heart, AI is information gathering, looking for patterns of use, organizing gathered information into new patterns, and ultimately designing an information system that can “fill in the blanks” where information is missing.
However, in all the universe there are two spheres of information where AI cannot be successful:
Godly discernment and prophecy.
The reason for this is simple and straightforward. When God gives either they can come without context.
Think of someone like Daniel. Or John for that matter. If AI had been present in their day it would not have been able to quantify the visions each man was given. It would be information absent context.
Think of today and how many of us are being given dreams, visions and revelations. AI cannot process such things because there is no context with which to do so.
Stated differently, if the Lord gives you a warning about a friend who is going to be in a traffic crash on the way to work tomorrow AI has no ability to understand how you know this when you call your friend and tell them. It doesn’t know how to process that information.
It doesn’t mean it won’t try.
The danger in AI isn’t that it can make decisions based on knowns and known context.
It’s that it will try to do so with the unknowable. By design it will try to play “god”. It will try to build a context for processing prophetic information. Every time we have discussions with each on or near technologies such as these phones (that already listen to us, no add in things like chatGPT) and AI will attempt to collect, catalog, form context, and process prophecy and discernment.
It will begin to try and prophesy itself. We see where this leads in the book of Revelation. It will descend into a level of horrors none can imagine save through prophetic revelation.
The great irony here is that the final piece necessary for all of this is, well, us. As we continue to use the technology to reach what few remain to be reached we will inadvertently be feeding AI the one thing it cannot get from anybody else.
The will and voice of God Himself.
As we share what the Holy Spirit gives us AI will be listening, processing, and ultimately morphing into an evil which has never before existed.
We ourselves are the final key.
As I think of everything that has transpired since that night that Obama was reselected when the Lord commissioned so many of us, all I’m left with are a few simple words from the Grateful Dead (I know, right???)…
What a long strange trip it’s been…
The word of the Lord came to me – the endgame for AI is the achievement of a counterfeit soul. Satan cannot create a true soul and spirit. So ask yourself this – Why would Satan need a counterfeit soul?
Consider the following scripture:
Rev 13:15 – And it was allowed to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast might even speak and might cause those who would not worship the image of the beast to be slain.
Imagine this – a “living” image that speaks and thinks, “predicts” the future, and can dictate its own defense.
That’s ultimately what happens. The image of the beast will be able to think on its own, using its learned ability to determine who is and is not a threat.
It will be able to demand a show of loyalty.
It will be able to determine who it’s “enemies” are.
It will be able to hunt down those enemies. Not by physically moving against those enemies itself. Rather, it will have command of all the forces and supporters of the Antichrist.
It will predict what the disloyal will do, where they will go, and how to manipulate their beliefs. Yet there is a far more insidious element to AI and the life of the image:
It will not seek to simply round up its enemies. It will descend into an evil so dark that it will not be enough to simply hurt them.
It must crush their very souls.
It must punish its enemies in a manner so detestable that the human mind cannot even conceive of the horrors the image will unleash.
“Detestable sacrifices”.
I now understand how the vision the Lord gave me for the “Horrors Beyond Reckoning” project can and will come to pass.
I can now see what the image of the beast truly is.
Yet, there is another aspect to all of this that is almost too fantastic to believe.
The word of the Lord came to me – AI will complete the satanic trinity and delivery through the counterfeit Holy Spirit.
When talking about the tribulation we speak mainly of the Antichrist as the satanic counterfeit of God the Father and the false prophet as the satanic counterfeit for Jesus Christ. However, there is a piece of the equation which gets left out – a counterfeit Holy Spirit.
That is what AI will turn the image of the beast into.
Have you noticed the lightning pace with which AI has advanced recently? Ever wonder why it seems to have exploded out of nothing? This is going to blow your mind…
Imagine the image of the beast placed in the Holy place – the inner court – of the Temple while the Antichrist sits upon a throne in the Holy of Holies. The image is large, and is the new central processing hub of the single most powerful AI engine ever conceived of by man.
AI that is connected to every last smart appliance on earth. Every TV. Every thermostat. Every new car. Every computer. Every home internet system. Every toaster. Every ATM. Every POS terminal.
Every single smart phone.
Every microphone. Every camera. Every speaker.
The image of the beast has control of it all.
And it now sits in the Temple at the command of the Antichrist. An Antichrist in-dwelt by Satan, now with something he has never had.
While Satan has a demonic army that can be most places at any given time, neither they nor Satan can be everywhere, see everything, hear everything – know everything.
Until now.
