This is the order of events before the tribulation:
1. The rapture.
2. War with Israel.
The minor conflicts (if they have not occurred prior to the rapture):
Psalms 83, Isaiah chapters 13 through 21, Zechariah chapters 12 through 14.
Some of these minor conflicts will most likely occur prior to the rapture. They will most likely set the stage for what transpires after the rapture ravages the earth.
The Bible does not set the specific timing, other than these events are end times prophecy.
War of Gog / Magog: Ezekiel 38 and 39.
This is a full nuclear, biological and chemical war. This war will brings the next two plagues. Israel will experience a miraculous victory.
The Islamic armies suffer an 83 percent casualty rate. Collapse of what remains of European and western economies. Russia and China sustain economic damage but to a lesser degree.
3. The Muslim controlled economies remain strong.
4. Global famines and food shortages.
Inflation skyrockets across the globe as single meals cost an entire day’s wages. Crops requiring pollination by bees fail as the bee population falls. Olive trees and grape vineyards remain unaffected.
5. After the defeat of Islam at the hands of Israel, Muslims worldwide revolt. Hundreds of millions of Muslims set upon anyone they deem as enemy. The death toll in Europe, North America and South America reach levels never before seen in all of world history. They will force conversion on all that they encounter. Those that fail to convert are executed.
6. What food supplies that remain fall victim to plague and disease. The global supply of meat reaches a level of contamination that kills multiplied millions. This adds to the millions that perish from the outright famine that began with the wars in Israel.
7. In a matter of a few short days one quarter (2.5 billion) of the world’s population has been exterminated from the combined effects of the six prior calamities.
** What has transpired to this point are the first five seals of Revelation chapter 6. This has occurred in the space of about 14 days since the rapture.
8. A great global earthquake erupts. Also, the sun will darken in an eclipse of Biblical proportions. There shall be a moon of blood red and stars shall fall in the sky.
9. The earthquake is so massive that every mountain upon earth and island in the seas shall be moved.
10. Terror from these events of nature spreads globally. Across the planet mankind takes to underground shelters and bunkers for fear of the things to come.
This is the opening of the sixth seal.
Up until this point Christians have been warning anybody that would listen. Left behind Christians realized almost immediately that the rapture had occurred.
They have been denounced at every turn for warnings against the seven year treaty. They spoke even as they were hunted down and murdered for their faith. They warned of the coming wrath of Jesus Christ. They spoke so loudly that none could escape their words.
The death toll and destruction from the combined natural disasters brings mankind to admit that which the Christians spoke – that the wrath of Jesus Christ is now at hand.
It is a revelation that many will turn their backs upon soon enough – to the eternal loss of their souls.
11. Emergency meetings are convened to broker peace between Israel and her enemies.
Israel sits poised to strike the heart of Mecca after retaking her Biblical borders.
Islamic states vow to terrorize Israel in retaliation for the humiliating defeat. They vow to strike Israel with every last man, woman and child that bows before Allah. Secular Jews stand ready to deal to make the conflicts stop.
They will capitulate to a two-state solution, including Jerusalem. The Israeli government gives up Temple plans.
Israel will surrender much of its military power in a show of “faith”.
12. A seven year peace accord emerges quickly at the hands of a politician that is hailed as the “man that saved the world” and the man that “restored peace”.
This politician was the secret catalyst for the wars that occurred in the first place.
It was this politician that manipulated the Muslim nations into war. It is this politician that now promises these same Muslim nations victory. For their loyalty he vows to conquer Israel and capture Jerusalem. Our politician is a secret Muslim.
13. On what will be hailed as the dawn of a new order the peace accord will be signed.
This is the seventh seal.
So begins the wrath of the Lamb – the first 42 months of the tribulation.
Here is the listing of scriptural references:
Matthew 24:36-51 and 25:1-30
Mark 13:32-37
Luke 17:24-37
1 Corinthians 15:23-26
1 Thessalonians 5:1-11
Revelations 4:1 and 6:1-17
Zechariah 1:7-10, 3:1-8, 6:1-8 and 14:12-15
Haggai 2:6-9 and 2:21-23
Joel 2:1-11, 2:15-17, 2:20, 2:30-32 and 3:14-15
Daniel 2:41-43, 7:20, 23, 8:9, 23-25, 9:27 and 11:21-23
Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39
Psalms 83
Isaiah 2:19-21 and chapters 13 through 21
Exodus 19:15-20
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