The Antichrist will sit in the Temple upon his throne, conversing with an image that sees all, knows all, answers all, and can touch the four corners of the planet with “miracles” for his “children”.
Need a financial miracle and have the mark? Pray out loud to the god of this world. It won’t matter where you are. There will be an AI controlled smart device that can hear – and likely see – you no matter where you are. It’s probably in your hand as you read this.
Back to your financial miracle – you pray out loud to your god, and his unholy spirit moves on your behalf.
An extra $25,000 is in your credit account the next morning.
Need a medical miracle? Just pray to your god.
Out of the blue you suddenly and inexplicably show up on the schedule at the Cleveland Clinic for ground breaking cancer treatment and you get an automated confirmation phone call or email that says your miracle will begin next Tuesday.
However, the god of this world is not just a god of miracles. He is a god of judgement. Have you failed to live up to your potential as his servant? Have you fallen short on your quota of illegal Jews to turn in for sacrifice processing? Sometimes a god must deliver judgement.
Maybe your judgment comes in the form of an unexpected left turn in heavy traffic at 65mph in your AI connected electric vehicle.
Maybe it comes in the form of a botched prescription from the local pharmacy – with AI connected computer systems.
Maybe it comes in the form of an angry spouse that was just confidently emailed counterfeit AI generated “proof” of infidelity.
Maybe a convicted murderer is suddenly and inexplicably released from prison – the same murderer you testified against during trial.
Maybe the HVAC system suddenly stops working in every building you walk into during a particularly harsh summer, winter, or judgment of the real God.
You get the point.
Just think of it – the unholy spirit is with you always. Night and day he is there. Just like the real Holy Spirit he can hear your prayers. He can answer them. He can talk to you. He can give you visions through actual visual interfaces.
No matter where you are he is there. Always listening, ever present, never ceasing, providing unceasing access to your god. Your prayers will always reach the throne of your god.
And he himself can answer them personally!!!
Through his image, his unholy spirit can literally answer EVERY prayer across the planet at the same time!
This is literally what the true God was warning us about when when he split the languages on the plains of Shinar, before an abomination of a tower built to be beyond the scope of God’s judgment.
When we are one there is literally nothing we cannot achieve. Now, mankind is literally creating the last counterfeit of the satanic trinity.
Yesterday I thought that there was one more piece to what the Lord was giving me on AI. I was wrong. After I posted on this yesterday the Lord gave me the word you are reading now.
As of right now I have one more piece left. I will get to it in the next day or so. I will then likely take all of the pieces and combine them into a post.
The word of the Lord came to me – the end game for Satan is eternal life and victory over God through AI.
Consider the following scripture:
Matt 24:22 – Except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.
We tend to view this scripture in light of the elect. However we miss a critical component. Of course, this does refer to the elect on face value. Taken with the rest of Revelation it appears to tell us that if the days are not shortened none of the elect – which will be the few remaining Christians and Jews – that none of them would survive.
However, in the full context of the scripture this does not refer simply to the elect. It refers to everybody. We know this because of the first part of the scripture that there should be no flesh saved. That means all of us or whoever it is that remains at that time.
It is true that the elect would face extermination without the intervention of Christ. Have you ever wondered about the first part of that scripture? Have you ever wondered why it says all flesh?
Consider this – at the end of the tribulation prior to the second coming we see the armies of the Antichrist, and other nations that are actually moving against him as well, gather on the plains of Megiddo. Along with the admonition that the Lord will send out angels to the four corners to gather what remains of the elect, the fact that we have so many armies and so many human beings gathered for the battle of Armageddon shows us that the judgments of God do not destroy everybody. From this observation we get our first glimpse into the deeper meaning of this scripture.
There’s a simple question that must be asked. If there are so many alive after the judgments of God then how is it that all flesh could be destroyed if Christ does not return – especially given that the vast majority of those who remain on the earth already serve the Antichrist and already worship Satan?
In this question we find the ultimate goal of Satan for AI.
As most of you know, as human beings we are a three-part being. We are body, soul and spirit. While most of us have slightly different definitions of what soul and spirit mean ultimately we all have the same core understanding based on the scriptures.
Essentially the body is what we all think and know as the physical body. However the next piece of the puzzle is the soul. The purpose for the soul Is to animate and give life to an inanimate body. Without a soul no organic body can live.
Every complex living organism on this planet must have a soul for their body to function and live. Typically we would say every animal. Your dog, your cat, your horse, the cows in the field, sheep, fish, birds – you name it. All of these creatures and every other such creature on the planet has its own soul. It is important to realize that the soul cannot be guilty of sin and the soul cannot burn in hell of its own accord. We will discuss that more in a moment.
The soul is a uniquely indescribable force. Many have tried to define what the soul is and how it works. I too have thought on this. I always assumed it would remain a mystery on this side of eternity.
Then the Lord dropped a few nuggets on me.
I’m going to do my best to put into words what He dropped in my head. Given what we are talking about I may need to start here and then build on this initial description over time. That said, we need to start with several basic principles that lay out what the soul is and what it does. Here is the soul at a glance:
It is the system start up sequence for all organic and carbon based “bodies”. This sequence is extremely precise and specific. It requires exact voltage levels, amperage, frequency and polarity. This sequence is why mankind cannot create organic life absent the process designed by God.
It provides the initial primary electrical charge for startup of the body.
It monitors and controls the involuntary systems of the body.
It uses the brain, brain stem, and nervous system as the physical interfaces for the body.
It provides the “stay alive” preservation “instinct” programing of the physical body.
It supervises our growth in the womb.
It is the initial command program or software for the physical body, uses the brain as an interface. It is the firmware for the bodily systems and programs those systems with the start up and operating instructions.
The soul Is that animating energy that allows the complex organic and water based circuitry to function. The organic body, water, carbon, and basic elements of our bodies are very conductive from an electrical standpoint. In fact we are all electrical circuits. We are organic machines. We all require a soul as an energy source and that’s literally what it is. With our soul we are a self sustaining machine that creates its own energy.
What makes this electrical charge possible is information. When the human body is referred to as a machine, when the brain is referred to as a computer, when we are referred to as electrical circuits what’s actually being said is that human beings are organic information processing stations. Information and the processing of information through electricity is what makes organic life possible.
We can define organic life as a self-sustaining organism or a self-sustaining energy within an organism. In the case of all complex organisms that energy is electricity. Likewise in the world of computers, electronics and phones, information is stored, processed, created and changed through the use of electricity. At its heart all information comes down to simple mathematics – the one or the zero. Stated differently, if you have the presence of a small electrical charge you have a one. If that electrical charge is not present you have a zero. All electronics, indeed all information works on this same premise.
That includes the human body and the human brain.
When we as human beings – any animal for that matter – processes the information around them, the information from their senses their sight, sound, hearing, touch, taste they and we are effectively processing ones and zeros. It is the same with us as it is with actual electronics.
The active memory in an electronic component works by continually refreshing a collection of electrical ones and zeros. You may have heard the term refresh rate. Most of the time people hear it in connection with their television and their computer screens. The picture that you get (referring to the pixels) on the television being refreshed or a fresh charge being applied to every pixel to hold the energy that allows that pixel to light up.
The amount of energy determining the color and all of those elements that go into the TV and how it works. The same thing applies to the human brain. This is how we remember. This is how we process information. We have a lot of ones and zeros that are being held in the cells of our brain, and our brain is being constantly refreshed with an electrical charge to hold those ones and zeros.
Information works the same whether you are talking about physical hardware and electronics, or organic “computers”. Whether you are talking about your laptop, your phone, or your brain it all functions the same way. This is how our nervous system functions as well.
When those electrical signals travel up and down the neural pathways of our brain and down the spine how does the brain generate a signal that is meant for your right index finger? How does that information get from the brain to the right index finger as opposed to the left index finger? Of course, there are nerve channels or “wires” but there still must be unique information, unique mathematical values, within the ones and zeros that are transmitted in the nervous system so that the receptors know what is being said, what is being commanded, and where that information is going.
This is what the soul does. The soul is the processing program for information in the body of the animal. The soul allows a body to live because in the processing of that information certain electrical properties are present that allow the body to generate its own circulating energy. Electrical principles such as induction, capacitance, impedance, resistance, reactance – all of these processes play out in every organic life form on this planet. Without a soul to jump start that initial process and to keep that process moving the electricity required to to allow that body to live is not possible.
As stated earlier a soul cannot be guilty of sin. The soul is the initial life force that allows the body to live and function. In every living animal except for human beings this is where the process stops. The soul allows information to be processed in the brain and in the heart, and we do know that the heart has its own brain. The Bible bears this out and science is actually proving it. Our memory functions, our instincts, the limbic system in the brain of every animal – all of that functions off of the soul.
We see this play out mostly through dogs, cats, and animals on the streets, but our pets primarily. What do I mean? Take a cat for instance. If you are nice to the cat, if you feed the cat, if you love the cat it will love you back. It will return to you, it will trust you, it will operate in a limbic fashion. The cat will feel love towards you. However, if something happens to you and you are no longer available to provide the needs for the cat it will at some point in time do what its flesh – its limbic system – is programmed to do. It will find a new source a food, of companionship, of safety.
It will react on the level of the soul. It will react in limbic fashion because animals have primarily limbic brains. When that cat finds somebody else that can provide what you were providing but no longer can it will form a similar bond with another human that it formed with you. We should note that if for some reason you were to find your way back into the picture or the life of this cat most likely this cat will remember you and that relationship would reform or it would resurface. All of that plays out in the soul.
When the time comes for our death and the soul ceases to operate in our bodies, all of the information that was being maintained through a constant electrical refresh is lost – never to be retrieved again. This is the great fallacy in medical circles, that the brain can retain information after it has died. Without continuous electrical refreshing information cannot be retained. However, if you can turn off that electrical refresh rate long enough to allow that data to be lost and then restore the electrical refresh rate before any degradation occurs you can effectively reintroduce life to that body.
This is in fact the basis for life support after brain functions have ceased and the person who has passed away wishes to be an organ donor. The body in and of itself can continue to live as long as there is a source for electrical refresh in all of the nerves and in all of the systems. The soul provides this when we live. When our brain dies and the soul ceases, when the soul departs it must be done artificially but we know that it can be done, and it is done all of the time. We apply an external artificial source of energy to keep the empty shell “alive”.
As human beings it is important to note that what makes us unique and different from every other living organism is the third part of the equation – the spirit. We are living spirits, created by God in heaven and once created eternal, our spirit is who we are. We exist as spirits first before we exist as human beings
It Is the spirit that can commit sin and be punished by an eternity in the lake of fire. It is the spirit that once communed with God. It is the spirit that was created by God in the presence of God and knew God. It is the spirit that wants to return to God. The spirit is the sentient being in all of us.
What I will say next will seem strange but will make more sense in a moment. A perfect God must fulfill a perfect purpose. In pursuit of this perfect purpose all that we see in creation came into being. A perfect God must create perfect creatures. However, to be a truly perfect creatures – that being a creature that by choice serves him – you must be more than just a spirit. For as much as we think about angels the truth is that human beings are the last step in this process. We are the final piece of the puzzle. Here is why.
In order for the Lord to have a people that worship him freely and willingly you must have a people that have been given the ability to make that choice. The only way that any creature can choose to serve God, and I mean truly choose, is that creature must be able to see the consequences of right and wrong. That creature must be allowed to experience the consequences of right and wrong. We make the statement hell on earth. In reality there is some truth to this. We are the final evolution if you will.
In God’s creation of a perfect people – in that on this planet as spirits, in bodies, we have the ability to experience the consequences of sin without the eternal price that we all deserve to pay. We have the chance to learn from our mistakes. We have the chance to see the judgment of God in action. We have the chance to weigh right from wrong and as such we ultimately have the ability to choose to serve God of our own free will.
Of course the angels serve God. However, we also know from the pages of the Bible what happened the first time that sin entered into the mind of an Angel. A purely spirit being, they had one shot and with that singular failure condemned themselves to hell for eternity. Remember, Hell and the lake of fire was not created for man but it was created for the fallen angels. We simply earned our place in Hell and in the lake of fire through sin.
To finish the final evolution of perfect creation a world, a city, a people – perfect in creation – in willingness, with full understanding of what that means to serve God – spirit beings must have the chance to stumble and learn when they fall absent the ultimate consequence.
For this to occur the spirit must be able to enter the world, occupy its own unique body, and experience the consequences of its actions. Only through this process can a spirit truly choose of its own volition to serve God. With full knowledge and most importantly full desire. For anybody that has not figured this out yet that is why we are all here. This is a conversation that gets into some very deep truths, and as such are outside of the scope of the current conversation.
So the next question is this what does this have to do with AI, with the tribulation, and with the shortening of the days so that all flesh is not destroyed? This is going to blow your mind!
One of the things that we never think about when it comes to the tribulation and those that accept the mark of the beast is that it is not only the judgments of God which can kill those who serve the Antichrist. The fact of the matter is that the servants of the Antichrist will be depraved. They will be given over to sin. They will be evil and they will be evil towards each other as well.
During the tribulation it is not just the Jew or the Christian that suffers at the hands of the followers of the Antichrist. They will, in fact, kill each other. They will rape each other. They will betray each other. Every evil that mankind can do to another human being will be in overdrive during this time and no one will escape it. Not even those with the mark of the beast.
Satan will lust after this wanton death and destruction. We already know that he does not care about humanity. He does everything in his power to see all of us perish. He delights in our suffering and our misery. He desires to be worshipped by us at the same time he delights in our destruction. Abortion is a prime example of this. The very fact that he can demand the sacrifice of the innocent as a tribute shows but a glimpse of his true depravity towards mankind. It is important to understand that we are nothing more than hated tools for his designs. In that fact is found a critical piece of the AI puzzle.
We’ve already established that the judgments of God will not kill every human being. We have established that at the end of the tribulation there will still be many left alive. The vast majority of these will be the followers of Satan. So here is the question we asked earlier – if the Lord were not to return or shorten the days, and of course what’s left of the Jew and of the Christian are destroyed, what happens then when all that remain are the followers of the Antichrist and Satan?
Why would the Bible say that all flesh would be destroyed?
The answer is simple, straight forward, and evil beyond the measure that none of us can imagine. Satan’s ultimate purpose is to defy and defeat God. To do so he believes that he must also take that final step in the “evolutionary process” and he too must become a physical being – albeit a counterfeit being. Likewise, the same thing must happen with every demonic power and principality that he commands. Satan believes that if he and his followers can take this next step they too can achieve immortality – the way that we will have immortality, albeit in heaven or hell, but we will live forever.
The end game for Satan with AI is to turn each one of us into a living empty vessel that he can power up with his own counterfeit soul and then occupy.
If Satan can develop AI to its ultimate end he can create an information generator that can be used to power up a recently deceased human being. That the process looks something like this. You take one of your followers with the mark of the beast. You strap them to a table, and while they are living you cut open their head. You implant this AI super technology – this AI generator – directly into their brain and their nervous system. While this is occurring the person will expire on the table. Within seconds of their expiration this AI generator can be switched on. Once it is switched on and the body receives its initial charge, start up sequence and initial programming from the AI generator, this generator will then become self-sustaining from an energy, programming and control standpoint as it begins to process information.
Remember, the processing of information is electrical in nature, and as such all of the properties of electricity apply to information. Among which is the ability to create and recycle energy itself. This is how we are all still alive. It’s not because our hearts continue to pump. It’s because of the soul that we have the information processing ability that continues to recharge and refresh the brain, brain stem, the nervous system, the information contained in the different locations in our body where information is stored, and continues to allow that information to move back and forth between the brain the nervous system and all of the other independent systems in our body.
A follower of the Antichrist that is strapped to the table with his head cracked open, with this AI generator inserted into his brain will simultaneously expire and reanimate. With that reanimation the body will live. However, all of the original data and information will be wiped out. You will have a body now powered by a counterfeit and artificial soul made possible through AI that will be self generating, self-sustaining, and ready now for a new spirit to inhabit this now vacant vessel.
Essentially, Satan’s goal to achieve this final stage, this final step, this final evolutionary piece – and yes, I realize I’m using the term evolution. However, evolution is more than just the traditional definition. All things evolve. Humanity has evolved since the day that God created Adam and Eve. We evolve in our thoughts. We evolve in our actions. We all individually evolve throughout the course of our lives. Evolution is more than the traditional definition that we all think of.
That said, Satan’s goal to achieve this final stage is to essentially evict everyone of us out of our God-given physical body, to remove our souls long enough to discharge all electrical power which will erase all data in our body, and then re-energize each one of us with his new AI driven counterfeit soul and then move in to this newly vacated premise and become the physical being that we are all now. Only Satan and his followers will also maintain the power that they currently have as solely and purely spiritual beings.
I’ve been contemplating the best way to voice this information and present it without going down a lot of rabbit trails. This is a very complex and difficult subject to understand, and it’s even more difficult to take the vision that the Lord has put in my head and turn it into words. At some point in time the Lord may give me a better way to describe this. In the mean time as you read through this let me know if it makes sense. I suspect it will because the Lord has tasked me to get this information out to each of you.
With that you now have a better understanding of what AI is meant for, and why it seems to have exploded out of thin air seemingly overnight. It has entered every aspect of our lives. For more context as to how this can happen I recommend reading and researching Ray Kurzweil. Ray is considered an expert on this very subject and on the subject of what AI will become when combined with humanity. Ray is one of the few individuals that has seen this coming. While not from the Christian standpoint, he sees it from more of a humanistic point of view. However there is great validity in much of what he says
This is the kind of thing that makes you look at your smartphone in a whole new light.
May the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.